1400 will I loose weight ??

zoeest Posts: 2 Member
Mfp has caculated that I should have 1200 cals per day to loose 2lb a week, I find this quite hard to stick too! Can I still loose At 1400 cals? I find this much easier. I have 3-4 stone to loose.


  • Vampireneko
    Vampireneko Posts: 66 Member
    Yes you can! It may not be quite AS fast but it will still happen! And honestly, it's much easier to stick to when you don't feel hungry and deprived. Sometimes 1200 doesn't feel right for everyone! I know I go between 1200-1400, and still lose on 1400 and feel better!
  • axisedm
    axisedm Posts: 12 Member
    Find out you maintenance calories with a maintenance calculator online, Most of these a fairly accurate. I know bodybuilder.com has a good one. Once you find that out most people say to just take off 200 calories from that and that puts you in a deficit. As long as you're eating cleaner foods and throw in a couple work outs you should be well on your way to your goals.
  • chrislee1628
    chrislee1628 Posts: 305 Member
    as long as 1400 is under what your maintenence calories is, then yes, the closer your daily calorie intake is to it the longer it will take

    if your maintenance calories is say 1600, and you ate 1595, then you will still lose weight, but will take a long time
  • zoeest
    zoeest Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks guys, just used a few calculators and as long as I stick to between 1200 and 1400 it should start budging. I've done every diet known to man, slowly but surely seems the way for me to go x
  • chrislee1628
    chrislee1628 Posts: 305 Member
    I know the feeling, but as long as your stick to it, it will start to come off eventually, hard work, patience and determination

    but, some days when you weigh yourself, it will show as you gaining some weight back, that is normal, but keep at it, don't use the daily weight as the indicator, but the whole week

    when you see the weight go back up, it can be annoying, but keep at it