why you should eat your exercise calories ( for dummies)



  • kalelwifey
    kalelwifey Posts: 172
    lol ...so pointless to argue this people....Its about what your body allowwssss....some people it works for..soem ti doesnt...No one is ness ..a dummy or wrong.....if you doing one and it aint working for u..try the others..and i dont mean half assing one..but then complaining about it not working..i mean ..actually doing ittt

    You eat your calories back..and you lose weight..then shid...lol keep it up

    You eat your calories back and you maintain or gain..then dontttt keep eating em backk.....

    Dadgumm people lol i swear peopel argue this point every other minute how bout..ask ur doctor and see what he or she says ....

    and..another reason why people may be gaining weight back when they eat calories back is because..they dotn use a heart rate monitor and go strictly by mfp exercise calories..and are actually eating back all those calories but didnt even burnnn all of em...that could be to...
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    this post did say for dummies. meaning people you havent worked out

    I don't think you meant it that way, but you just called anyone who has never worked out a dummy. :laugh:
  • christinathompson1
    christinathompson1 Posts: 144 Member
    i would have to disagree. i never eat me exercise calories, and before when i was i wasn't losing weight.
    if you have enough good protein in your body, and good fats(from nuts) & stuff like that your body will use that for fuel. and you won't go into starvation mode.
  • tiggilee
    tiggilee Posts: 40 Member
    I think you guys are being a bit harsh. She isn't actually calling people dummies, she is playing off the popular series of "for dummies" books, written for novices on the topic of the book. It is a play on words, and I am sure she means no disrespect or to be mean.
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    this post did say for dummies. meaning people you havent worked out

    I don't think you meant it that way, but you just called anyone who has never worked out a dummy. :laugh:

    lmao well now youre just twisting my words :P
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    this post did say for dummies. meaning people you havent worked out

    I don't think you meant it that way, but you just called anyone who has never worked out a dummy. :laugh:

    Actually you only quoted half of what she said. Here, look at the other half, please:

    "...what works best for them and then they go and have a net of 600 or whatever."
  • arkenny
    arkenny Posts: 125
    I totally get what your trying to say.... obviously if your not eating your burned calories you will initially lose weight...but if your not eating enough calories your body will go into starvation mode and hold onto the fat and calories that you do eat. when that happens its hard to lose any weight at all....

    im basing my daily goals on 1200 calories and there are days that i burn 800 plus calories... if i didnt eat some of them back then my system would only be surving off of 400 calories and that wouldnt be good in the long run... its all about finding the right and healthy balance for your body,,,, are you looking for a quick fix or a lifestyle change???
  • tiggilee
    tiggilee Posts: 40 Member
    @SuzanneKatherine - there are many other benefits to exercise besides weight loss, surely you know that? It is possible to be "skinny fat". Also, it is not all about the weight. If you gain a bit through working out, that is generally MUSCLE, which ups your resting metabolism in the long run, and reduces your total of body fat percentage - resulting in a healthier person.

    I exercise to lose weight, yes. But I also do it to release endorphins, have a healthy heart, build fat-torching muscle, relieve stress, improve sex life, boost self-esteem and feeling of power, and the list goes on and on and on!
  • 2day2morrow4ever
    2day2morrow4ever Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks...it makes me feel a little bit better about eating a few too many calories on some days..since I have expended them through exercise...however...I don't LOSE wieght when I eat calories back. I can eat them back only occsionally, but not always...cause i just start gaining the wieght back.

    Pay attention to your body so that you can understand how it works for you. Everyone (and their bod)y is different and handle things differently. Remember try things in moderation to see how they work for you. Everything must be done in moderation, so that your body does not give out on you. You dont want to make it SICK when your goal is to make it healthier.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    "should" is such an inappropriate word in this context.

    i gain weight when i eat back my "exercise calories" in whole. i maintain my weight when i eat back some (half) of them. i lose weight when i don't eat any of them.

    fat fuels the body. if one has an excess of fat, the body will also use that. and, as you said, burned fat is measured in calories. if you already have calories to expend, why eat more?

    that's not exactly a rhetorical question--but one for each individual to consider. i'll venture to conclude my little contribution by asserting that everyone is different--everyone's BODY is different--and so for SOME individuals, net intake should not necessarily be the focus of their diets.

    some people have success doing what you suggest; others do not (among them, myself).
    it's not black and white. :)

    Perfect response. .. . . *Applause* *Applause!* So right. .. . When I rocked of 80lbs before I was working out 6+ days a week. .. . sometimes four hours a day and did not eat but 1000-1500 per day at 5'7
  • lauz45
    lauz45 Posts: 243
    People are actually offended by that title, really? OP is just trying to be helpful. At least she didn't call it an 'idiot's guide' although both are well known generic terms stemming from popular instructional books. I always thought the whole 'for dummies' thing was tongue-in-cheek.

