Anyone teetering on 30 finally trying to shape up

Almost 30 here... Lost a bunch of weight when I was 24 with the help of a personal trainer (240 down to 175) and slowly gained it all back. Trying to get back into gear for the dirty 30 and maintain it for life. Can't go back to hovering around 250lb again! At least I know it can be done and I know how to do it...

This past month I have been eating clean and walking daily. If it's not walking, it's jogging cycling or fitstar workouts - soon to be joining a gym.

Feel free to add if you're in a similar situation or just feel like busting my chops.


  • RougeSara
    RougeSara Posts: 60 Member
    Im 28 but im pretty much almost 30 XD.. and i've been in the 200's my whole adult life. SImilar situation.
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    I am 26. I first lost a big chunk of weight when i was 16/17 196 to 175. Got into university and gained it all back and now hover around 203pounds. The last 18 months I've been making extra efforts for exercise and when I wasn't seeing results having been using the last 6 or so months to get a tighter grip on my eating habits.

    My main exercises are calisthenics and jogging. Good luck, will add!
  • ArturoCommisso
    ArturoCommisso Posts: 16 Member
    edited June 2016
    It's tough to feel motivated when you aren't seeing results. And it's easier to give up when things start slipping. I know the feeling all too well
  • newereveryday
    newereveryday Posts: 222 Member
    My story is very similar. I got with 15 pounds of goal five years ago, and now I'm literally back to square one trying to lose half my body weight again. Ideally, I'd like to do it before turning 30 (just over a year), but really I'd be happy to just be in shape in general in my 30s and have the life I never had in my 20s.
  • Junestorm88
    Junestorm88 Posts: 14 Member
    I just turned 28yrs old on Monday June 6th and it sucks that I haven't lost the last 15 to 20 pounds that I set out to do at the beginning of this year. I use to weigh 195lbs just 5 lbs shy away from being 200lbs. I started losing the weight after my 23rd birthday and around the time my mom began having serious health problems.
    She ended up losing her leg 4 months later due to her diabetes and it nearly killed her because the infection was moving very fast. I'll never forget the day I saw her laying down in the hospital bed and it scared me. I couldn't help but cry because within a single day most of her independence was taken away from her. Plus my father had left her for another woman a few months after. They were married for 24 years and after all the carp that he's put her through this act was the most unforgivable. Anyway after 5 years of taken care of my mom and seeing her still struggle with her health I realize that it's important to take care of my own specially as I age. We only have one body and still have a long ways to go before we pass on. If I'm going to age I want to do it in the best way possible with less pain, health problems and not having to rely heavily on medications. Your health should never be forgotten no matter how busy your life may be. Now you may have to work harder in order to reach your goals... but as long as you have patience and the confidence there is no doubt that you'll get there. Don't ever quit on yourself...because there isn't a good enough reason for you to.