New to Cutting (KETO/IF)

What's up everyone!

My name is Sam. I'm currently 20. In college right now, studying to become a personal trainer. I've been working out for about 2-3 years now. All my workouts are hypertrophy/strength(Bodybuilding/Powerbuilding). Cardio for me is stuff like box jumps and suicides. Never been too crazy about go hiking and biking EVERY morning like others. I'll do it every so often though.

So I haven't always had the best diet in world, but I've been pretty serious about dropping Body Fat lately which is amazing to me. Never cut for this long before(Lol one month in).

I tried a lot of diets and eating styles in my 17-18s. Majority being bad lol. Gallon of Milk a Day(GOMAD) Damn did I add fat on me for a month


  • SamGoingHam
    SamGoingHam Posts: 34 Member
    Damn, I had like a whole story and they chopped it in half
  • SamGoingHam
    SamGoingHam Posts: 34 Member
    SUMMARY: I'm currently running KETO and Intermittent Fasting. Dropped from 187lbs to 176lbs. Anyone else run these diets? Opinions? Add me. I would love to hear everyone's story and support them in their journey to a better lifestyle.
  • Elcubiche
    Elcubiche Posts: 27 Member
    I just looking to do both the keto and intermittent fasting
  • SamGoingHam
    SamGoingHam Posts: 34 Member
    I would recommend it Bro. The start up is going to suck, but I believe the end result will be worth it.
  • Elcubiche
    Elcubiche Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks I will look into it, I don't know how to add you as a friend here but you can add me
  • SamGoingHam
    SamGoingHam Posts: 34 Member
    For sure. Just added. Only thing I'll advise is that you have to be mentally prepared to KETO. Cutting out carbs can restrict your food choices pretty bad. I recommend you look into KETO recipes. As well as it's hard on you if you tend to go out with your friends to eat often. I'll mainly look at the restaurant's salad options and ask if I can get some time of meat added to it. Easier if you prepare for it and plan it in your diary. Example: Minimize your day's carb intake to account for the carbs you'll take in when you eat out. Good luck man!
  • axisedm
    axisedm Posts: 12 Member
    Yea, i am doing the same thing and went from 183 to 159 in a little over a month. Defiantly give it a try, like sam said, the beginning sucks but its more then worth it. Remember this:

    "Yes, it’s awful in the short term. But that short-term pain is a door to long-term gain".

    Not my quote but i love the meaning!
  • Vowder
    Vowder Posts: 378 Member
    There is a whole group/message board on keto. The launching pad is awesome and there is a ton of support for newbie's there. You may want to check it out.\

    Good luck.

  • SamGoingHam
    SamGoingHam Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you for the helpful link Vowder. Just sent a request to join the group.
  • Elcubiche
    Elcubiche Posts: 27 Member
    I already gave up sugar and flower, I just need to find good recipes which I hope to find in the lid group, or you can give me some too, there is another group for intermitent fasting
  • SamGoingHam
    SamGoingHam Posts: 34 Member
    I've found some amazing recipes on the site "" for KETO,which makes me feel like I'm not even dieting sometimes.

    P.s. The site loves bacon. Who doesn't? :smiley:
  • Elcubiche
    Elcubiche Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks a lot my friend you have a lot of knowledge
  • SamGoingHam
    SamGoingHam Posts: 34 Member
    No problem. We're all here to help each other out. If you have any other questions feel free to ask away.
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    Elcubiche wrote: »
    I already gave up sugar and flower, I just need to find good recipes which I hope to find in the lid group, or you can give me some too, there is another group for intermitent fasting

    There is also a ton of links to low carb recipe websites in the launchpad area that @Vowder posted above.