Running and jogging

My question is the following; does joghing and rumning help on loosing weight? I jog 6 days a week for 45 minutes. And i stay within my 1600 calories a day since my start weight was 221.6, am I doing correctly?


  • demonsorrow
    demonsorrow Posts: 10 Member
    Yes, but dont forget to include some weight lifting and a good diet. I use to weight 238lbs and i started with body weight workouts. I eventually added walking jogging etc and with time the weight melted off. Stick to it and dont give up.
  • pebble4321
    pebble4321 Posts: 1,132 Member
    To lose weight you need to take in less calories than you burn. That calorie deficit can come from a combo of diet and exercise. So, if you are eating 1600 and jogging 6 days, you are very likely to lose weight.

    However, you might like to consider mixing up your exercise a bit - running can be hard on your joints and when you start out reasonably heavy (as I did, I was just under 90kg) you are more at risk. Is there something else you like to do, exercise wise, that you can alternate with?

    I currently run3 days a week and on the off days I walk, dance, do yoga, some bodyweight or other strength exercises, ride my bike etc. Running is definitely my main exercise as I'm training for a series of races, but I've learnt the hard way that all running is not good for me.
  • zoefoister94
    zoefoister94 Posts: 2 Member
    Of course jogging will help you lose weight, as long as you're not eating in excess - but while jogging will help lose the weight, lifting weights or mixing up your exercise with some yoga will be what tones your body, keeps it tight and firm. Of course it depends on how far you're jogging, your body will get used to how far or for how long, and the more weight you lose, the less calories you burn from everyday activities, so you might want to gradually increase distance or time.
  • HaseebAhmed793
    HaseebAhmed793 Posts: 1 Member
    You are doing fanstastic jog.. whats your goal of this month?