Stay At Home Moms, HELP!

Hey, I'm a stay at home mom of a 4.5yr old and 2yr old, both daughters! I'm struggling on how to start/maintain a consistent diet. I need some creative idea to make this work. Do you make separate foods to eat? Do you meal prep? Help please?!


  • Emijanine
    Emijanine Posts: 158 Member
    My kids are the same ages! Send me a friend request. I'm new on the site and don't know how to do that yet! I have tons of ideas for you!
  • JustMary82
    JustMary82 Posts: 19 Member
    Same boat. 5 yr old son and 3 yr daughter. Are you a snacker? That's what my problem is, I seem to always be in the kitchen. My "danger zone" is nap time so I try to stay upstairs or keep myself busy from 1-3. It helps that I am lazy so if I stay upstairs, I usually won't venture down just for food.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    edited June 2016
    I'm also a SAHM. Most of my kids are older, but my youngest is 2. What's tripping you up? I don't think it's necessary to make separate foods. My older kids make breakfast and lunch for themselves, but my toddler often eats my food. I typically eat the same foods every day, or at least plan out all of my food in advance. It's much easier when I know exactly what I'm going to eat and I don't have to think about it. I don't really prep meals in advance, except for freezing individual portions of chicken breast for my lunches, I just keep it simple.
  • AuthenticallyAmanda
    AuthenticallyAmanda Posts: 39 Member
    macasey82 wrote: »
    Same boat. 5 yr old son and 3 yr daughter. Are you a snacker? That's what my problem is, I seem to always be in the kitchen. My "danger zone" is nap time so I try to stay upstairs or keep myself busy from 1-3. It helps that I am lazy so if I stay upstairs, I usually won't venture down just for food.

    I usually don't snack, however I eat way too much. I also, the time I over indulge is when they go to bed. So about 10pm, I have a "4th meal". It's a. Horrible habit.
  • AuthenticallyAmanda
    AuthenticallyAmanda Posts: 39 Member
    I'm also a SAHM. Most of my kids are older, but my youngest is 2. What's tripping you up? I don't think it's necessary to make separate foods. My older kids make breakfast and lunch for themselves, but my toddler often eats my food. I typically eat the same foods every day, or at least plan out all of my food in advance. It's much easier when I know exactly what I'm going to eat and I don't have to think about it. I don't really prep meals in advance, except for freezing individual portions of chicken breast for my lunches, I just keep it simple.

    My portion control is horrible. Also have to count calories when making a meal is super tedious. I sometimes think of just getting frozen meals for me like weight watchers. What are some examples of quick meals you make?
  • Emijanine
    Emijanine Posts: 158 Member
    Emijanine wrote: »
    My kids are the same ages! Send me a friend request. I'm new on the site and don't know how to do that yet! I have tons of ideas for you!

    Sorry I accidentally declined it. Lol! Send it again!
  • leahkathleen13
    leahkathleen13 Posts: 272 Member
    I take glass pie pans and stack them up with foil which I reuse. I put cooked chicken or lentils on them and cut up a cauliflower, broccoli, eggplant, celery, carrot, or whatever I bought. Then I weigh each pan and Tare out each veggie as I add. I make about 4 at a time, all a touch different. Takes me about 20 mins. Then I bake the pie pan for my dinner. At 450 for 20 mins and add soy or hot sauce. So tasty and so filling, usually less than 300 calories. Also a pot of soup made with boxed chicken broth, ground lean turkey, canned tomato, and veggies can last days for dinners and is cheap and fast to prepare. I rotate these dinner ideas and don't ever get sick of them. Ps I have three kids but I work full time and am home four days a week with them:)
  • amyrek
    amyrek Posts: 3 Member
    I am a SAHM and share your struggle with portion control and the dreaded 4th meal! I don't prepare separate meals. Meal planning and cooking ahead and freezing "backup meals" for when I need something quick helps. I am going to send you a request and maybe we can keep each other motivated and share ideas!
  • Mrmiller0422
    Mrmiller0422 Posts: 91 Member
    macasey82 wrote: »
    Same boat. 5 yr old son and 3 yr daughter. Are you a snacker? That's what my problem is, I seem to always be in the kitchen. My "danger zone" is nap time so I try to stay upstairs or keep myself busy from 1-3. It helps that I am lazy so if I stay upstairs, I usually won't venture down just for food.

