Underweight and need serious help



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    simmoner4 wrote: »
    wilsoncl6 wrote: »
    How did you get your bf%? I doubt your at 8.8% body fat. The only sure fire way is through water immersion. Every other way is not as accurate, especially bioelectric impedence which typically underestimates body fat % the lower and more athletic you are. The minimum (estimated) for a woman to survive is somewhere between 13-17% but varies. If you're still having your period, that is a good indicator that your body fat percentage is fine for you. When you stop having your period, especially at your age, that is a red flag that your BF is too low.
    It was bio electric but I'm doing another test on Monday the old fashioned measuring way. And everything I have learned is that 10-15% is the minimum for proper menstration, not to survive?

    Women tend to lose menstruation at 14%. Typically optimal is around 16 to 18%. At these levels, if you have good body composition, you would be pretty defined.
  • FireMike05
    FireMike05 Posts: 16 Member
    Lots of good advice on here! If you'd like some help, shoot me a message and I can work with you in getting some results and offer some advice specific to the goal you have in mind.
  • morg987
    morg987 Posts: 7 Member
    As someone who used to be very into running, exercise, and ate too few calories for my bodies needs, there are definitely consequences to excessive exercise and low body weight.
    The first being that having a low bmi drastically reduces oestrogen which id very important not just for fertility, to have a natural period not induced by birth control pills, but it is also extremely important for bone health as it regulates osteoblasts (bone resorption) and osteoclasts (bone reformation). Even if a period is happening a low bmi can still mean low oestrogen resulting in low bone density and early onset osteoporosis, leading to increased fracture risk.
    My recommendation would be to consider taking a break from running, increase calorie consumption, weight bearing exercises which will hopefully help to gain weight. It is far better to consider a break period so as to avoid future fractures and health consequences of low bone density than to ignore.
    Also it's important to remember that an adequate bmi for a women should realistically be 20 or higher (not in obese range obv) this is a level where hormones are really able to function at there best.
    Multidirectional movements have also shown to be the best form of exercise for bone density, as exercise such as running, swimming and cycling is a linear movement and aerobic (burning energy). Studies have shown that these athletes have lower bone density than those who perform multidirectional exercise such as weight lifting and gymnastics.

    The main thing to take away though is that there is no one diet that will improve bone density, increased calorie consumption will lead to increased weight (both fat and muscle) = increased muscle mass = increased bone density.
    *fat too is needed for proper hormone function
    But don't get obsessed with calorie counting, eating extremely healthy or a rigorous exercise regime. Carbs, protein, fat include it all.
    Dairy, carbs, protein, fats like avocado, nut butters, olive oil, salmon all great plus veg and fruits for vitamins. Depends on your height and weight as to how much you need. But increase calorie consumption gradually. Also eating enough calories is very difficult on salads alone if that is your idea on being healthy, it used to be for me just sayin!