New. Trying to lose 50lbs at least

I need some motivation and reminders to keep exercising. And tips for picky eaters to eat life was pasta and cheese and TV for the last few years...and I want to be able to see my toes again and not feel out of breath walking across a room faster than a slow walk. Add me if you want a friend or have a similar goal. Been on here 4 days or so...


  • samkharvey22
    samkharvey22 Posts: 5 Member
    Me too! I am having hip surgery on Friday and when I recover (after about 1 month) I will need to resume this diet, and lose another 30 pounds. (I have lost 20 so far). Good job and congrats for getting on here!
  • allielichablanca
    allielichablanca Posts: 6 Member
    I was in a car accident 2 years ago and after that surgery is when I started gaining all my weight because I was unable to move around like I used to. Still have some issues with pain but trying to get that worked out. I wish you luck with your surgery! If you go to physical therapy I suggest continuing the exercises your given long after you stop seeing said therapist
  • humaira_k
    humaira_k Posts: 25 Member
    Hi I'm new here as well. My goal is to lose about 40lbs (cw: 176).
    Being a picky eater it's so hard to find stuff to eat/put healthy meals together.
    It wasnt for healthy eating and weight loss I'd eat chicken burgers for every meal hahaha

    I don't like a lot of foods due to the texture and just the taste but I find that if you change the way the food is cooked and texture some of it is edible, for example, courgettes, they taste nice if you thinly slice them and then cook them in a pan.
  • tcoddington69_
    tcoddington69_ Posts: 19 Member
    I need to lose 60 lbs I have a hard time staying motivated:(
  • 285to170
    285to170 Posts: 330 Member
    Hey hey! Picky eater here! Lol I found foods that I love and I basically eat the same things everyday. I've got a lot more to lose than you. My main focus has been on my calorie deficit and not on low carbohydrates and it's been really successful for me. I was at 295 before I started mfp I'm currently at 260ish within 2 and a half months.

    I still eat rice, potatoes, pasta, and cheese. Basically the devil foods lol. I just make them in a healthy way, I only eat brown rice or whole grain pasta. And I pay attention to my serving sizes! Weighing your food is the key.

    Losing weight depends heavily on what you eat. If you don't enjoy your meals you won't be able to stick to your plans! Add me up if you need any help.