    I usually don't snack, however I eat way too much. I also, the time I over indulge is when they go to bed. So about 10pm, I have a "4th meal". It's a. Horrible habit.

    I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Meal planning.
    Pre-logging my day. I leave 100-300 calories in my day for snacks at 3-4 PM and around 9 PM.
    Putting food away out of sight.
    Getting out of the kitchen and doing other things.
  • AuthenticallyAmanda
    AuthenticallyAmanda Posts: 39 Member
    I tend to be an emotional eater, not sure how to break that.
  • AuthenticallyAmanda
    AuthenticallyAmanda Posts: 39 Member
    Thank you all for your responses! :)
  • JustMary82
    JustMary82 Posts: 19 Member
    I am an emotional eater too! I am being more conscience about it and letting myself have a small snack here and there, but I am careful not to binge, or stop a binge before it gets crazy.

    Have you looked into ways to relax and de-stress? Hobby's? Friends? Wine?
  • CrabbyCancerMama
    CrabbyCancerMama Posts: 95 Member
    I'm a SAHM 5yr old boy 2.5yr old girl. sometimes I make the same food for all of us sometimes not. it's good to snack but remember it's just a snack not a meal. I eat if I get bored at home so I try to redirect myself into something else. I gave up pop, I do not count calories. I just eat real food and try to avoid processed stuff. I'm down 40lbs in 5 months. feel free to add me ☺
  • AuthenticallyAmanda
    AuthenticallyAmanda Posts: 39 Member
    macasey82 wrote: »
    I am an emotional eater too! I am being more conscience about it and letting myself have a small snack here and there, but I am careful not to binge, or stop a binge before it gets crazy.

    Have you looked into ways to relax and de-stress? Hobby's? Friends? Wine?

    Oh man, relax.. My Husband works two jobs, so I don't have a lot of time to myself. Or money for that matter! I drink rarely, lol. Friends, I have a couple mommy friends, but they are also busy and struggling with their own weight issues. It's tough to have small kids.

  • ericatoday
    ericatoday Posts: 454 Member
    I have a 7 year old and a 2 year old. Breakfast and lunch are always different for us but dinner they eat what i eat. I make good healthy meals my whole family enjoys. I do plan out my dinners i rarely wing it. But youll get in the swing of things its not as hard as you think
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    Sahm of 4 here...ages 8,6,5,2

    I dont make separate foods....they eat what I eat. Usually they have eggs, oatmeal or pancakes for breakfast and I usually skip breakfast. Lunch is leftovers, sandwiches, hotdogs, soup, etc...

    Dinner is usually a protein and a veggie...tonight was chicken breast with asparagus. The kids dipped in BBQ sauce.

    Snacks are usually fruit, crackers or pretzels.

    Re relaxing....find a way to carve out time for yourself. Are your kids content in a stroller? Strap them in, put headphones on and go for a long walk. Take a half hour after bedtime to do NOTHING.....just sitting in silence can help.

    If you can afford a membership, the daycare can be a GODSEND on days you need a break....
  • AuthenticallyAmanda
    AuthenticallyAmanda Posts: 39 Member
    Thank you all so much, for the support and ideas!!
  • danhib
    danhib Posts: 290 Member
    I'm a stay at home Dad if that helps. I do my kids different foods to what I eat. They have cereal I eat oats. I eat a lot of salads, they also like salad & eat a lot of fruits. It is hard when you cook them something you want to eat, if I have to eat it I'll make sure I go out for a long walk afterwards & use the Endomondo app. Start with a good breakfast is the best tip. I have oats or if you eat eggs I have about 3 scrambled on whole meal toast. It will fill you for longer & you'll feel less peckish through the day
  • mbrentonmb
    mbrentonmb Posts: 24 Member
    I am not a stay at home mom. I'm on mat leave but I do have a little advice to offer... I absolutely refuse to keep my cheat foods in the house. I'm an emotional eater and I live to find a reason to eat and chocolate is my down fall. I know what it's like to be busy and grab something quick so try to keep only healthy snacks. I buy mini carrots and hummus and I love yogurt. That's all. And allow your self a treat once in a while. That's ok. Good luck!!