Fitbit & MFP Calorie Adjustments

MFP is showing two calorie adjustments for Wednesday--- Went to gym in morning and did 45 minute walk on my lunch-- is it supposed to be showing two adjustments? Or just one for whole day?44eijcjzm5cr.png


  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    edited June 2016
    Did you log the activities separately with fitbit or just let the tracker do its thing? Mine usually just has one line "Fitbit Tracker Calorie Adjustment" with a step and calorie count, and the one that says "Fitbit Calorie Adjustment" disappears after it syncs properly. It will probably correct itself eventually.
  • njleone88
    njleone88 Posts: 3 Member
    Just let the tracker do its thing; didn't manually log. So weird. I just deleted it, and left the "Fitbit Tracker calorie adjustment" line as is.