Not new to working out. Just new to getting back in shape.

gcooper7 Posts: 146 Member
So I'm not new to the whole working out thing. When I was a kid I was a mere 135 lbs as a high schooler. I graduated at 145 and maintained around that for most of my early twenties. When I was in high school I wrestled and so I got used to the whole wrestler's way of losing weight. which if you have never done the sport it's a bit much. I'm also into Jiu Jitsu and grappling as of now so i'm used to working out. My problem is when I work out I ALWAYS want to resort back to putting on 30 layers of clothes and losing all the weight in an hour. It's been more of a struggle for me to lose it slowly and healthy. with my wife's support I've been able to have some success but i'm so impatient. I guess more of my frustration is the fact that I know I used to be fit and I let myself go. I blamed it on other reasons from my past but I have realized that the only person or thing to blame for my weight gain is myself. Now it is up to me to fix it. This application and website have been great. I hope to help people when I can and to learn from others when I can. I have the knowledge to get where I want to be and I know I have the support from my family and from everyone on here to keep the motivation to get there as well.

Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods


  • wildeone4
    wildeone4 Posts: 204 Member
    That is awesome! You can do this! What are you doing for exercise?
  • gcooper7
    gcooper7 Posts: 146 Member
    well as of right now I go about one or two times a week and workout with some guys doing Jiu Jitsu and boxing. And the other nights I do the biggest loser cardio max with my wife. My cardio isn't bad so I'm able to do all three of the workouts on the DVD. I just started doing it last week and it is a workout that helps get a good sweat going and gets me moving around. and just yard work around the house. I've also kept my calorie intake around my daily goal or just a little under. maybe around 1200 for the day. I've also managed to control my eating. I love to eat and can eat a lot but I've learned to control how much I eat and I make sure I snack on something healthy between meals. It's definately been a challenge.
  • wildeone4
    wildeone4 Posts: 204 Member
    That is awesome! It is great to figure out what works for you! Eating is always a hard thing...remember you are in control of the food..not the food in control of you! My hubby and I have been doing Insanity and LOVE IT!! It's crazy intense and awesome haha!
  • P90X is an amazing workout!! My husband is now doing it for the 2nd time and has lost 50lbs. He is healthier now than back in high school! It has really changed him. It may help you learn how to work out the right way for your body! Good Luck!
  • gcooper7
    gcooper7 Posts: 146 Member
    I have the p90x but haven't used it yet. as for insanity I will look into that. I think as long as I'm doing something it's better than when I wasn't before.