Question about weighing on carpet

Hi guys,

This might be kind of a crazy question, but I wanted an opinion on how I can best track my weight. My job is requiring me to stay in a hotel for the next 2 months where the rooms are all carpeted and the bathroom is tiled (very small tiles so I imagine a scale wouldn't be very well balanced on it either). Obviously weighing on carpet isn't ideal, but what about putting a scale on a smooth surface (like a low coffee table) and weighing myself on that? The scale itself will be on a flat surface, but the coffee table of course is still in contact with the carpet.

This might be me going a little overboard - but I really need to keep track of my weight and at the same time also don't want to waste my time if people think this will give me unreliable weights. Thoughts?


  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,141 Member
    I'd weigh in the bathroom.

    I've weighed on carpet before and it tells me I'm 30# lighter.
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    edited June 2016
    I put mine on a large old cutting board on a carpeted floor.
    Could you also pack that?
  • cookiecat91
    cookiecat91 Posts: 20 Member
    I put mine on a large old cutting board on a carpeted floor.
    Could you also pack that?

    I could definitely pack that. Did you find that to be pretty accurate/reliable?
  • Vegplotter
    Vegplotter Posts: 265 Member
    Well, lugging a set of scales and a wooden board around with you will certainly help you lose weight! But I don't think you should (ever) weigh yourself down with baggage. If you are moving from place to place you'll need to be able to walk around with your bag - so travel light. Take a capsule wardrobe of clothes you can wash and dry in your room, the minimum of lotions and potions and disposable paperbacks. (Think of the little bags air hostesses have)
    Idea 1. Just weigh yourself at a pharmacy.
    Idea 2. Alternatively take a fabric tape measure with you and track your measurements instead. Many people on this app say it's a better measure of weight loss anyway. MFP has a tracker for waist measurement ( the most important one health wise).
    Have a lovely time.