Could use some tips: all motivation has gone for some reason

Hi, everyone. I started my weight loss journey near the end of February. So far I have lost 21 pounds. I feel great about that; my clothes fit much better (or are even too loose), I've received a few compliments, and I'm really proud of myself. However, for the past 3 weeks (maybe even a little more), I have just slowly gone downhill, until I've basically come to a standstill. Whereas before, I was exercising at least every other day, I haven't made a conscience effort to exercise more than a couple times in the last few weeks. When before I was within my calorie range nearly every day, for the past few weeks I went from going slightly over to binging and going a thousand or more over -- until the last two days where I have completely stopped tracking and have eaten whatever I want.
I'm just wondering if anyone else has gone through a hump like this, and how/if they were able to get through it. I love how much better I feel when I work out and eat healthier. I love looking/feeling better! But there's just some kind of block that I can't get around. I keep saying, I will start again tomorrow, and then by noon I've already stuffed my face with all kinds of sweets and chips. Please, any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.


  • ScotsLass78
    ScotsLass78 Posts: 248 Member
    edited June 2016
    I've gone through them, but all the times before I've ended up just giving up completely and I'm determined not to let it happen again.

    I've learnt from the times before, and I agree with the post above. I now break everything down to mini goals, some are little daily goals and others are weekly goals. I rarely look at the big picture, as I've got a lot to lose and it would just be too over whelming if I did.

    I find support & motivation from the boards too, it's comforting to know that there are other people going through the same thing. Now I don't punish myself if I do over do it one day. I just put it behind me, and use it as motivation to do better/exercise more.

    You can get your motivation back, just take it one step at a time :)
  • RosemaryBronte
    RosemaryBronte Posts: 103 Member
    I've been having a crazy weekend where I've eaten everything foolish finishing with a 200 gram box of chocolates. Finally I got myself to do 15 minutes of meditation and I feel more calm. I hope I'll eat normally tomorrow but am not sure. I don't want to return to the crazy dark place of self destructive eating. I can't calorie count any more but I want to just eat in a healthy way and exercise too.
  • ftwmc
    ftwmc Posts: 47 Member
    I think everyone on this site wiuld have been there most more than once. I found that going for a walk helped. My down fall is beer so if I want a beer I have to walk to the bar, its not sitting in the fridge waiting. I only keep " good foods" around so if I want junk I have to walk. When I get to the bar I have a scotch and water less calories., I find when I walk I'm not inclined to snack till I get home then there's no junk. Works for me, good luck and remember we've all been there.
  • callymills
    callymills Posts: 14 Member
    You're doing well! All you have to do to stay motivated is tell yourself that the end result will be worth it all. Everyone has a point where they feel like giving up with their diet but you just have to remember why you're doing it and you don't have to exercise a lot.. My mum has lost about 6 stone on her diet so far by not eating chocolate, crisps and all the junk same with me, I dropped a stone and 11lbs just by not eating junk. Good luck x
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    When this happens to me I take my goals down to an easily achievable level. It helps me to feel successful (even with ridiculously easy goals) for a few days. So low or no deficit, and walking for cardio and casual strength training. As long as I just keep going, renewed energy and enthusiasm show up eventually.
  • marycran7
    marycran7 Posts: 1 Member
    sgt_pepper33 don't give up. 20# is huge achievement. reassess and keep going! its not all about the food or exercise maybe you need a life coach or therapist. give yourself on non food/exercise treat. you've earned it!
  • Chellz888
    Chellz888 Posts: 1 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hi, I am new to the group. My sister told me about this group and it sounds awesome to have the support. Breaking things into small tasks is a strategy that has helped me. However, I needed more at times. I lost 30 pounds but decided to keep the motivation fresh, so I joined a private on-line weight-loss competition. Everyone set a 16 week goal. Some of us set a goal to be ready for our first body building competition. Weekly postings where we compete against ourselves (not each other) to improve but we did it together and that lead to 16 more pounds of weight-loss and great toning. This provided me with short-term weekly incentive and a long-term very motivating goal! It works great!! My goal is to keep going at least until the lifestyle changes become switching to low fat or non-fat milk or other diet changes.
    Good luck Sgt. Pepper_33 !!
  • tmn2016
    tmn2016 Posts: 159 Member
    What if you took a pic of yourself? This is just so you can see what you look like but then imagine yourself how you want to be! I had to see myself so that I could tell myself "NO MORE". Picture yourself thin and healthy and then tell yourself "I want to be healthy and thinner, I can do this". Take one meal at a time and remember: you didn't get this way in one day; it will take time and set backs will happen. You just need to get back on track. Just remember: nothing taste as good as thin feels".

