Sweet tooth



  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,329 Member
    There is nothing wrong with having treats, as long as you are getting enough nutrients and staying within your calorie goals. If you can fit them, no need to feel guilty or like you are doing it wrong.

    On the other hand, many people find that when they consistently have trouble sticking to appropriate portions, or are experiencing persistent and intrusive cravings, an "out of sight, out of mind" approach helps. It may mean keeping the foods hidden, or keeping them out of the house, or even resolving to go without them for a period of time.
  • st476
    st476 Posts: 357 Member
    I'm the same way, someone mentioned this already but try Arctic zero if you can afford it! Some are only 150 calories/pint and it's not as good as Ben and Jerrys but you get to eat a whole pint for only 150 calories so it works for me. The dark chocolate peanut butter kind bars are really good too, or get chocolate rice cakes and put PB2 on it (powdered peanut butter that you mix with water and it makes peanut butter that actually tastes real for only 45 calories for 2 tablespoons, which is really low compared to the calories in actual peanut butter)
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Yes, I do in fact have a big ol' problem with that. sugar free pudding cups, strawberries, frozen bananas in the food processor, single squares of uberdark chocolate are my main ways to handle this.
  • RAinWA
    RAinWA Posts: 1,980 Member
    I always want a sweet after dinner. Fudgsicle no sugar added fudge pops are 40 calories a serving-I found them on sale for $1 a box and bought a whole bunch of them. Totally hit my sweet craving after dinner.
  • lauraesh0384
    lauraesh0384 Posts: 463 Member
    I fit sweets into my calorie goal whether it be a Special K Brownie or Fiber One Oatmeal Raisin cookie. To some people it's junk food, but I don't care. It helps keep me sane and not feeling like I'm on a "diet". All food in moderation. :)
  • DVall30
    DVall30 Posts: 28 Member
    Just hit the cardio or weights a little harder that day to "earn" that snack. Its life so dont beat yourself up about it just make sure your next meal is healthier
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    edited June 2016
    I have a massive sweet tooth as well, and cutting out all sweets throws me off my diet faster than anything. I recently discovered an awesome sweet treat:

    8oz container of Cool Whip Light, thawed
    3TB cocoa powder

    Sift the cocoa powder into the Cool Whip and stir until completely blended. It makes a chocolate mousse that's super satisfying while being very low in calories.

    MFP tells me that 4TB of this mixture is about 40 calories, and that's enough to satiate my craving. You can cut down the calories/fat even more by going with the sugar-free or fat-free versions of Cool Whip but 1. I can't have artificial sweeteners and 2. that little bit of fat makes it more satisfying, IMO.
  • Alarae21
    Alarae21 Posts: 171 Member
    I'm a sweet lover and if I denied myself all things deliciously sugar I would end up eventually going on a binge.

    I purchase treat size versions of various chocolates/Chocolate biscuits that are around 100 kcal each. That's pretty much a 15 minute walk, and I walk for 30 minutes at lunch, so it cancels itself out.

    I have a chocolate drawer at work for munchies. It's wonderful. I can grab a small pack of whatever I fancy knowing it's a small calorie intake and I'll burn it off easily with my walk anyway :)
  • ritzcrk
    ritzcrk Posts: 5 Member
    I am a true sugar addict. There is no moderation for me so I gave it all up. I would buy two big bags of chocolates and it would be gone the next day. My husband had to hide sweets from me so he could have some. If it wasn't in the house, I would go out and buy it. I would swap all meals for desserts. One month in and 12 lbs dropped. It's not for everyone but as an addict I have to do this for me as I watched my fathers health recently deteriorate due to a bad diet and not dealing with his diabetes. Being in a hospital with my dad for three weeks awaiting numerous surgeries made me really want to be healthy versus just loosing the weight. I watched a really great piece on sugar by Dr. Robert Ludwig called Sugar, The Bitter Truth and it has put things into perspective for me. I think you just have to do what works for you and feel good about your decision.