Does the calories used in excercise only for that exercise

Funny question but....I was just wondering.

I'm not really on a diet anymore and should be eating 2360 calories per day - that is the most in-active amount.

What I want to know is when I add exercise to this has the calories that I just use "living" taken account of in the 2360.

I imagine it does but can anyone confirm. Thanks

"Live to eat Mushrooms"


  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Funny question but....I was just wondering.

    I'm not really on a diet anymore and should be eating 2360 calories per day - that is the most in-active amount.

    What I want to know is when I add exercise to this has the calories that I just use "living" taken account of in the 2360.

    I imagine it does but can anyone confirm. Thanks

    "Live to eat Mushrooms"

    What is that 2360 number? Where did you get it?

    If it's BMR, then that is only meant to represent the number of calories it would take to maintain your weight if you never got out of bed. Activities of daily life would add to that number as would any purposeful exercise.
  • stoneman1970
    stoneman1970 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Atlantique,

    The 2360 calories is set in the goals - sedentary. I'm actually alot more active than this but I wanted some buffer space.

    No it isn't BMR - for me that would be around 1800 to 1900 I think.

    Thanks, Stoneman
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    Any exercise you do, the calories will be added to the 2360 and you're supposed to eat them especially if you're not trying to lose weight.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    are you asking whether the exercise calorie estimate on MFP includes the calories you would burn anyway if you were not exercising in that same time period? If that's your question then it depends on what the person who created the exercise did, but generally, the calorie burn on MFP is a very VERY rough estimate anyway, so it's kind of a moot point.

    best thing you can do is get a good HRM, then check with the manufacturer to see whether they factor in Resting Energy Expenditure, if they don't then you have to subtract between 90 and about 130 per hour of exercise (for 2300 or so that would be about 110 per hour assuming 8 hours of sleep).
  • stoneman1970
    stoneman1970 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for your comments - I exercise to eat. Most of time I do eat up to my limit - occasionally I don't but this is in the minority.
    Anyhow my wife is saying I'm to skinny in the face so can't afford to loose anymore.