Xenical/Orlistat/Alli - Would you or wouldn't you?



  • srenebailey
    srenebailey Posts: 39 Member
    Just be very careful when you start Alli to see if you will have the side effects. I tried it, and had the "Oily Leakage" even if I didn't go over the recommended fat grams. So while some only have problems if you eat a high fat diet, other people have the side effects regardless.

    Thanks for the advice. I'll watch out for that. Going really slow in the beginning.
  • srenebailey
    srenebailey Posts: 39 Member
    I still diet and exercise so a boost won't hurt..

    well.... it might.....

    It's not so much a boost as it is a squirt. It doesn't hurt, but it does stain.

    That's really funny! :-)

    That is hillarious...and true! Tried it once and NEVER AGAIN!
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 708 Member
    I've tried Xenical on dr's prescription before(few years ago)Not sure if it worked, because I was eating a low cal diet anyway, but there wasn't a spectacular extra weight loss. But I didn't have side effects either. But probably because I was cutting down on fat anyway.

    I wouldn't use it again, it can't be good for your body. That's why I stopped using them. (I read some things about Xenical and I think it was kidney damage)

    Close--liver damage. I wouldn't be surprised if we see the product gone from shelves soon. I almost took it, but it warns against taking if you've got "gallbladder disease." I don't HAVE a gallbladder, but I figured that meant it was a liver/bile thing. I called my doc, and he was very clear that I shouldn't even think about Alli.

  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,075 Member
    I still diet and exercise so a boost won't hurt..

    well.... it might.....

    It's not so much a boost as it is a squirt. It doesn't hurt, but it does stain.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • traceyblt
    traceyblt Posts: 45
    My mother has tried these tablets and she did lose quite a bit of weight, but she had very bad embarassing side effects, and the minute she stopped taking the tablets she put the weight back on. There is defoe NO quick fix for losing weight , it is about lifestyle. Good luck :smile:
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    Expensive pills that leave orange stains in the toilet

    I had them for 3 months and gave up in the end
  • Ballybabe1
    Ballybabe1 Posts: 57
    I used Xenical for about 5 months and lost about 2 stone but it was the most miserable 5 months of my life, the bowel movements were awful, I was scared nearly to go anywhere in case of a small escape there !!! sorry tmi, and you would need a change of clothes anywhere you went, I was feeling like an old incontinent woman ! So I gave them up, I didnt care if I stayed fat forever, it wasnt worth it and they were very expensive. Since joining fitness pal.com I have lost 1st 2lbs in the past 7 weeks and that is by eating healthily, a little exercise every day and cutting out the crap ! so it can be done even more effectively by doing it the right way. My advise is stay away from the diet pills no matter how attractive they seem, they are not normal. Best of luck on your journey.
  • candistyx
    candistyx Posts: 547 Member
    My dad was on xenical. I'd never take it. I don't think fat is the worst thing to consume and I don't want oil leaking out my *kitten*.
  • BFit40
    BFit40 Posts: 163 Member
    I’m in the UK and the family doctor suggested that I use alli to help boost my weight loss when I spoke to him about my BMI getting to high levels and finding it difficult to keep motivated.
    He suggested talking alli for four weeks only – enough time to create the correct routine of exercise and the right eating habits.

    My experience so far has been very positive. My weight loss is faster than when I tried before with just eating the right foods and as a result I’m much more motivated.

    I do keep well within the fat limits recommended and I think this is why I haven’t experienced the horrible side effects that others have. If I did get “oily leakage” I would stop immediately, but I’ll be stopping taking the capsules in two weeks anyway.
    If you can, talk to your family doctor for their opinion.

    For me, it’s ONLY a short term tool to assist me in creating the right habits. That’s it. As others have said, it’s not a magic pill that allows you to eat anything and lose weight, it just accelerates (slightly) the weight loss so that you can better see a difference when you are undergoing a lifestyle change.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I do consumer testing of health and beauty products. I trialled Proactol which combines a fat binder with a cactus extract that forms a gel in your belly and is supposed to make you feel full. It's like Alli and is supposed to make 27.4% of your fat intake indigestible.

    I didn't get the anal leakage, probably because my diet's not that high in fat anyhow, but I did feel uncomfortably bloated, like I was badly constipated, all the time. I think I lost something like 4lbs in the first week, but it stalled and went back on. Again, probably because fat isn't my problem.

    At £35 a month, I certainly wouldn't have paid for it!

    Now, if they made a wine calorie blocker, I'd be first in the queue!
  • rob314
    rob314 Posts: 7 Member
    I didn't get the anal leakage, probably because my diet's not that high in fat anyhow,

    This sums it up. If your being prescribed these then you probably need to take a good look at the fat content of your diet anyway, yes you need some fat in your diet but certainly not in the region of 30g+ per meal.

