Avoiding Relapse

So, I've lost ALMOST 100lbs. I have never actually hit the mark of a 100lb loss though. I've gotten close a couple times in the last 2 years. For the past 4 years, I have eaten and lived very healthy. I just have not concentrated on weight-loss. Now that I'm ready to get down where I need to be, I'm super motivated and I'm ready to lose some weight. I know that in the next week, I will lose that enough to officially say that I have lost 100lbs! BUT, after losing 100lbs, I will be 179lbs. I will still need to lose another 20lbs to be considered healthy. 49lbs more to be at my goal weight.

I know myself and I am afraid that after I hit the 100lb loss, I will relax and either plateau or worse, start gaining it back. I need to hit to 100lb loss and keep going to a 120lbs loss at the least. I want to be ready when those kinds of troubles/temptations come up...

How do I combat this? Has anyone else experienced this?


  • Rushbrook60
    Rushbrook60 Posts: 95 Member
    Never deprive yourself of anything. Everything in moderation. So if you really want a piece of cake, have it but only have the recommended portion size or halve it. That way you'll still get the taste and satisfaction but for half the calories.

    You've done incredibly well to loose what you have so far. Do you remember what the motivation was when you first started loosing weight? Maybe you could rekindle the passion if you could pin-point what it was.

    If you want to add me as a friend, feel free. I'm on here daily

    Good luck
  • godlikepoetyes
    godlikepoetyes Posts: 442 Member
    I'm in a similar spot. I'm 51 and don't think I'm going to lose much more because if I do I will probably look craggy. But, I'm only now out of the obese range. I've decided not to focus so much on the numbers, but it is hard. I feel like I "should" weigh what is considered healthy by the "experts" but everyone is different. I keep telling myself this.
  • XenaCam
    XenaCam Posts: 1 Member
    First of all, congrats on losing over 80/90 lbs! That is no small feat. But, I understand where you are coming from as I'm in a similar boat.

    I have lost around 65 lbs and need to lose 15 more to reach my goal weight. I've been hovering around 145-150 for over a year now. I remember when I was less than 10 lbs away from my goal weight I had a mini freak out. I was scared of what it would mean to reach that and I subconsciously (or consciously) started eating more and moving less until I was steady gaining. Once I realized I'd gained 10 lbs from my lowest weight ever I started bearing down and eating better and moving more but the weight doesn't seem to come off as easily as it did the first time. I don't know if I'm less motivated than before because I know that I'm now far from being obese (which is one of my major reasons for losing weight) now or if my body has adjusted to my new current weight and is resisting losing more.

    Anyway, my point is, it can be hard (as I'm sure you know) but one thing I have is that I've not given up on myself. If you remember nothing else from my ramble. Do Not Give Up! Don't be afraid, plateaus happen - when we work hard and when we don't-just keep going. If you find yourself gaining you will realize it an know what to do. Hopefully you have thrown out your bigger clothing so if your clothes get tight you'll have a reminder to rein things in until they fit again (worked for me).

    This WLJ is more of a mental game than I ever could have thought when I first started. Stay positive in your thinking as much as possible as it will help you. Remembering your original motivation (your "why") is good advice.

    Take good care of you!
  • oliviaohair
    oliviaohair Posts: 27 Member
    XenaCam wrote: »
    First of all, congrats on losing over 80/90 lbs! That is no small feat. But, I understand where you are coming from as I'm in a similar boat.

    I have lost around 65 lbs and need to lose 15 more to reach my goal weight. I've been hovering around 145-150 for over a year now. I remember when I was less than 10 lbs away from my goal weight I had a mini freak out. I was scared of what it would mean to reach that and I subconsciously (or consciously) started eating more and moving less until I was steady gaining. Once I realized I'd gained 10 lbs from my lowest weight ever I started bearing down and eating better and moving more but the weight doesn't seem to come off as easily as it did the first time. I don't know if I'm less motivated than before because I know that I'm now far from being obese (which is one of my major reasons for losing weight) now or if my body has adjusted to my new current weight and is resisting losing more.

    Anyway, my point is, it can be hard (as I'm sure you know) but one thing I have is that I've not given up on myself. If you remember nothing else from my ramble. Do Not Give Up! Don't be afraid, plateaus happen - when we work hard and when we don't-just keep going. If you find yourself gaining you will realize it an know what to do. Hopefully you have thrown out your bigger clothing so if your clothes get tight you'll have a reminder to rein things in until they fit again (worked for me).

    This WLJ is more of a mental game than I ever could have thought when I first started. Stay positive in your thinking as much as possible as it will help you. Remembering your original motivation (your "why") is good advice.

    Take good care of you!

    Thanks so much. :)

    And it really IS a mental game. It's a huge journey!
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Make the mental target just the next 10lb multiple below your start, and there's another after that. And another. You can't let up now.