Rebound Weight

Two years ago I decided to take control of my life. At the conclusion of my freshman year of college, due to medical problems I had gained weight. I had always been considered to be on the larger side, but I didn't consider myself severely overweight because of the way I did hold my weight. I didn't look 170, but that was the number and I felt it. I gained up to 195 at the end of my freshman year, and then I decided I had enough of this. Being 5 pounds shy of 200 terrified and shocked me. Over the following 9 months, I lost 41 pounds and was happy with the way I looked and felt at 153, my lowest weight ever.
However, over the ensuing year after losing it through counting calories religiously and hitting the gym 5 days a week, I backed away from the life of fitness and health I pledged myself to in order to never return to being "a bigger girl". But here I am now, at 175, without the motivation or energy anymore to go to the gym. I'm trying hard to dig up something that will get me back into that lifestyle so I can be happy with how I look and feel again. I didn't want to blame a relationship for anything, because ultimately it comes down to me, but my last relationship discouraged working out.
Before this gets worse, I NEED to do this. For me.
I would like to hear everyone else's stories. My sister used to work out with me but now I'm on this journey alone. Hearing others struggles and success and documenting my own will help myself get back into this, I believe.


  • khristiana
    khristiana Posts: 131 Member
    Each day is a new start. You can most definitely do this, believe in yourself. I'm lucky because I'm doing this together with my husband, but I've reached the point that even without him, I'd do it and do it FOR me.

    Just start out with small changes, and build from there! Feel free to add me as a friend, I'm always here if you need someone to talk to for support.
  • stefanwolf
    stefanwolf Posts: 11 Member
    Oh man, I feel you. Years ago, when I still had a Blackberry and MFP was nothing like it is today, I lost about 35lbs. I kept it off for years. Had another child (number 3) and when I stopped nursing around the time my dad died, I have gained 20lbs back. The worst part is, I am a certified personal trainer. I started spending so much time working on everyone else I forgot me. But now that I gained that weight, I almost can't get control again to lose it. Working out is my me time, but I went from 6 days a week to three. And my daily calorie management has gone out the window and I can't seem to find it again. But I am working daily to get my head back in place. I wish I had a perfect story for you to follow my steps, but the best I can offer is that you aren't alone. So good luck to you! (And me)