Question for HCG people



  • Tinasmythe
    Tinasmythe Posts: 45 Member
    I would monitor your calories spent in exercise and eat those back. You will find a lot of naysayers here about HCG but many of us need a jump start. No judgement here. Use a HRM figure what calories you are burning then add that back with mainly protein. Good luck!
  • Rhondast
    Rhondast Posts: 93
    My Latisse doc suggested hcg a second time. I'm doing fantastic on it, but I keep stalling. I have freakishly long lashes. I worked with Crisco for my fondant on my cake, and I do cardio. I've ordered an hrm. You can't eat back the calories, I don't think it works that way......

    Wow, I'm glad I didn't ask about Latisse, I would've gotten, "Trim those, they are too long, no one does that, it's not healthy."
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Wow, sounds like a great weight loss plan. Starving yourself and cutting way back on exercise while taking hormones. Sounds so much better than eating reasonable portions and regular exercise! Where do I sign up?

  • Emismom77
    Emismom77 Posts: 56
    There's no need for sarcasm... I think people were trying to help b/c that's what this site is all about. My apologies for trying to help...
  • renee7458
    renee7458 Posts: 3
    I did the HCG diet last year. It did work, although the first week of it was rough. The exercising is ok...I would just lower it if you are finding yourself feeling weak or light headed. I will say that I found myself upping the exercise. Although the diet did great on helping lose the weight fast, I found my muscles getting a little weaker. Meaning that I couldn't lift as much weights as before and found myself being able to do less push-ups. So definitly try to do more muscle strenghten than hard-core cardio
  • LadyRG
    LadyRG Posts: 7 Member
    Hi. I did the hcG diet a few months ago and it worked great for me. From what I remembered reading, it only encourages light to moderate cardio simply because you aren't consuming the normal amount of calories a typical diet calls for. I did notice when I did too much cardio I would not see the weight loss from day-to-day as you’re accustom to. Play with it and see what works best for you. I'll be doing it again in about a month, since it worked so well the first time.

    Don't worry about the comments that aren't helping you. You've educated yourself about the diet; where as some of the people that have posted may have not. Take whatever is useful to you and ignore the rest. :wink: Good Luck!!
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