New here! Need Friends!

imburnram Posts: 2
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself

My name is Burnadette and I live in San Antonio, Texas! I am a 36 year old yo-yo dieter and I have been considering gastric bypass. I have quite a bit to lose and I can honestly say that I am bigger than I have ever been. I have lost huge amounts of weight and I have gained even more each time. There are a lot of things that contribute to my obesity - self-esteem, genetics, family history, PCOS. blah blah I do have PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome. It sucks for a number of reasons but mainly it sucks because it makes it easier for you to get fat and the fatter you get the worse the syndrome gets. So, needless to say it is literally a vicious cycle! I have been able to lose weight but most of the time it was with a protein only diet but then I would gain it all back and then some. In fact, the last time I lost a great deal of weight I got pregnant! Hence, my 3 year old son, Noah! Many people with PCOS struggle with infertility so I am very blessed to have him. Anyway, about a year ago I started the process to have gastric bypass. Well, I was never really into it. I was actually quite freaked out by it. Then I felt like everyone was pushing me to do it. I know they want me to be healthy but I am very afraid of it. Now, I want to be healthy for my son. I want to be here to watch him grow but I want to try to do this the healthy way. I don't want to throw because I ate sugar or end up in the hospital because I did something wrong with my diet. I have recently been facing my health issues. I went to the doctor and he called me with my test results from my blood work. Well, I was pretty scared. I was certain he was going to tell me that I have diabetes. I already have high blood pressure and cholesterol. As I was waiting for the nurse to give me my results I prayed to God that if this came back fine I would really try this time. Well, needless to say no Diabetes - yet - and here I am.

I am really looking for a support system here. I looking for people to help keep me motivated! Please let me know it you are interested in a great friend and motivator!


  • Nana_Anne
    Nana_Anne Posts: 179 Member
    Welcome to the site :) This is a great place with many supportive people. You can friend me anytime.
  • cgl74
    cgl74 Posts: 2
    Hi Burnedette, I'm new too. I'm 37 and have about 90 lbs to lose. I'm at my heaviest and when I think of the amount of weight I need to lose I become so overwhelmed and the feeling of defeat become prominent before I even begin. But I am hoping that with the right support it can be done - maybe not as fast as I'd like - but I am certain it is possible. I keep focusing on how I'll feel when this body is skinny again. I'm on the other side of the country (NJ), but perhaps we can lean on each other for support.
  • cgl74
    cgl74 Posts: 2
    Oops! My name is Carie!! I didn't realize I left out my name...
  • tiatia32
    tiatia32 Posts: 4

    Im Tia Im new as well Im am looking to loose weight and I am looking for support as well! Im a great supporter myself I will send you a friend request! Lets get goin!!! AYYYEE!!!! #teamfitness
  • tiatia32
    tiatia32 Posts: 4

    Im tia i could use support to and Im a great supporter myself! Im in ATL myself ready to loose this weight! LEGGOOO!!!!
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