Priority #1 Common Sense Health and Weight Loss at 65+

Hi! I am Barbara. My doctor recommended this app when I talked to her about my weight issues. We ran all the tests and I am not diabetic, but do have high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high triglycerides. I have been on a beta blocker for blood pressure for 8 years and just recently found out that a side effect of my medicine is weight gain -- well, that, and the stress of losing my husband 3 years ago, my brother 2 years ago, and my sister last year left me at 195 lbs and mentally, physically and morally exhausted. With a multitude of symptoms that I and my doctor can only trace to my medication and something that might be called adrenal fatigue, I am weaning off of my beta blocker and working on a common sense healthy diet and exercise lifestyle change. Wish me luck -- and keep me focused on the goal.


  • BewitchedBelinda99
    BewitchedBelinda99 Posts: 253 Member
    Good luck Barbara. Sorry for your losses.
  • m_halla110
    m_halla110 Posts: 11 Member
    Wow! Ok, I am wishing you the best of luck with your life changes. Sorry how things have been going for you. You can do this! Add me as a friend, we can push each other. I am new here and really don't know how to add you.