    Have to apply my own theory here since I have 10lbs to go and I had a set back last week! Back on track today, one meal at a time. Tomorrow back to working out after 1 week vacation!
  • StrawbC
    StrawbC Posts: 167 Member
    I've never tried the pic thingy. Don't have a great mirror in the house but I guess I could just use the self timer on the camera. Ok.. gonna try this. Tomorrow is day 1 pic then weekly after that. Is weekly good for pics? or is that too frequent??
  • tmn2016
    tmn2016 Posts: 159 Member
    StrawbC wrote: »
    I've never tried the pic thingy. Don't have a great mirror in the house but I guess I could just use the self timer on the camera. Ok.. gonna try this. Tomorrow is day 1 pic then weekly after that. Is weekly good for pics? or is that too frequent??

    I only do it after every 10lbs so that I can see a difference. Every week might frustrate you. Do a pic now with your camera and the save the pic. Then maybe 1 month later take another pic and put it side by side with the old pic so you can compare. After a few months you will notice a huge difference and go WOW!!
  • StrawbC
    StrawbC Posts: 167 Member
    Actually that's a better idea. As my weight loss has slowed right down and I'm actually gaining a bit it might work in the wrong direction if I take a pic every week. Every 10lbs makes sense and gives me a goal to work toward. Weigh in day is Friday and I'll do the pic then me thinks. I gotta start getting real. I just keep pretending this current slow increase in weight is just a small hump in the road when in actually fact its turning into a complete about face
  • wtliftchick
    wtliftchick Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks so much for all the encouragement, everyone! It warms me that such a community exists of people who want to not only better themselves, but also help others through the process. I planned my whole day out last night, and so far I am on track. I agree that if I can have a couple balanced days in a row, perhaps it will make getting back into it feel manageable. Thanks for all the help!

    I'm having an "off" day and came on here for some help and your post really motivated me! Thank YOU! I'm going to go get a quick workout in before I start dinner.

    And congrats on the weight loss so far. 21 pounds is no joke!
  • canadianvampyregurl
    canadianvampyregurl Posts: 231 Member
    Thanks so much for all the encouragement, everyone! It warms me that such a community exists of people who want to not only better themselves, but also help others through the process. I planned my whole day out last night, and so far I am on track. I agree that if I can have a couple balanced days in a row, perhaps it will make getting back into it feel manageable. Thanks for all the help!

    Girl !!! You inspired me very much as I read this !! You seem like a really great person. Being on a health journey is never easy and it's always so great to have that back up from people that get it :) I'd love to be able to chat with you throughout our journey. Please add me if you'd like :) Anyone on this thread :) I'm a Canadian lady who loves to chat and is a great support !!!
  • canadianvampyregurl
    canadianvampyregurl Posts: 231 Member
    tmn2016 wrote: »
    StrawbC wrote: »
    I've never tried the pic thingy. Don't have a great mirror in the house but I guess I could just use the self timer on the camera. Ok.. gonna try this. Tomorrow is day 1 pic then weekly after that. Is weekly good for pics? or is that too frequent??

    I only do it after every 10lbs so that I can see a difference. Every week might frustrate you. Do a pic now with your camera and the save the pic. Then maybe 1 month later take another pic and put it side by side with the old pic so you can compare. After a few months you will notice a huge difference and go WOW!!

    I use to take pictures every week and got quite discouraged. I love your idea about taking pics once a month or after every 10 lbs lost :)
  • Sgt_Pepper33
    Sgt_Pepper33 Posts: 194 Member
    Thanks so much everyone! I'm feeling the love and support of you all! :smiley: I will add you @canadianvampyregurl! Anyone else can add me as well. The last few days I have been back on track. I did decide to move my weight loss goal to 1.5 lbs a week rather than 2. This gives me a little wiggle room but doesn't allow me to go completely out of control. It feels better, but I will see how next weigh-in goes! And about the picture idea: that's a wonderful idea! I've talked to my friend who is also trying to lose weight, and we decided to do a fun pinup girl kind of photo and keep updating it as we lose weight! :)
  • StrawbC
    StrawbC Posts: 167 Member
    Thanks so much everyone! I'm feeling the love and support of you all! :smiley: I will add you @canadianvampyregurl! Anyone else can add me as well. The last few days I have been back on track. I did decide to move my weight loss goal to 1.5 lbs a week rather than 2. This gives me a little wiggle room but doesn't allow me to go completely out of control. It feels better, but I will see how next weigh-in goes! And about the picture idea: that's a wonderful idea! I've talked to my friend who is also trying to lose weight, and we decided to do a fun pinup girl kind of photo and keep updating it as we lose weight! :)

