slightly different water question

Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
I have been working on drinking more water, I am not a very thirsty person and will totally go a whole day only drinking like a glass of water or juice. Since I have been working out I drink more but not as much as I should. I find it much easier to drink all my water when I am at work, So my question is if I drink all my water for the day from 7am-5pm is that ok? Like say I forget to drink water when I am at home, I do generally take a glass to bed with me. But as long as I am getting my goal intake in does it matter if I don't do it in the evening?


  • mharbaug
    mharbaug Posts: 9
    Not sure if it's good for you but that is exactly the same thing I do. I just can't seem to drink anything once I'm home from work. At least you are meeting the quantity per day that you need, surely it can't be bad????
  • onefasternurse
    onefasternurse Posts: 62 Member
    I wouldn't think it would matter. I do the same thing so I don't have to get up to go to the bathroom throughout the night. I usually drink my lg amt of water by dinner tho.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Check out this article from a really good source:
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    That actually sounds like something I should try. I usually spread my water intake throughout the whole day, and then I'm getting up at least twice during the night to tinkle, lol
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    I have been working on drinking more water, I am not a very thirsty person and will totally go a whole day only drinking like a glass of water or juice. Since I have been working out I drink more but not as much as I should. I find it much easier to drink all my water when I am at work, So my question is if I drink all my water for the day from 7am-5pm is that ok? Like say I forget to drink water when I am at home, I do generally take a glass to bed with me. But as long as I am getting my goal intake in does it matter if I don't do it in the evening?

    As I understand it - the argument is that you are better off distributing the water throughout the entire day, but let's face it - with most people's schedules - They are least mobile at work - thus they tend to drink most of the water during that time frame...

    I've worked on increasing mine in the evening by using my "SmartWater" bottle (it's 4 glasses 33oz per bottle) at night and just carrying the darn thing around with me ha ha - and it's helped, but I generally get my "10" glasses in at work then hopefully 2-4 more after hours :)

    That you are getting it at all is awesome
  • Evotchka
    Evotchka Posts: 144 Member
    I don't think it matters either. I actually read once in a magazine that you should avoid drinking too much water 3 hours before you go to sleep so that your eyes won't get puffy in the morning. Now I don't know if that's true or not but I think as long as you're hydrated most of the day you should be totally fine!
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    You say you're not a thirsty person. So either your body isn't telling you to get water when you need it... or you don't need it.

    If, with your current drinking habits, you rarely/never feel thirsty, don't worry about it at all. Chances are you're not thirsty because you're not dehydrated.
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Spread thoughout the day is best but we do what we can do!

    Just keep trying!
  • mom2sbbj
    mom2sbbj Posts: 12 Member
    I once attended a seminar given my a nutritionist and he said that our bodies can only use about 2-4oz of water ever 20 minutes. So if you're drinking more than that at one time, your body is just expelling it not using it. He recommended sipping water throughout the day rather than chugging it periodically. That said, I would think that if you sip water throughout your workday and are getting the recommended amount, then it wouldn't make matter too much that you're not drinking any in the evening.
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    It does make a difference whether it's spread out or just taken in a certain time. Our body's are machines that strive on what we take in. If your drinking all your water in that 8 hour span, when you drink a bundle of it at one time, the body takes what it needs at that time and sends the rest to be discreeted out the kidneys. So unused water is basically just push aside or out as you may want to say it. When your working out, sweating or extending normal exertion your body needs the water to replenish the muscles and help with the healing of your body after a good workout. So personally no, I believe you should try to at least drink a glass or 2 in the evenings.. Good Luck
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    You say you're not a thirsty person. So either your body isn't telling you to get water when you need it... or you don't need it.

    If, with your current drinking habits, you rarely/never feel thirsty, don't worry about it at all. Chances are you're not thirsty because you're not dehydrated.

    Completly untrue even in dentistry we learn about proper nutrition (youd be amazed at how it effects your teeth!) by the time you have the sensation of being thirsty your body has already been in need of water for 30 min. Thats how long it takes for all of the signals to process for you to feel thirsty. So basically if you were thirsty an hour ago youre already dehydrated.

    That being said. I drink 90% of my fluid prior to 7 pm. I dont like getting up 4-5 times a night to pee. is it healthier to drink it throughout the day, yep, but technically you are drinking it for the majority of your day if you are drinking 8 glasses at work from 7a-5p, sont wake up till 5 am after going to bed by 10ish. You are giving yoru body a constant supply for 8-9 hours of the 15 hours you are awake. and as long as your are sipping at night and not feeling thirsty you should be fine. If you are waking up feeling dehydrated in the morning then Yes you definently need more water in the evening
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    Right, if you're thirsty you're dehydrated. The point I was trying to make is that if she doesn't ever feel thirsty, then there's no reason to believe she's getting dehydrated.

    All I'm saying is, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

    Sorry if that wasn't clear
  • onefasternurse
    onefasternurse Posts: 62 Member
    I have been working on drinking more water, I am not a very thirsty person and will totally go a whole day only drinking like a glass of water or juice. Since I have been working out I drink more but not as much as I should. I find it much easier to drink all my water when I am at work, So my question is if I drink all my water for the day from 7am-5pm is that ok? Like say I forget to drink water when I am at home, I do generally take a glass to bed with me. But as long as I am getting my goal intake in does it matter if I don't do it in the evening?

    As I understand it - the argument is that you are better off distributing the water throughout the entire day, but let's face it - with most people's schedules - They are least mobile at work - thus they tend to drink most of the water during that time frame...

    I've worked on increasing mine in the evening by using my "SmartWater" bottle (it's 4 glasses 33oz per bottle) at night and just carrying the darn thing around with me ha ha - and it's helped, but I generally get my "10" glasses in at work then hopefully 2-4 more after hours :)

    That you are getting it at all is awesome

    I have a camelbak that carries 750 mL. I take it with me everywhere, my fiance calls it my "hamster bottle" because i'm always drinking out of
  • mbeuchert24
    mbeuchert24 Posts: 204 Member
    I've worked on increasing mine in the evening by using my "SmartWater" bottle (it's 4 glasses 33oz per bottle) at night and just carrying the darn thing around with me ha ha - and it's helped, but I generally get my "10" glasses in at work then hopefully 2-4 more after hours :)

    LOL this is exactly what I do!! Except that I am still working on my water intake so I'm only getting about 6-8 glasses a day.