120 lbs to lose from the Philippines :)

pamcynn Posts: 4 Member
June 11, 2016 9:45PM
hi, everybody. i hope you all are doing well. i've started my weight loss journey just 3 weeks ago. i'm 5 feet tall and started 235 lbs and now i'm 225 lbs. i m doing cize for 2 weeks now. i find it reaaally hard! i had to pause every now and then to catch my breath. i was doing just okay for the first two tracks. however, 3 days on full out, i felt pain on my right knee and now i can feel crepitus when i flex/extend my knee but i can still walk easily. i'm scared to continue but i'm also scared to not go on cizing it up because of the progress that i'll miss. should i stop it? do you have any cardio/workout suggestions that i can do in case i temporarily stop with the cize workout? thank you. all my love.


  • DevonZimmerman
    DevonZimmerman Posts: 5 Member
    Just start walking trails. Me and my wife walk trails and it's done us good so far
  • vi3tstyleZ
    vi3tstyleZ Posts: 1 Member
    Perhaps you should give intermittent fasting a try. It's pretty much just eating all your calories intake in a specified eatin window. For ex, have all ur meals between a 12 hr windoe ( 9am to 9 pm)..for starters. Once your body adjust to this better, u can slowly decrease the eating window to ex. 10 hrs than 8hrs etc hope this helps
  • pamcynn
    pamcynn Posts: 4 Member
    thanm you! i'd give those a try :)