Running/Walking App

Hello all, long time lurker and first time poster here. I have a question about running apps. I been doing a C25k program this year, just finished it actually and starting a 10k one. My problem is it doesn't keep track of distance traveled. What I been doing is running mapmyrun at the same time, which is fine and all, but I can't toggle between running and walking without stopping and saving the workout, then selecting the new activity, whether it be running or walking. So, my question is, is there an app out there that lets you toggle between running and walking on the fly and keeps it all in one workout? Then breaks it down for you?


  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    I used the 10k program on the Runkeeper app to work up to it. It doesn't (or at least didn't? It's been a while since I used it) let you toggle back and forth, but I would just sort a keep an eye on my general pace, with the walk breaks averaged in. I'm sure that doesn't help if you really want to quantify everything you're doing, but it'll still get up up to 10k! Alternatively, you can pause the app during your run breaks and just keep an eye on the time. Hope that helps!
  • Zozqui
    Zozqui Posts: 4 Member
    Yea, I want to be able quantify it all. I saw someone on here doing something where they take their miles and translate it dollars. So I am doing the same thing, calling it distance to dollars. Throwing that money into a savings account at the end of the month. That is the reason I wouldn't want to pause during the walking portion. The reason I want to be able to toggle between the both is so I can get an accurate read on distance ran and pace without having to end the workout and starting another one during the walking intervals.
  • CincyNeid
    CincyNeid Posts: 1,249 Member
    Actually you want to keep one app running at one time. That way you have a truer Calorie Burned idea. Walking apps are based on a lower Heart Rate, which burns a lower amount of calories. Where as Running has a higher Heart Rate and burns more calories.

    When you use one app to track both the app will use a mathematical formula to better guess your Calories burned based off your Current Pace and Time in the actual workout.
  • Zozqui
    Zozqui Posts: 4 Member
    I understand all that. I am not interested in the calorie burn. I am just asking if there is an app that is able to toggle between walking and running on the fly so I can keep it all in one workout, but at the same time break it down so I can see actual pace and distance while running separate from the walking portion of the workout.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    You may need to get a GPS watch. Mine shows pace and cadence at a specific moment and then I can review it all after I'm finished with my walk/run intervals and compare pace to heart rate, elevation, cadence, etc. I don't know that you can get that type of data from a simple running app.
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    I use a Garmin Forerunner and Garmin Connect. The watch keeps track of my mileage, pace, time and heart rate (with a chest strap) and Garmin Connect graphs out, a map of my run, charts my pace (and changes thereto), keeps track of my splits, logs my average pace over the entire course, advises on my fastest pace and slowest pace for the activity, heart rate, records PBs and other stuff. I'd be surprised if other exercise bands didn't do the same. Check out several.