    Love the idea of photograph with a friend.. Having someone to do this journey with in whatever form it takes really makes a difference. Just the support and being able to phone a friend when the going gets tough, great tools to add to your tool box. So glad your feeling strong again, I always find reaching out on here makes a difference.

    I'm back to square one with my added sugar elimination.. Cold Rock ice cream with 4 mix ins and banana bread and chocolate brownie for lunch today.. aggghhhhh But here I am getting my support needs met doing my confessing and hopefully getting back on track... I want food... sweet sweet food right no... agghhhh
  • tmn2016
    tmn2016 Posts: 159 Member
    edited June 2016
    Actually chatting here has helped me too!! I have the last 10 dreaded lbs to go and I slipped last weekend and gained 2 lbs because I was really bad! At least I recognize why the scale went the other way!! It's totally my fault. But I guess sometimes we need to just allow ourselves to be a little "bad" as long as we get right back on track! Add me as a friend of you like. We can do this together!
  • tmn2016
    tmn2016 Posts: 159 Member
    My goal for the week now is to have only healthy snacks, no bread (my downfall)!

    I took a pic of myself 2 weeks ago and I'm starting to see how good I look and i don't want to lose sight of that great feeling!! Gotta do it! We call ALL do it!!
  • Gretzmo
    Gretzmo Posts: 16 Member
    So glad I found this post! I could be the OP as it mirrors what I have been going thru. You guys are so supportive and helpful I am also feeling motivated to get back on track. Thank you all for taking the time to post, and OP for voicing the struggles of many, it does help more people than you know.
  • srecupid
    srecupid Posts: 660 Member
    I've gone through loss of motivation before and what I did was try and find a new approach to get some of it back. Part of the loss for motivation was starting to feel like it was more of a chore than anything else. But,if j switched it up it became fun again. Like one time instead of trying to eat at a specific deficit I set mfp to maintenance and tried to make the deficit as big as safely possible.
  • ldowdesw
    ldowdesw Posts: 222 Member
    I'm in a mega slump;(.. I feel like I've got a stinking cold coming and so I just want to eat. I can't talk myself into a happy mood or focus on food. I'm still logging, just very badly. The logical side of my brain is still counting calories, then I feel grumpy and say who cares!! I realise what a mess I've got myself into, I've just lost my motivation. I don't seem to be on my own which is reassuring, but know I need to stop sabotaging myself before the weights starts going back on. Thanks for reading, think I've just got the moody blues xx
  • StrawbC
    StrawbC Posts: 167 Member
    srecupid wrote: »
    I've gone through loss of motivation before and what I did was try and find a new approach to get some of it back. Part of the loss for motivation was starting to feel like it was more of a chore than anything else. But,if j switched it up it became fun again. Like one time instead of trying to eat at a specific deficit I set mfp to maintenance and tried to make the deficit as big as safely possible.

    I feel like this is right where I'm at. I started my MFP journey back in January 2015 and from there till about Sept 2015 lost 62 lbs. My goals was a 84lbs lost so I fell a little short and though I've put on about 5.5lbs between September and now I'm finding it oh so difficult to find my groove again. I still exercise at a decent level but I'm struggle with the food. It does feel like all a bit of a chore. I like your idea of setting MFP to maintenance and then having a challenge to stay under it. Have you any other ideas on how to freshen up this journey as I think that is my real problem. I'm a bit stale
  • dynelrthorpe
    dynelrthorpe Posts: 6 Member
    I have been there and done that and still does it and I have found nobody can pull you out of It but yourself and once you do, you jump right back into it because you then remember it sure does feel good when you get back in.
  • Neanbean13
    Neanbean13 Posts: 211 Member
    Hi. Do you have access to a gym or are you doing your own thing? Let me know and I'll give you a circuit challenge to do tomorrow! See how long it takes you and I'll do same and we can do twice a week and see if next week we get quicker! !