    Incidentally I no longer log my calories burnt, I set my goals to 'moderately active' and working out for 30 mins, 6 times a week, and MFP adjusted my calories for that, so that's what I eat from now on. It means I don't have to worry about overestimating calorie burn. Maybe when I get a HRM i'll go back to the old way, i'm going to see how this goes. (i'm set to 1500 cals a day and a 300 burn would be good for me).
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    :smile: :smile:
    this post did say for dummies. meaning people you havent worked out what works best for them and then they go and have a net of 600 or whatever. just helping them out. if you found something that works for you thats great. but chances are it'll just put beginners in an unhealthy state.

    Well darlin:

    Sorry bad way to put it. .. Some people need some nutritional guidance or training, but everything does not work for everyone. .. There are so many things that come into play here. . first of all what your calories that you are consuming consist of. ... How much you are burning through this site is really a guestimate unless you have an HRM so when people eat say none or 1/2 of them back. . they are actually coming out about right. . Now if you are one that works out really hard and knows exactly what you are burning with an HRM than perhaps you do need a bit more "fuel" as you put it some days. .. but you really have to listen to your body and be careful how you say things to others. .. so that you don't hurt peoples feelings. . . Just a thought. :smile:
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    Lets look at the BIG picture of what's really going on. People claim to be insulted by the topic, others decide to criticize. Why do people do this? obviously they get offended easily, i bet the scale offends them too. If you get offended by every little thing, I have to say "what a great miserable life to live in."

    People aren't being open minded, they pick "eat exercise calories or not" one or the other. Guess who is right? BOTH ARE. Let me ask you this, if you decided to eat exercise calories or not? Where you get your information? probably some form of media... trying tom make a profit. "eating 6 times a day speeds up metabolism" LIES... "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" lies... who profits from this? Food companies. If you blindly believe things with out really researching, you will have a tendency to believe anything you're told. If you believe it you will go and preach it, spreading more misinformation and the cycle continues. Kennie is young, why would an adult even try to bash on her? Is it a self esteem issue?!!?!?! We're supposedly here to help each other achieve our goals. Criticizing and insulting people doesn't help anyone, especially your own mental well being.

    Before i forget about eating your exercise calories, why it's right and wrong at the same time. Of course the greater caloric deficit the greater the weight loss, eating causes less of a deficit that's obvious. So why would you want to eat them back? for performance reasons, if you engage heavily in activity, an athlete and need performance... then you eat them back up.

    I have been in this game a long time, there are a ton of different diets, different ratios... they all work... the issue is "what are they trying to accomplish? Some people want to gain muscle, some want to reduce bodyfat, some just want to weigh less... The media takes a one size fits all approach. Of course a reduce caloric diet will aid weight loss, but what if it's based around a performance diet? It can hinder your weight loss.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I tend to disagree and my gut feeling on this was somewhat confirmed last week. I had posed this question to a couple nutritionists and the one that replied actually holds a PhD and his pro body builder card, so his opinion is good enough for me and I just figured I'd share it with you.

    "Hi Jay,
    After being in Vegas without internet for a few days (bashing anti-protein lunatics), I just saw your question in Chris' Livespill.

    This is what I always say to students: although important, calorie balance is the BEGINNING not the END of body comp change. 99% of the time one must keep some eye on how many kcal are consumed vs. burned. But counting calories too anally doesn't work well and is unhealthy for the psyche.

    I actually start cutting phases by simply eliminating junk foods and most carbs from my dinners. Meanwhile I start 4-6 bouts of bike sprints or eliptical "sprints" after workouts. That handles the energy balance: less in, more out. I surely would NOT eat an extra 100-200 kcal to make up for the bike sprints!

