Camping foods.....

I'm going camping this weekend with a large group of meat eaters. By meat eaters, I mean the meal is just meat, no sides, no salads, nothing. Just burgers, sausage, hot dogs, chicken.....

I don't eat meat so I need some suggestions on what else to bring that will be good for me and compliment them without grossing them out. Besides Sunshine burgers, I don't eat any "fake" meats.

We are camping in the woods, not a park, so there is just a cooler and no store nearby.

So far, I'm making some rice and taking some canned beans and Sunshine burgers. I'm otherwise stumped at what to bring.

Can you give me some suggestions please?!? And thank you:flowerforyou:

It's a 4 day trip btw....


  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    corn on the cob, jacket potatoes and tin foil to put in the camp fire. Cereal bars
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Mushrooms, root vegetables and butternut or acorn squash are good grilled and don't need to be refrigerated. Many fruits can also be kept for days without refrigeration, and some are good grilled. (just keep these away from the bears!). They don't keep as long but green beans are good enclosed in foil with a little oil and garlic and cooked over a fire.

    Cans of salt free or low sodium veggies are also good choices. Lentils or split peas can be cooked with your rice since they take about the same amount of time.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Nuts, crackers, fruit, olive oil based pasta salad, potatoes to cook in fire, corn on the cob.
  • tristahenry
    tristahenry Posts: 175
    Vegetarian chili is wonderful reheated over a campfire. You can also pre-bake potatoes in the oven and throw them directly in the fire to finish off (one of my favorite) - even do a chili topped baked potato. When I go camping I always keep a box of granola bars and lara bars with me to snack on. And lots of washed, whole fruit so it doesn't spoil quickly. I just keep a pocket knife with me and cut it up when I'm ready to eat it. I always bring a cast iron skillet and we make omlettes in the morning (out of egg beaters and veggies). Good luck!
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    I usually make up a pasta salad and fruit salad. We also do potatoes or zucchini, squash, onions, garlic with a little evoo wrapped in foil put into the fire. You could bring large cut veggies for shish kabobs over the fire, baked beans, fresh fruit....
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    nuts, carrot sticks/baby carrots...can pre make just about anything and heat it by fire--friends brought spaghetti camping once; just needed to be heated up... anything to eat cold--pasta salad made with light italian dressing with cucumbers and such, or really so many options...
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Meal replacement bars.

    Everything everone else said.

    Veggie stir fry (peppers, onions, carrots, mushroom, zuchs, squash) Makes good veggie burritos with refried beans and such.

    You got this, you just need to noodle on it awhile. ☺♥
  • Dnsnyder
    Dnsnyder Posts: 263 Member
    Rinse and cut fresh vegetables (celery, broccoli,etc.), keep in ziploc bags or tuperware containers on ice in cooler. Great for munchies/snacks as well as with meals.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Tin foil dinner!! :) I put a bunch of veggies.... potatoes, zucchini, peppers, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, green beans, broccoli, asparagus....whatever you heart desires in some tin foil with a little seasoning and put it on the grill. You could even add some tofu if you wanted. I'm a meat-eater. But, when we go camping and my friends are bringing the meat...I go vegetarian. Heaven only knows what kind of meat they brought and what they did to it. haha!!!

    You could also do a grilled "pizza" on the grill. Flat bread, pesto sauce (or marinara), some feta cheese (or whatever cheese you desire), fresh veggies on top...yummm! (Even if you're only using a could put this in tinfoil and place it on the coals)

    What about grilled cheese sandwich on the grill? :)

    BTW, you were't kiddin...they are really meat eaters. No sides or salads? Sounds like they're going to be in the bathroom a lot.... :sick: HAHA! gross! sorry, TMI.
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    Just went camping with a bunch of men. All meat and white buns. Which I eat but a girl needs variety. I brought cut melon, bananas etc. Also potato salad (not that healthy but good in the cooler)
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Veggie burgers and Veggie dogs. Just watch the portions and watch out for the sodium.

    You can premake some foods like pasta and veggies, freeze and they will thaw in the cooler and just warm up in a pot.
  • 1234lbsgone
    1234lbsgone Posts: 296 Member

    Why didn't I think of that?

    I'm going to make a big batch of salsa and take some chips, got some carrots and celery, rice cakes, almond butter.....

    Gunna run out and get the potatoes, some more veggies, mushrooms, hummus, corn, and pasta for salad.....

    Y'all just helped me so much cuz I thought I was going to scratch my eyes out staring at this blank grocery list!:laugh:

    Thanks a million!

    ****off to the store****
  • 1234lbsgone
    1234lbsgone Posts: 296 Member
    Oh and BARS! Thanks ZH...

    Beer too......
  • dawniewest
    dawniewest Posts: 37 Member
    I'm all about bean dips! Hummus, or white beans, lots of garlic and olive oil, some lemon juice,and you are good! I also like to make a "salad" out of black beans, corn green onions and rotel tomatoes. You can dress it with italian dressing, light ranch, light sour cream or just some lime juice! Don't forget about good ole' peanut butter. Roll it up on a tortilla with some honey, YUM!