What would you do about this rule breaker?



  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    I would just report it and leave it at that. You just can't teach some people...
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    Thanks all. Sadly this may be her own dog. She seems to not care at all. After her dog antagonized the bigger leashed Great Dane, she walked past the bench I was sitting at hoping for that prime pic of her not holding the leash. I over heard her say to her dog, "Oh, he was a big fresh dog" Her dog provoked things but the Great Dane in her mind was at fault.
    Amazingly that she was holding the leash at that point in her walk
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    Two weeks ago I ran on the beach promenade in the evening past an unleashed dog who suddenly jumped at me, threw me over and kept on biting in my running jacket. The owner was just standing there, shouting that the dog's not doing anything. Great! At least this encounter gave me the adrenaline to run the last 3km at a very good pace. Stupid owner!

    So sorry to hear that. Don't you just love the owners that shout "oh, he's friendly!" As their dog is barreling towards you looking as if it may chew your face off. I was chased by a dog in high school I had to climb a tree to avoid. It scared me and stuck with me.

    I guess I just attract weirdos. A few months ago it was a wave if Jehovas Witnesses approaching me in stores, while grocery shopping and one while I was running at a park near our local hospital.

    My face just must say "Welcome weirdos, feel free to bother me today."
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Let your dog off the leash so she/he can play with the other dog and get it over with. Move to a different schedule, or location. Don't use her services. Tell all your friends not to either. Volunteer to become your town's dog by-law officer and gain the legal authority to fine her. Or a combination of all the above.

    This is not a dog who plays. He will hear you coming 50 feet behind him and turn around and run towards you to antagonize your leashed dog. I have had to get in the middle of my dog hiding behind me and this dog all the while shouting at this woman.

    I think I am just going to get pictures, report her, and even post the pictures large blown up poster size on the message board at the park entry saying this feisty dog is uncontrolled by its owner. Please be aware they think this is their backyard. Feel free to report her to Animal control.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    mom23nuts wrote: »
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    I may have been bothered in another lifetime.. Now I am older and do not care.

    People are going to do what they feel they want to, just like you felt compelled to turn her in. No difference. People are weird and indifferent and unless a person is breaking the law, hurting themselves or proving they are there to put direct harm to others, leave it be.. Can't do a thing to change nobody,,

    Its wasted energy on your part in my honest opinion.. and you are still wasting energy by stewing over it by this post.. I do not mean to be snarkie in the least, but people are just people and most of them are weird and cannot be understood by their behaviors.

    Keep doing your thing..ignore it.. unless she is there to hurt you or others. Keep walking you and your dog where ever you feel like. If she bothers you, go somewhere else.

    I know you are not being snarky, neither am I but isn't your stance just a way to advcate for anarchy? This is a beautiful place. Or was...recently, Kids set a bench on fire, carved a huge prom posal in a big tree. There shouldn't be 200 sets of conduct to accommodate 200 people that use the area.

    Horses from a local farm use the trails, birdwatchers, and this spot even supports an all abilities handicapped trail.

    At times there is even bear, coyote and deer. A bunch of us petitioned to save this place from being bulldozed soccer fields. I hardly think that warrants a do nothing attitude, especially if her dog is a constant menace. The rules are simple and pretty much agreed upon.

    Oddly, animal control said, do whatever you need to do to keep yourself and your pet safe especially if we are the ones in the right.

    Yikes, do you have this relaxed stance on everything, crime, car accidents, drinking and driving as long as it didn't hurt anyone? Why would go somewhere else in my own town when she is not even from here?.

    I guess I don't get that logic. Basically it shouts, don't rock the boat or let it bother you and if it does vacate over addressing things. Turn tail and run is not how I live life or lessons to pass to my kids. I get not letting it escalate, but to bail doesn't seem like a middle ground either.

    I agree with the OP. Why should you be forced out of a public place when someone else is breaking the rules? If it were me I'd keep reporting it. Obviously your first report got a response. Maybe the second will too. And I would warn other dog owners. If more people report her or say something to her maybe she'll actually pick up that leash.
  • therealklane
    therealklane Posts: 2,172 Member
    You don't mess with me or my dog. I'd absolutely report them. Over and over and over until someone does something. As soon as another dog gets hurt, it's too late. If her dog gets hurt, still too late AND she's going to blame everyone but herself because ultimately it's her fault for being a crappy owner - not the dog. Nah. I don't play that game. Does your city have leash laws?
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    ziggy2006 wrote: »
    Rottified wrote: »
    Personally I'd carry a big old stick and swing when that dog comes your way.

