i need some help here.

i'm seriously just thinking about giving up on trying to lose weight. i don't know if anyone else has this problem but i buy health things for ME to snack on because i know i'm not going to sit there and eat the whole thing, and these things are usually a little more expensive as well... almonds are almost $6 a container at wal-mart and my fiance was just sitting here about to eat half the container... it's really frustrating that i buy snacks for me and snacks for him and he eats all his then all mine. like seriously this **** is getting expensive, were having a couple people over and i told him before they even came over to tell them we didn't have any food, it's the day before payday and shelves are getting bare i have to work all weekend and don't know when i'll be getting to the store, don't be eating all the food. and what are they doing... they're out in the kitchen making something to eat... i don't care if they make some ramen or pizza rolls or some of the snacks i bought for the guys but why does he have to eat the stuff i bought for me. i didn't buy much because i only bought for me... eat some of the three containers of watermelon that's in there! URG! does anyone else have this problem? what do you do?


  • rikisue206
    rikisue206 Posts: 99 Member
    I think that you need to wait until you are not so upset about it and then discuss it with him. Just be honest and tell him how you feel. Make sure to tell him that it is very important to you that you stick to your weight loss plan and that you would really like his support. Communication is the key and you really should give him the benefit of knowing how you feel. I am sure he can pick up on the fact that you are upset, but until you are specific about it he will not be able to change his behavior.

    Try clipping some coupons for a while to see if you can save some money, I know it sucks, but you really can save a ton!
  • HolleeERL
    HolleeERL Posts: 313 Member
    Just curious...why aren't YOU eating the watermelon? Sounds like a pretty good snack to me. :o)
  • angelofmusic1
    I have a number of hungry bods around here so I understand the problem. What worked well for me was that, each day, I walked down to the store and bought what I wanted - a fresh salad, etc. Shopping as I went meant that I got some exercise walking there and back and no-one could steal my food :-)
  • Majandrel
    Majandrel Posts: 3 Member
    I've had, and sometimes still do have this problem. What I have done/do is hide the stuff I most want other not to eat. In the fridge I know my dad will never look in the fruit & veggie drawers so I have both filled to the brim with the stuff I care about the most. I bought some organizer stuff for the pantry & cupboards to maximize room and managed to get all pots and pans to fit in 3 cupboards total. Then since my dad has no need to check the others cause the pots etc are in the same spots (I always empty the dishwasher too) I set up the other cupboards with more of my sacred food. I also bought some plastic storage drawer bins and didn't put them directly in the kitchen, and then put more of my sacred food in it. The stuff I don't mind sharing (like hot dogs I get really cheap or cans of chicken/tuna I put more visibly at the front of the shared areas, and in front of that I put the really cheap stuff (like Mac & cheese & ramen) that I probably wouldn't eat either. To be honest my dad (who is who I live with) has almost no clue that any of my special stuff is there because it's so well hidden or I leave stuff he'd never want more out In The open. Might sound weird but it's working for me.
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    Have you tried just buying veggies as snacks? It can get expensive as far as nuts and bars and low calorie packs go etc but try to stop by a farmers market. Get veggies and produce for a fair price and vuala snacks! and more money for almonds :)

    On another note you really should talk to him about it. He could be snacking too much in general to go through his food then yours, and he needs to know how important it really is to you. It is hard when you are the only one dieting in a household. You are fighting fat, yourself and other people to get to the goal but, don't stop on the count of him. Do whatever it takes and even if that means putting a lock on a cupboard with all of the stuff you need in it.
  • Nic0522
    Nic0522 Posts: 38
    Hide the nuts! Seriously, my husband does the same thing, I hide my nuts and my dark chocolate in the back of the pantry where I know he won't bother to look. Or buy healthy snacks that you like and he doesn't.

    Don't give up, you are doing a great job. AND from personal experience I can tell you it gets soooo much harder as you get older, I'm 38 and I wish so much that I had gotten in shape when I was younger and my metabolism was higher. I know a lot of people say that but it is really so true.
  • knittedbike
    I support everything here - specially NicC72 - don't give up!!!!.

    I have two teenage girls who hoover up everything that doesn't need some sort of prep to make it edible. I got fed up with convincing myself I liked only things that I knew they wouldn't eat - One thing I do have is I have a clip-lock container in the fridge for 'This is mine, if you eat it, I'll cut your hands off' things. In to that goes my helping of things we all like. Recently I've tried to cure myself of the habit of keeping things as a treat for long times...now I buy it when I need it and eat it...

