Need motivation? Let's talk!

Frustrated at your weight loss journey and feeling lost? Well, take a break and read my story:

When I was 9 years old, my skinny frame started to pack on the pounds. The weight struggle would continue for another 20 years. When I was 24 years old, I was diagnosed with fatty liver and was treading into pre-diabetic territory. I'll tell you, getting those liver biopsies was scary not because of the procedure itself but because I thought I was WAY too young to be worrying about this kind of stuff. It was embarrassing and scary and shameful all at once.

It took a toll on my emotional health and confidence. I wanted to find my Prince Charming but boys were not exactly lining up for me. Eventually, I started to think that only the small and petite girls got the boys and the only way I was going to attract guys was to be small and petite.
The night after my 24th birthday, I was staying up late playing around on my computer. Then I got a crazy idea and signed up for an online dating site cause hey, it was about time I took matters into my own hands.

Three months later, I was matched with a guy and we decided to meet up in person at a cafe. We talked until closing hours and immediately took to each other. He wasn't just attracted to my personality, he actually thought I was ATTRACTIVE too. Three months later, we exchanged "I love you's" and I found happiness that I never thought I could have.

Did I mention that THIS was when I was at my heaviest? I was 203 pounds and 5'5"!

On our dates, we would go hiking and go on long walks at this nearby lake. We just loved spending time with one another, especially outdoors. Without really trying, I lost 10 pounds.
Then as my health scare continued, I started to dive more and more into nutrition and not only did I lose the last 50 pounds, I did it without any crazy gadgets or gizmos or diet plans. During that time, we got engaged and married and are still together almost 8 years later.

Now, my weight loss and health journey had two starts. 1) When I finally took matters into my own hands and signed up for that dating site and 2) When I fell in love when I was at my HEAVIEST. It completely shook my mindset and broke through my mental barriers.

My whole life's journey has just shown me that once I got my head straight, everything else fell in place. My confidence rose, I found the support I needed, the weight came off, my liver is better than normal and my blood glucose is stellar.

If you're struggling with weight, take a look at my journey. Its POSSIBLE, I promise. You just need to take that first step just like I did late one night when I signed up for that online dating site.

If you would like to get back on the horse for long lasting results, book an assessment with me. We can talk about why you want to lose weight, what's going on in your head, what's worked and hasn't worked and then I'll give you 3-5 tips on how to get back on track.


  • kdbenson8614
    kdbenson8614 Posts: 7 Member
    Your journey is amazing. I had a solid workout routine and felt completely comfortable in my skin before I got pregnant with my daughter. When she turned one, I weighed the exact same as I did the day before I gave birth. Talk about depressing. Now, she is almost two and I've lost almost 10lbs. Even though this is progress, I feel like I'm at a stand still. My energy is still low and I can't seem to stay consistent with my diet & exercise routine. Any suggestions??