    I've kicked and swung at all sorts of dogs that come at me when I'm out for a walk, I won't and no one should have to wait until they're knocked down or bit.

    You are very lucky to have not been bitten if kicking and swinging at dogs. I would never recommend following this dangerous advice. Small dogs, especially a breed like a JRT, are prone to fear-based aggression. An aggressive act, such as swinging a stick or kicking at the dog, is not going to deescalate the situation. JRT's are that heroic breed that have been known to take on a pack of pit bulls attacking a human child - they will most likely easily dodge your stick and increase their aggression toward you. If you do manage to hit the dog, it is possible that you will cause a significant injury to the small animal, who most likely never would have harmed you.

    Swinging and kicking will make a dog that's not serious leave. A few good swings and most dogs leave. But if it wants to harm you there's nothing you can do to persuade it not to. Might as well clear out those that aren't serious.
    Since I lived in an area with many mean dogs. Seriously there's was my rottweiler and my neighbors two pit Bulls and neighbors with hunting dogs that were friendly that was about *kitten* it. Almost all others were flat out mean. Some bit my special needs brother, so me punting them when they came towards me is a he'll of a lot better than what my dad wanted to do.
    Could it make it worse? Possibly, but I have zero problem taking a dog down, I always have something to protect myself. And if the dog comes up to me friendly I won't kick him. I'd check for an address and get it home but that didn't happen often.
    And in my experience that punch or kick puts the dog in its place. My grandpa's devil dog was awful. Made the mistake of biting me one day. One punch and he became the sweetest thing in his house. Regularly woke up to him curled up next to me when he never did that before.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Let your dog off the leash so she/he can play with the other dog and get it over with. Move to a different schedule, or location. Don't use her services. Tell all your friends not to either. Volunteer to become your town's dog by-law officer and gain the legal authority to fine her. Or a combination of all the above.

    Tried the different schedule thing and went at 9:30 not 10:30 and she was there AGAIN! Does this woman live in the park? Maybe! Seriously, I passed by her on my bike. She was walking just the Jack Russell and it was on a HELD leash. She was with 3 friends though. I said Hallelujah your dog is finally on a leash and you are holding the leash and the guy in the 4 some of walkers told me to get a life. I told him just because he is old doesn't mean this is his backyard and he owns the place.

    That is what it is with this woman and her group of walking buddies, THEY think they own the place and they are not going to be told any other wise.

    Seriously though, next time, I root for the bigger dog this pip squeak messes with. Maybe that is what it is going to take for her. That and the snakes are out now sunning themselves, maybe a curious dog roaming is it's own worst enemy.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    jessef593 wrote: »
    A .22 and a water bottle would suffice for the Jack Russell I

    Exactly, scare the crap out of her, which some people seriously need.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    I decided I am not going to get pushed out of my favorite place, but I am going to try for pics and keep a log of when I reported things in case Animal Control drops the ball along the way as well. Just one bite and then Animal Control makes it a police matter anyway so I sort of need to keep track of things so no one can say, "We were never notified"

    There are other dogs that walk off leash there even though it is posted. I don't have any issue with them if they are friendly or with their owner and behaved, but this dog is not well behaved. Oddly, I think my dog is just destined to become lunch. She is just very mild, and focused on going for the walk, she doesn't want to play, wander or be off the leash. She is so goofy even after giving her a bath, and she hears her collar jingle needing to be put back on, she comes running to wait for it to be put back on.

    I think any dog has the potential to be surprised when coming around a blind corner not knowing you were coming their way, but knowing that this dog will turn around and chase you and your dog is just too much.

    Oh well. Maybe I have to try evenings on my bike or with my dog there, but sadly, this woman...just like me...is there a LOT.

    Maybe I should just give here my schedule and say, "How about we avoid each other and you can do whatever the F you want to do with your dog then and good luck to you that you don't have the same issues with another walker/dog here then"

  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    mom23nuts wrote: »
    I decided I am not going to get pushed out of my favorite place, but I am going to try for pics and keep a log of when I reported things in case Animal Control drops the ball along the way as well. Just one bite and then Animal Control makes it a police matter anyway so I sort of need to keep track of things so no one can say, "We were never notified."

    This sounds like a great plan. No one should be forced out of a public place because someone doesn't want to follow the laws.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    I had a dog owner tell me not to walk on his street when I asked him to control his dog who was harassing me. I don't know what's wrong with some people.