    NB I buy my almonds in bulk from an Indian Supermarket (do you have these?) they come cheaper and with the skin on - bit of a fiddle but in the long run works out well.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Does he not live there? If he lives there and pays bills how is there a "my food and your food" when you jointly pay for the grocery bill? If he doesn't live there and is eating food he should be contributing money to the grocery bill. I understand that you have a limited budget, but it's easy to eat heatlhfully on a budget if you're making the right decisions, buying on sale, going to farmers markets, and couponing.
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    Just curious...why aren't YOU eating the watermelon? Sounds like a pretty good snack to me. :o)

    i AM eating it... i'm the only one. and i bought a big one figuring everyone would eat it and they don't.
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    Does he not live there? If he lives there and pays bills how is there a "my food and your food" when you jointly pay for the grocery bill? If he doesn't live there and is eating food he should be contributing money to the grocery bill. I understand that you have a limited budget, but it's easy to eat heatlhfully on a budget if you're making the right decisions, buying on sale, going to farmers markets, and couponing.

    he lives here. true. but I buy all the groceries. he won't even come shopping with me i buy him all the junk he asks for and buy some stuff that's just for me because he is severly under weight and needs to gain and i need to lose. i tell him whilst i'm putting the groceries away, don't eat these these are mine... and seriously all i buy just for me in almonds and dried cherries, he took to eating my dried cherries so i bought him dried pomegranates because that's what he said he wanted... everyone in my house gets they're own thing that they like to snack on each shopping trip i take... pizza rolls for our room mate, tortilla chips and queso dip for my DF and fruit snacks for our 18 month old and almonds for me. besides those things everything i buy is on sale and i save the coupons for what we buy but we don't get the paper, 1 they would probably only give our duplex one paper and 2 that sh*zz costs money.
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    I support everything here - specially NicC72 - don't give up!!!!.

    I have two teenage girls who hoover up everything that doesn't need some sort of prep to make it edible. I got fed up with convincing myself I liked only things that I knew they wouldn't eat - One thing I do have is I have a clip-lock container in the fridge for 'This is mine, if you eat it, I'll cut your hands off' things. In to that goes my helping of things we all like. Recently I've tried to cure myself of the habit of keeping things as a treat for long times...now I buy it when I need it and eat it...

    NB I buy my almonds in bulk from an Indian Supermarket (do you have these?) they come cheaper and with the skin on - bit of a fiddle but in the long run works out well.

    we don't have one of those here :( i'd like to try andersons (if you have those) fr bulk foods but i don't have my license so it's hard to get places.
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    Hide the nuts! Seriously, my husband does the same thing, I hide my nuts and my dark chocolate in the back of the pantry where I know he won't bother to look. Or buy healthy snacks that you like and he doesn't.

    Don't give up, you are doing a great job. AND from personal experience I can tell you it gets soooo much harder as you get older, I'm 38 and I wish so much that I had gotten in shape when I was younger and my metabolism was higher. I know a lot of people say that but it is really so true.

    the bad thing is... i thought they were hidden. then all of a sudden he's sitting there eating them... to me it looks more like i'm going to have to suck it up and just not eat when i run out of snacks. as bad as that sounds.
  • cbratthauer
    cbratthauer Posts: 228 Member
    Do you guys live together? Because my fiance and I split the grocery bill each month making it our food, so whatever we buy is fair game for both of us. But there are times I'll go pick up some Slim Fast snack bars which aren't cheap, and he doesn't touch them. Same with him, he has this protein shake mix that I don't touch. It's never been a problem for us it's always just been a respect thing I suppose? But we're both working out and getting healthy together so for us, sharing the healthy snacks is just something we do! I would just try explaining the situation to him, maybe he'll pitch in and pick up some almonds once in awhile!
  • cbratthauer
    cbratthauer Posts: 228 Member
    Does he not live there? If he lives there and pays bills how is there a "my food and your food" when you jointly pay for the grocery bill? If he doesn't live there and is eating food he should be contributing money to the grocery bill. I understand that you have a limited budget, but it's easy to eat heatlhfully on a budget if you're making the right decisions, buying on sale, going to farmers markets, and couponing.

    he lives here. true. but I buy all the groceries. he won't even come shopping with me i buy him all the junk he asks for and buy some stuff that's just for me because he is severly under weight and needs to gain and i need to lose. i tell him whilst i'm putting the groceries away, don't eat these these are mine... and seriously all i buy just for me in almonds and dried cherries, he took to eating my dried cherries so i bought him dried pomegranates because that's what he said he wanted... everyone in my house gets they're own thing that they like to snack on each shopping trip i take... pizza rolls for our room mate, tortilla chips and queso dip for my DF and fruit snacks for our 18 month old and almonds for me. besides those things everything i buy is on sale and i save the coupons for what we buy but we don't get the paper, 1 they would probably only give our duplex one paper and 2 that sh*zz costs money.

    Just saw this after I asked if you lived together lol. How come you buy all the groceries? Do you split other bills? If you're engaged, it should be a joint effort to pay for things together. Unless he is unemployed, which I don't know your personal situation!
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    My BF and I don't really have this problem anymore. Not since I've started dieting and eating healthier. However, back in Before Land, I'd never get any of the Nutty Buddy's I would buy just for me :(

    When I lived with his parents, they would eat anything in the kitchen. It didn't matter how well hidden it was. So I got an under-the-bed tote, and stored my stuff in my bedroom. I never got to keep cold stuff, obviously, but it worked for room-temp stuff. Maybe get a shoe box or tote or spare purse, and hide food in a room that's not the kitchen?