So I really want to find out about drinking while trying to loose weight. I have heard if your going to drink, have a glass of wine. No hard liquor or beer. What are all your thoughts?


  • AlyssaPetsDogs
    AlyssaPetsDogs Posts: 421 Member
    I will do a vodka and club soda with lime as the club soda has no calories and negligible sodium, if any. 1 oz of vodka is like 75 calories or so.
    Honestly I try to go out and drink less because I always want to eat more food while I'm drinking.

    It's still calories in vs. calories out, but when I take in alcohol calories, I want to take in ALL the calories.

    I plan ahead. This weekend is my best friend's birthday bar crawl. I've shaved an extra 200 calories off each day this week about so I won't feel guilty when I have 1 or 5 drinks. I'm also going to switch up and alternate doing vodka soda and just straight up club soda - keeps me from over indulging calorie wise and also from not getting sloppy! I'll have a "healthy" snack waiting for me at home after bars close like some cauliflower buffalo wings or something else so I can still feel satisfied. No extra 800+ calories from the Taco Bell drive thru! I save money too!

    Good luck! If you can fit it in (and of legal drinking age, of course!) then go for it! For me, it isn't worth it to do it all the time, but when I plan for it, I don't feel quite so guilty!
  • tripple7
    tripple7 Posts: 22 Member
    I always go for vodka with a sugar free mixer as its one of the spirits with less calories and doesn't leave me bloated. When I drink wine I always go for white wine.

    If I know that I'm going out for the weekend I always work out extra mins incase I'm hungover the following day which usually makes me feel lazy to workout.
  • Jeebles604
    Jeebles604 Posts: 16 Member
    I drink wine daily (yep). I work it into my calories. I am also doing Kayla's BBG. It's pretty intense exercise. My body is changing very nicely. If you want to drink, work it into your calories and you should be just fine.

    Any hard alcohol, like vodka, gin, etc are approx 70-cals a shot, so another great option.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    If you know you're going to be drinking in the evening, a night out rather than one drink, then try to reduce consumption of fats. I'm fairly sure there are studies that show that your body is inefficient at processing alcohol sugars and dietary fat simultaneously.
  • JonnyJonny5555
    JonnyJonny5555 Posts: 21 Member
    I agree with tripple7. I would stick to a spirit such as vodka and sugar-free mixers. Do exercise well before going out for the evening and therefore build up a reserve of calories which hopefully mean you will not go too far over the limit. Plus maybe eat some protein before the drinking in order to give your stomach something to digest slowly.