    I have been on them a month and the way I avoided any leakage was to keep the fat content of my diet down to 15g a meal or thereabouts... takes a minimum of effort and there's always something I can eat if I go out. I've lost 20lbs in a month and while that's mostly down to a decent diet and some exercise what keeps my diet decent is the fact that if I go over 15g of fat i'd end up crapping myself in public. What its led me to do is not eat food that is obviously bad for me (pizzas and burgers) and eat more vegetables.
  • I totally agree with Rob.

    There's no leakage issues if you stick to less than 15g fat per meal; and boy is it a good incentive to do that!

    I've been on it for a week, and have had absolutely no bad side effects, and I'm in full control of my bowels still : )

    It's made me think very hard about the food choices I make, and this means that when I stop taking Alli I will have learned good dietary habits for life.

    Alli is definitely a huge help for me!
  • adagolden
    adagolden Posts: 146 Member
    I still diet and exercise so a boost won't hurt..

    well.... it might.....

    It's not so much a boost as it is a squirt. It doesn't hurt, but it does stain.

    Fantastic! But really, don't do it. Go the old fashioned, tried and true way. I did Alli for a few months, forget the price, the stomach issues were enough for me to stop.
  • vickyplum
    vickyplum Posts: 193 Member

    I tried it years ago and I had a total nightmare with it!! I was terrified to leave the house!!
    so when they brought out Alli I streared well clear!! hope this helps along with all the other help you have received!!

    Good luck with your journey!!!

  • annabellio
    annabellio Posts: 127 Member
    I am afraid of side effects- I never tried Alli because of it. This is how weird I am. I bought a bottle of Slimquick out of frustration from a plateau, its expensive and I am not rolling in the cash, but I still haven't taken even one !! My gut instinct is that these kind of pills pretty much set you up for re-gaining the weight , give you yucky side effects, and may have some really adverse health consequences down the line (e.g Phen phen) You'll be happier doing it the old reliable way ! Good luck !:wink:
  • Jasmine_Moonstone
    Jasmine_Moonstone Posts: 80 Member
    I would not use Alli b/c of all the horrible side effects I have heard of happening while on it. I also have IBS, so I already have enough issues with my stomach. However I am using a Dr prescribed appetite suppresant to help me curb my appitite some. I take 1/2 a phentermine (37.5mg) per day at lunch time. I am also watching my calories (I eat between 1,200 & 1,600 a day), eating healthier foods & excersizing 3-5 times a week. I am using it to help me get a good jump start on my weight loss.

    I know that alot of people are against the appitite suppresants, but I personally am fine with it as long as it is something that you use while under a Dr's care. I would not run out to the store & buy one over the counter unless a Dr okayed it though. I am also being monitored by my Dr once a month.
  • KateHubb
    KateHubb Posts: 366 Member
    I use Proactol and have not experienced any negative side effects at all. I am happy with it, just wish there was another way to buy it other than straight off thier website, which is out of the UK. I bought it from them about 2 weeks ago and a few days later my debit card number was stolen and someone was making purchases with it in the UK. I'm sure it was related to my Proactol purchase. Anyway, I'm satisfied with it, and it helps me be motivated to eat meals that are low in fat. Yes, at $60/month it is pricey, so I plan on using this whole pack I just bought and then seeing what happens from there.
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    I'm currently taking Xenical (120mg), my Doctor has prescribed me it as I have PCOS and it's REALLY difficult for me to lose weight...it wasn't a quick decision either, we went down many different routes before deciding on this and he made me go away and research it!! I took it for about 2 months earlier this year with great results. I've since taken a couple of months break from it and hardly lost anything even though I stuck to the same healthy eating and same (if not higher) exercise plan <sigh>. Back on it again now for another couple of months - hopefully that'll be enough time for me to get rid of most of the weight I want (need) to lose.

    I actually found this a great 'tool' to keep me on track - I couldn't have that sneaky Friday night pizza or I'd seriously regret it come Saturday...believe me, it's NOT pleasant AT ALL!! Sorry if this is too much info but it's literally the consistency of vegetable oil with the colouration of orange peel. However, If I stick to the 12-15gm of fat per meal I haven't experienced any issues.

    It seems to be a very personal thing, some people get along with it really well (me lol), others don't have so much luck.

    If you do decide to go for it my one piece of advice would be...be prepared to be very strict with yourself and I hope it helps you :-))
  • srenebailey
    srenebailey Posts: 39 Member
    Ok, before I fell off the wagon, I was doing the Orlistat (Alli) and my doctor approved me doing so. I was doing pretty well, and what I found is that it really kept me in check! The horror stories are deeply exaggerated!!! The only time I had problems was once when I ate too much fattening food. (Shouldn't be doing that anyway, right!) and it wasn't as "uncontrollable" as the paperwork and people said. However, I certainly thought twice before over-endulging. I would recommend people take it if their doctor says it's ok.
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