I'm Struggling big time

It's really frustrating. I can go the whole day and stick to strict eating. Lots of water. No pop. But about 20 min after supper all I can think about is food. Having a snack. It just eats me away. And I wanna give in all the time. I don't but it's so hard not to. I'm really starting to hate food. Hate eating. Hate how it runs your life. Being fat is easy. Eat when you want what you want as often as you want. Why can't being thin or at the very least healthy be that easy. I'm ready to give up. It's to hard. I just wanna cry.


  • beachgirlsue
    beachgirlsue Posts: 11 Member
    Please don't give up, you are worth it.
  • Tattoos_and_Tea
    Tattoos_and_Tea Posts: 529 Member
    Oh sweetheart, I could have wrote this myself. It is hard, but you've made the decision to do something about it. The days will become easier and soon it will become second nature. Feel free to add me for support x
  • distinctlybeautiful
    distinctlybeautiful Posts: 1,041 Member
    Maybe you're being too strict during the day. The key is to find a way of eating that doesn't feel so restrictive. Obviously you have to restrict the number of calories you eat to lose weight, but try to include foods you love! I'm also a big proponent of eating at maintenance when you feel like giving up. Maybe try a deficit 5-6 days a week and maintenance 1-2 days. You'll still lose.
  • cjdsign
    cjdsign Posts: 202 Member
    I agree with distinctlybea above. Some days, especially forced down days, I eat what I can. I don't worry about that red line and the negative if I am over for the day. Personally I love RED. LOL But please add me, I'm supportive. CJ
  • ElectricSuzy
    ElectricSuzy Posts: 1 Member
    Have you tried things that make you lose appetite, like certain teas or something?
    I had the same problems but drinking 1-2 cups of tea to my meals helped me a lot...
    You can do it :)
  • chrislee1628
    chrislee1628 Posts: 305 Member
    like distinct said, are you setting yourself a goal too low/strict?

    try upping the calories a little, say you have it set to 2000 deficit, try 1500 or 1000 to start with

    to start with it is hard, but it will get easier over time, believe me I know

    even now, once in a while I'll see a packet of crisps or choccy bar and think Mmmmmmmm

    try drinking a glass of water when you want to snack, can't remember where I read it, but apparently your body knows when it is thirsty, but it can not distinguish between thirsty and hungry? not sure how true it is, but nothing wrong with giving it a try

    but it is working for me
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You are probably struggling because you restrict too much. Don't undereat, eat food you like, and incorporate treats now and then.

    You could cry and give up, but you will have greater chance of success by challenging your attitude. Of course it's easy to be fat today, all you have to do is open your mouth. Managing weight, on the other hand, takes a conscious effort. Sometimes we have to tell ourselves "no". But it will only be as hard as you want it to be.

    Set a reasonable weight goal, weekly weight loss goal, calorie goal. Buy an electronic food scale, weigh everything you eat/drink (not water), check entries, log accurately and consistently. Aim to get in some nutritious food and some food you like, every day, and hit your calorie goal everyday. Move, if you want to. If you do this, and don't cheat, you will lose weight, I promise.
  • oliviaohair
    oliviaohair Posts: 27 Member
    edited June 2016
    This reminds me so much of what I have struggled with throughout my life. I don't have a magic solution, but I can say this: This is just a valley, keep on struggling and eventually it WILL get better.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    edited June 2016
    About 20 minutes after supper ... I have my scheduled snack. I measure out 40 g of prunes and have dessert. Those prunes are 100 g, but they're valuable as a fruit, fiber, and micronutrients. I also have them in my plan and everything works ok. I can also sometimes have room for 100 g of jicama, which is sweet and crunchy for less than 50 calories.
  • singletrackmtbr
    singletrackmtbr Posts: 644 Member
    You haven't mentioned what you're eating for dinner, or for the rest of the day? Are you spreading out your protein (and are you getting enough)? I find on days I eat my required protein I feel much less hungry. Also, are you exercising and at what time of day? Depending on the time of your workout, you may be causing hunger later in the day.

    Often times when I feel like snacking it's because I'm bored, stressed, or something else that isn't really hunger. This is common for me near the end of the day. I often have to take a hard look and determine if I'm REALLY actually hungry. If so I eat, trying to make good choices (most of the time!).

    To me there is more in play here. You seem to carry some self-loathing and defeatist ideas. I see you only have two posts so far. Get yourself more involved in this community. There is a ton of great knowledge and support here. We all suffer and struggle in different ways. Knowing you aren't fighting the battle alone can be very motivating.

    I hope you find your balance and achieve your goals. Good luck!
  • Madelinec117
    Madelinec117 Posts: 210 Member
    I wonder if it could possible be out of boredom, stress or nervousness. If I keep myself busy in the evenings by doing crafts or reading, then I am less likely to go off my plan in the evening. Don't give up, it take a while to adjust to a new way of eating and living.