My Fitness Pal and Fitbit

My Fitness Pal registering my Fitbit but it’s not making any calorie or exercise adjustments.

So at the bottom of my daily food diary under exercise it shows 'Fitbit Tracker calorie adjustment' and the number of steps but the calorie adjustment is 0 every time. Does anyone know why this is and how to fix it?




  • 44blitzen
    44blitzen Posts: 2 Member
    I'm having the same issue! Thanks for posting this.
  • anewkold
    anewkold Posts: 41 Member
    On fitbit did you approve the app for my fitness pal to link? And check the setting for negative calories on myfitness pal?
  • zoerees1987
    zoerees1987 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Anewkold, Sorry if i am being really dull but how do i do those things? I have connected the Fitbit activity tracker within My Fitness Pal but it doesnt really give me any more options or settings.
  • zoerees1987
    zoerees1987 Posts: 3 Member
    I found the negative calories button, i had to log in online as opposed to the app. Thank you!!