    Hope that helps; the threaded discussion closed on me, so I'm PM-ing.

    Lonnie "

    Take it for what it's worth but he's a pretty well respected individual in the nutrition and body building industry.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    okay sorry, i thought you where replying to my "last post" not about the comment I made on the website. I know it's hard work, I am a programmer myself and a computer science major. I have nothing against the "SITE". There are a few bugs on the site, but that's no big deal. What I do have an issue with is... they pretty much "force you" to abide to certain rules dietary rules. Which is complete non sense. We're all different, have different requirements, the rules are based on misinformation. They are misleading and spreading wrong information to people. Which isn't right at all.
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member

    okay sorry, i thought you where replying to my "last post" not about the comment I made on the website. I know it's hard work, I am a programmer myself and a computer science major. I have nothing against the "SITE". There are a few bugs on the site, but that's no big deal. What I do have an issue with is... they pretty much "force you" to abide to certain rules dietary rules. Which is complete non sense. We're all different, have different requirements, the rules are based on misinformation. They are misleading and spreading wrong information to people. Which isn't right at all.

    actually i very much doubt that he wrote it. it seems too much like every other social networking site. probably just bought the code.
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Hi Guys,
    Can we please keep things civil? If you have any queries or comments about the guidelines and plans set by this website, then please email Mike or one of the moderators with your concerns...do not air them on the forums. Also, if someone says something to offend you then please report it and do not retaliate in your posts..this will only make matters worse. MFP is like other well established health and fitness plans...it works and there are many members out there who will agree that the methods used by this website are effective, safe and easy to maintain. Posts which contain insults will be edited or removed.

    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member

    okay sorry, i thought you where replying to my "last post" not about the comment I made on the website.

    Thus why I quoted the post I was responding too.
    I know it's hard work, I am a programmer myself and a computer science major. I have nothing against the "SITE". There are a few bugs on the site, but that's no big deal. What I do have an issue with is... they pretty much "force you" to abide to certain rules dietary rules. Which is complete non sense. We're all different, have different requirements, the rules are based on misinformation. They are misleading and spreading wrong information to people. Which isn't right at all.

    MFP doesn't force you to do anything. No one's showing up at your doorstep, shoving your exercise calories down your throat. If you don't like how MFP's dietary rules are set up, maybe you should try sparkpeople.com instead. Quit it with the derogatory comments towards the creators though. They know plenty about weight loss and nutrition and have helped thousands upon thousands of people lose weight. Can you say the same?
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I tend to disagree and my gut feeling on this was somewhat confirmed last week. I had posed this question to a couple nutritionists and the one that replied actually holds a PhD and his pro body builder card, so his opinion is good enough for me and I just figured I'd share it with you.

    "Hi Jay,
    After being in Vegas without internet for a few days (bashing anti-protein lunatics), I just saw your question in Chris' Livespill.

    This is what I always say to students: although important, calorie balance is the BEGINNING not the END of body comp change. 99% of the time one must keep some eye on how many kcal are consumed vs. burned. But counting calories too anally doesn't work well and is unhealthy for the psyche.

    I actually start cutting phases by simply eliminating junk foods and most carbs from my dinners. Meanwhile I start 4-6 bouts of bike sprints or eliptical "sprints" after workouts. That handles the energy balance: less in, more out. I surely would NOT eat an extra 100-200 kcal to make up for the bike sprints!

    Hope that helps; the threaded discussion closed on me, so I'm PM-ing.

    Lonnie "

    Take it for what it's worth but he's a pretty well respected individual in the nutrition and body building industry.

    LOL, so I think my post may have gotten overlooked in the flurry of "other" posts, so I'll re-post it here. :D
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Hi Guys,
    Can we please keep things civil? If you have any queries or comments about the guidelines and plans set by this website, then please email Mike or one of the moderators with your concerns...do not air them on the forums. Also, if someone says something to offend you then please report it and do not retaliate in your posts..this will only make matters worse. MFP is like other well established health and fitness plans...it works and there are many members out there who will agree that the methods used by this website are effective, safe and easy to maintain. Posts which contain insults will be edited or removed.

    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator.

    Yes ma'am. :flowerforyou: