In need of motivation & support

Hi All. Thanks for reading. I am feeling very down right now. I am not motivated to do anything & I am very sad. These feelings come and go, but I feel like I just don't have what it takes sometimes. It seems like I keep making bad decisions regarding everything. Like I've realized that I'm just not a dog person & I was for a long time as a child, but then I got older & I just don't have patience & I'm sad because I recently adopted a dog & now I don't know what to do. I didn't think there was goign to be any problem, but I feel like i have so much going on I can only be good at so many of them. Does anyone else feel this way? There are too many things that I need to do. Between my family (my daughter and her father), school, work & then all the things you just have to do to survive I feel like there are TOO many things I need to do & it makes it very hard for me to focus on any of them very well. Working out it NOT at all on my list at all right now & I know that it needs to be. :( I feel so thinned out and there isn't enough of me to go around. I hope I start feeling better soon.


  • brittanydittman
    Im sorry :o( i hope you start feeling better soon! Emotions always come and go, whether they are good or bad. Im sure it wil pass just as ur last ones did! Keep ur chin up. You doing great!!
  • blueliss26
    blueliss26 Posts: 79 Member
    If you can find a way to get some time in for exercise, some of the other things will fall into place. When I am consistently exercising my energy level is better to do what I need to do. Maybe take the dog for some nice looooong walks to tire him/her out! I hope you feel better soon.. Feelings like that are not fun. Try not to let them take over and remind yourself of your success. You are doing great!!!
  • melbaby925
    melbaby925 Posts: 613
    It sounds to me like you're a little depressed and feeling really overwhelmed. When that happens to me, I try and break things down to the smaller parts and tackle what I can.

    I adopted a dog last year that needed a large amount of attention and rehabilitation and I freaked out a couple of times as well. The part that really worked for me was walking with him. We bonded and I got my exercise at the same time. He's calmer and doesn't freak out and chew things up. So maybe you can work something out for a walk?

    Also, I read an article by Dr. Amen a few months ago that had the statement: A walk is the equivalent of an anti depressant. So get out there, get some vitamin D in the sunshine, and get to bond with your new dog and feel better!

    You can do this! Just breathe and do what you can handle right now. You'll hopefully start to balance out and not feel so stressed.
  • srajojo
    srajojo Posts: 1
    I feel the same way, and I don't even have a family to care for. It's hard enough just trying to hold it together as a single person with work, grad school, and the demands of daily life that I'm so amazed by women who manage to take care of other people as well. And somewhere in there we are supposed to take good care of our bodies-- so hard!!

    I would suggest taking a moment to look at all your successes because I'm sure you have many. Looks like you are making awesome progress with your weight-loss goals, so be proud and be patient! Now, I need to follow my own advice... :)
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    Is there any way you can return the dog, especially since it's a recent adoption? Taking care of a dog is a huge responsibility; some are easier than others (mine is VERY HIGH MAINTENANCE) but as you know, they all take a lot of work and patience. While walking a dog can be a form of exercise, in many situations you're better off not having a dog and just getting exercise on your own.

    What helps me when I feel swamped is making a list of every single thing I have to do for the day. Even little things -- ESPECIALLY little things -- like "check mail" or "take the multivitamin pill." It's motivating to be able to cross them off one by one. Most days, I don't get to cross them all off, but it still puts things into perspective; I feel like I know what to do, instead of having this vague feeling of being overwhelmed.

    It's kind of like being lost in a desert. If you see a village on the horizon three miles away, that's going to take a while to get there when you're already exhausted, but you know where to go, and that keeps you going. Much better than seeing nothing at all, which is just pure despair.
  • Jessica5000
    You may not believe this but if you put yourself first, and what I mean is work out. Get some nice work out clothes, great music to get you pumped and work out you will feel better and you know what? You see things cleared, you have more energy, you get stuff organized, finished done. Everyone has an hour a day. And I don't mean an hour of exercise either. I do the Jillian Michaels 30DS or Ripped in 30 DVD 6x a week. It's less than 30 minutes and then I have to have another shower to continue with my day, another 30 minutes. I'm not a mom so I don't know but I am a stress case and working out is my medicine. Without the endrophins pumping I get really depressed, start hating myself, etc. ugggg I just can't stop working out. It's a dark place. And that includes when your eating has been the sh*ts. Just do it.
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    Hello everyone. Thank you for the responses. I contacted the seller and she is giving me the information of others who were interested. The little dog is adorable, but I just cannot handle it. The original owner will be out of town until July 12. I'm not sure if they will take her back or not. I'm just nervous.
  • melane71
    melane71 Posts: 35
    Put yourself first. Working out allows you to make time just for you and the result of being healthier is self-esteem and this has no price.
    It's all about self-esteem. It makes you happy from within, you are then in control of your own happiness.
    It is a long process because you have to be willing to accept yourself for who you are, meaning the good and the bad.
    Once I realized that there are things about myself that I did not like but they were part of me so I had to accept them instead of saying "I wish I was like this" "I wish I had this".
    It is what it is and I do the best with who I am and what I have.
    I can now say that I am a happy person and even experience moments of pure bliss.
    I hope you find a way to get out of this funk but my advice is if you are overwhelmed start with yourself and the image you have of yourself.