How often do you weigh yourself?

I have a scale in my room and sometimes weigh myself multiple times a day. I know your weight fluctuates with a lot and it doesn't necessarily mean weight gain but I sometimes just like to see how much water/food effects the number on the scale. I have cut down now to once a day for accountability but might go back to once a week. How about you guys?


  • Veryana
    Veryana Posts: 122 Member
    edited June 2016
    I weigh every day in morning to see how my weight is but log it 1-2 times a week only. And check in evening how much the food I ate has affected my weight but that's also just curiosity and won't have anything to do with logging. There's no real need to weigh that often but I just want to know stuff :smile:
  • chulamichoakana
    chulamichoakana Posts: 2 Member
    Every Friday I weigh my self
  • distinctlybeautiful
    distinctlybeautiful Posts: 1,041 Member
    I'm like you.. I do it more than once a day out of curiosity, but I only track the weight I get first thing in the morning. I write that in a sort of goal journal I keep, but the only weight I log on MFP is the one I get from the place that tests my body composition. I only go there every three months.
  • ScotsLass78
    ScotsLass78 Posts: 248 Member
    I only weigh myself once a week, every Friday morning. I know I'd get too obsessed if I did it more. I have some friends on here who now only weigh in once a'd be nice to see a big loss in one go, but I think doing it once a week makes me more aware and accountable.
  • teecesay
    teecesay Posts: 5 Member
    Once a month
  • MeganMcK11
    MeganMcK11 Posts: 117 Member
    I have a problem with the scale. I always have really high expectations and have been known to just outright quit altogether with my weight loss journey because I got so depressed for only losing 1 lb or so after a month of eating healthier and exercising (in my mind anyway). So I only weigh now once a month when I go to the Dr. And having him to be accountable to helps me focus better during the month on counting correctly and saying no to those things that my calorie budget can't afford.
  • dancing_daisy
    dancing_daisy Posts: 162 Member
    Also do it a on Friday! Any reason other people picked Friday morning too??
  • JessiBelleW
    JessiBelleW Posts: 822 Member
    I used to jump on every now and again. at the moment I'm losing weight very quickly, so check most mornings. If I am down, I feel happy, if not it helps me recommit to another day of great eating :) I imagine as I get closer to goal, and add back in heavy workouts I will slow down and won't want to check as often
  • Jeyradan
    Jeyradan Posts: 164 Member
    Every Friday morning before breakfast. Any more than that, and the numbers fluctuate too much to be reliable. (I mean, that's even true to a certain degree of weekly weigh-ins.) Also, I know I have a tendency toward obsession, so this limits it.
  • ScotsLass78
    ScotsLass78 Posts: 248 Member
    Also do it a on Friday! Any reason other people picked Friday morning too??

    I like having the week to undo any damage done at the weekend! :)
  • indiacaitlin
    indiacaitlin Posts: 691 Member
    I weigh myself far too much, sometimes multiple times a day as well. I'm actually considering getting rid of my scales because I know the numbers are not the be all and end all. Trying to maybe cut back to once a week or even once a month!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Once a month or so.
  • paul_smith83
    paul_smith83 Posts: 21 Member
    edited June 2016
    I tend to weigh myself once a week, at the sametime every week, for me is Sunday morning before my shower when i wake up. It means you get a more average weekly reading than every couple of days. That way if i have a big sunday meal it will hopefully be lost before i weigh myself the next week.
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Also do it a on Friday! Any reason other people picked Friday morning too??

    I like having the week to undo any damage done at the weekend! :)

    ^^^^^ THIS!

    I log my weight every morning in the Happy Scale app and on an Excel spreadsheet so I can play with the numbers and make pretty graphs, but only log it in MFP once a week (on Fridays of course).
  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    I do it every morning. It keeps me motivated, and it also keeps me from obsessing over the numbers as backward as that sounds.

    When I see the number on the scale go up by two pounds I am able to say to myself "self...did you eat 7000 extra calories last night?" I couldn't do that over a week or two...definitely not over a month!
  • lisalewis7588
    lisalewis7588 Posts: 76 Member
    I used to do every Friday morning (I guess that's a popular day!) but a couple of months ago I started using the Libra app and now I weigh every day and input it in the app. I still only update MFP every 1-2 weeks with my Friday weights as normal, but I actually really like the daily logging in Libra--after you have logged for a month or so, it REALLY shows you how minimal the daily fluctuations are in the big picture. I don't even worry about the individual numbers anymore, just my trend line!

    I know that daily weighing doesn't work for everyone, but the daily weighing helped me get over those (sometimes wild) daily fluctuations and know I'm still on track!
  • _m0lly
    _m0lly Posts: 900 Member
    I normally weigh myself every Saturday morning, first thing.
    However, sometimes I jump on the scales mid-week before work to see how I'm getting on, even though I probably shouldn't!
  • k8mcminn
    k8mcminn Posts: 49 Member
    Every morning. It keeps me aware of progress but I do not beat myself up for the normal daily fluctuations.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Depends on the person but I'll generally recommend daily followed by averaging it over a week and comparing week to week averages.
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    I like to track my self every morning but you have to do what works best for you.