New to MFP - can anyone else relate??

fmbarbuto Posts: 131 Member
Hello! I'm new to the MFP world! A friend on the WW community boards suggested MFP - she said it's free and that she found the boards and tools helpful. So I'm hoping it will help!

Turned 40 last July and was in the best shape of my life... a year later and 27lbs heavier I'm back to wearing my size 12's! Can anyone else relate? Looking for some support and new friends! Any boards or threads you can suggest would be great!

Looking forward to starting my new journey!
fran :)


  • timlord
    timlord Posts: 158
    my wife was the same
    now in three months, down from a 16 to a 10
    it's not fad diets or exercise videos, it's common sense
    I trained my wife and she is healthier and fitter,,, still needs to lose some
    but will do it naturally
    if you need help let me know
    I work in the fitness field
  • upnorthtim
    upnorthtim Posts: 376 Member
    Welcome...I've lost 50 lbs with the help of my friends on here. Better than Facebook! Feel free to add me if you want a friend.
  • CarrieTav
    CarrieTav Posts: 1
    Hello, Yes I am new to MFP also. I quit smoking 6 months ago and have decided it is time to lose all the extra weight I have gained. I hear this is a good site to keep track of fitness goals
  • mharbaug
    mharbaug Posts: 9
    I too had joined WW and got down to my goal weight and then bam right back to needing to lose 40 lbs. (at least it took 3 years but still). I have found this sight to be very helpful, especially since all the foods and the calculations are done for you. I'm 41 and trying to lose 23 more pounds and stay with it.

    I know this is helpful for me. Good luck on your journey, one that I'm sure you will be successful at.
  • tairaven
    tairaven Posts: 72 Member
    Hi Fran,

    Welcome! I'm still a bit new here myself. My husband was the one that found this site for me. We had gotten new cell phones and they had an app for this. I used the app for a while here and there before finally logging onto the site. The app has the ability to scan in bar codes of the foods you eat, so you don't have to look it up... AWESOME! I've used other diet sites before but there was always so much time I had to "sit" at the computer (and I do enough of that in my job) that Ijust got tired of having to log everything. Using the phone app has made it not so much of a chore.

    I just turned 41 a month ago, and have been battling the same stubborn 45 lbs. for nearly 15 years, at least. Been up and down, but I'm determined to make this work this time. I'm not getting any younger. This time around I seem to have found that drive that will make it happen. Would love to work on this journey with you!

    ~ diane
  • fmbarbuto
    fmbarbuto Posts: 131 Member
    Hi Fran,

    Welcome! I'm still a bit new here myself. My husband was the one that found this site for me. We had gotten new cell phones and they had an app for this. I used the app for a while here and there before finally logging onto the site. The app has the ability to scan in bar codes of the foods you eat, so you don't have to look it up... AWESOME! I've used other diet sites before but there was always so much time I had to "sit" at the computer (and I do enough of that in my job) that Ijust got tired of having to log everything. Using the phone app has made it not so much of a chore.

    I just turned 41 a month ago, and have been battling the same stubborn 45 lbs. for nearly 15 years, at least. Been up and down, but I'm determined to make this work this time. I'm not getting any younger. This time around I seem to have found that drive that will make it happen. Would love to work on this journey with you!

    ~ diane

    Hello Diane - nice to meet you! I started with on-line MFP and figured I'd add the app to my phone too. Just wanted to get my bearings first! Love the baby picture - so cute! Wish we all looked that young! My photo is from July 2009 - just happens to be one of my favorites - and I hate having my picture taken! Hoping to change that! I can't blame my weight gain on my hair getting longer! LOL!

    Are there any message boards that you've started or find interesting? I'll send you a friend request!

    fran :)
  • CurlyLeslie
    CurlyLeslie Posts: 30 Member
    I have a similar background. Got to my goal weight about 5 years ago with WW and had one good year, then steadily gained most of it back, last summer worked hard to get weight down again. Only to regain over fall 2010/winter 2011 to be back at my starting WW weight, also in size 12s once again. So frustrating. Fortunately, I discovered MFP about a month ago and have been faithfully logging food, exercising and checking in at MFP and am now down 10 pounds. Have 20 more to go but I plan on logging in here every single day, exercising (once I'm back on track since I sprained my ankle earlier this week unfortunately!).

    I'm 35, mom to three, live in rural WA state. Send me a friend request if you'd like to add more friends! I do check in every day and try and offer support to my MFP friends as frequently as I can. :)