Need help with late-night cravings!!!

I do pretty well during the day. I have never been a big eater but when I do eat, it's junk and it's catching up to me. I've been trying to make healthy changes to lose some weight but the late nights are KILLING ME. I will get ready to go to bed and the thoughts will just pop in my head like, "just one piece of candy" and then boom, I'm 500 calories deep in chocolate. Does anyone have any suggestions????


  • animalsrno1
    animalsrno1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I wish I had suggestions from me conquering my night time cravings, but I need help in this area too. I too eat fairly well throughout the day, but when I get home and chill, all I want to do is eat to celebrate that I'm done with the day. Night time is my time to enjoy. I have little responsibility and I just want to watch tv and relax. TV=eat. My dietician says I need to work on rewarding myself in ways other than eating. I have hobbies, but none of them is more enjoyable than eating. Maybe this is a fallacy. When I'm eating, the food taste so good. Why can't I just eat whatever I want and not worry about gaining weight or becoming diebetic? Sometimes I'm mad at my body because of this. Any advice would be appreciated.
  • xCyanideGirlx
    xCyanideGirlx Posts: 116 Member
    I wish i had the answer. I have insomnia so i lay in bed for 5+ hours before i can get some sleep, which means i always go to bed starving :/. The only way i resist it is thinking "what do i want more, to eat more or look better?". So far look better is winning.
  • kilara21
    kilara21 Posts: 69 Member
    How about your very first task when getting ready for bed is to brush your teeth. The taste of most foods with toothpaste is just wrong.
    Another thing to try is sipping on some hot tea. I would take it unsweetened or lightly sweetened. That way you get the affect of having a treat before bed, but it isn't sugar overload.
  • bkyoun
    bkyoun Posts: 371 Member
    I am prone to binging at night so I have cut myself off after 7PM. I tell myself that I just don't need it and I can eat again in the morning. If I am really feeling a craving, I tell myself that I am really thirsty instead of hungry and drink a big glass of water. It is tough but I have found that for me it takes will power. I am stronger than my cravings.
  • rfberry
    rfberry Posts: 4 Member
    Night cravings are one of my biggest pit falls. It like I crawl into bed and then boom, I feel like I am starving. Sometimes I try to have something healthy like fruit or veggies, but that leads to me eventually eating something else that isn't so light. :/
    Sometimes I wake up out of my sleep to raid the fridge. It's really tough and something I really need to work on.
  • robs_ready
    robs_ready Posts: 1,488 Member
    I do pretty well during the day. I have never been a big eater but when I do eat, it's junk and it's catching up to me. I've been trying to make healthy changes to lose some weight but the late nights are KILLING ME. I will get ready to go to bed and the thoughts will just pop in my head like, "just one piece of candy" and then boom, I'm 500 calories deep in chocolate. Does anyone have any suggestions????

    Same boat as you, get to 10pm, ohh I fancy half a cow! I managed to curb it by eating fruit, but it's still pretty bad
  • camyslinski
    camyslinski Posts: 7 Member
    rfberry wrote: »
    Night cravings are one of my biggest pit falls. It like I crawl into bed and then boom, I feel like I am starving. Sometimes I try to have something healthy like fruit or veggies, but that leads to me eventually eating something else that isn't so light. :/
    Sometimes I wake up out of my sleep to raid the fridge. It's really tough and something I really need to work on.

    I have found a few things that have been helping! Raw, unsalted almonds have always been something I liked and someone mentioned them to me and they help. I also have bought kind bars and allow myself to have one at night when I'm craving sweets. Most have dark chocolate and such in it and I always look for the ones with 5g or less of sugars. My favorite is dark chocolate almond mint! The only downfall is that they are 200 calories a piece, but healthier than ice cream or Hershey's!!!!!
  • hula808
    hula808 Posts: 224 Member
    I found saving enough calories for a really good thermos of creamy hot chocolate at night/bed time...the good stuff not the light stuff...helped a lot.
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    Push your dinner back an hour, plan in a high- protein bedtime snack. Keep logging what you eat, all of it. No shame or guilt, just own it so you can realistically see what needs to be adjusted.

    Are you getting enough protein? Are you getting enough calories? Are your meal plans too restrictive to the point they aren't sustainable changes long-term?
  • pvju
    pvju Posts: 115 Member
    Raw almonds really help my cravings too - it's the crunch I think. I usually eat just 6-12. Sometimes a piece of fruit will kill a sugar craving - even though the fruit seems totally unappealing to your head, your gut thinks it got its sugar fix and will stop asking (sometimes).

    I can't have my favorite chocolates - toffee and and these little chocolate bites with almonds - in the house. Until I'm done dieting, I'm not tempting myself.

    My favorite substitute: chocolate-iced rice cakes - about 60-70 calories each and they really hit the spot without inspiring a binge. I like Elements brand. Lindbergh has a version too.
  • WalkingQueen1979
    WalkingQueen1979 Posts: 119 Member
    edited June 2016
    Oh I know the feeling I used to snack at night. Its hard but I keep reminding myself how much better I look and feel since i dont anymore you can do it feel free to add me :)
  • VitaSh
    VitaSh Posts: 113 Member
    Leave adequate calories and carbs(yes carbs after dark will not make you fat) for your nighttime meal. You won't overeat and sleep better. Don't eat all your calories before basically.
  • Sheri8836
    Sheri8836 Posts: 20 Member
    I save calories for my nighttime snack. Chopped frozen banana blended with 2 tbls of PB fit is only 150 calories. Tastes like peanut butter banana icecream. Also 1 cup of frozen dark sweet cherries 100 calories , can pour some yogurt over them. Frozen pineapple, 1 cup 80 calories blended with unsweetened vanilla almond milk 30 cal per cup...for a creamy sorbet only use 1/4 cup of the almond milk to the pineapple. Sometimes a glass of milk is all that is needed for satiety and a great nights least for me.
  • dk6boys
    dk6boys Posts: 67 Member
    After I put my kids to bed I just want to snack! Popcorn and dark chocolate, sliced sharp cheddar, some nights a BIG FULL glass of red wine....
    But I was determined today to cut that habit out. Tonight I made my regular almond milk protein shake with berries, but just half the amount of protein and milk. It was perfect. Hit the spot too!