How do I stop snacking on candy and fast food?



  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    Wow guys thanks for all the advice. So I have tiramisu in my fridge I promise I wont eat and have also candy in my closet I will just give it away tomorrow . I will start logging every single little thing. I been stuck at 160 lbs this month and its frustating but Im not really trying I guess I honestly dont log everything I think I do or I just want to think I do but I dont. What do you mean eat less calories than you burn?

    If by "candy" you mean things like these (that's what I think of when I think of candy):

    Then each piece runs about 30 calories. Look at the package and find out for sure.

    If your calorie maximum is, say, 1200 calories, and you eat 4 of them (which isn't a lot, right) ... you've just consumed 120 calories, 1/10th of your daily total.

    If you ate 10 of them throughout the day, you've just consumed 300 calories or 1/4 of your daily calorie total.

    Those candies can be a nice little bit of sweetness if you have one ... but they really start to add up if you have more than one.

    And eating less calories than you burn means just that. You burn calories by living, breathing, stretching, walking, cycling, going to the gym, etc. etc. etc. Some activities burn more than others.

    I hope you've done this already but just in case ...

    Go into your profile area here on MFP, enter your data, select sedentary as your activity level, select that you want to lose 1 lb/week. MFP will give you a maximum number of calories. Eat that amount.

  • alainna2012
    alainna2012 Posts: 19 Member
    Each candy is 210 and I eat maybe 2 or 3 during the day plus food thats why I always go over . This week I been good.
  • halftrack
    halftrack Posts: 1 Member
    For me it was realizing I needed a change and realizing that just realizing was not enough, I had to have motivation to stop snacking. SO, I bought a fitbit blaze, then I bought a FitBit scale (Best darn scale) Every time I went to snack I thought of the investment in myself I was creating. I started biking again for exercise. I like biking so I bought a new bike to up the investment and kick things up a bit. Every time I thought of snacking I remembered how much money I had invested in my weight loss and boy did this help. So my recommendation is start investing hard core in yourself and it just might help you stop snacking. It did for me. It took $1500 but it helped. LOL
  • willworkoutforwine
    willworkoutforwine Posts: 64 Member
    edited June 2016
    If I'm craving something like candy or fast food, I try to get in an extra workout to burn the calories. I also reward myself with something non-food related when I successfully pass on something "bad" for me. For example, if I have a really good week calorie-wise, I might buy a new shirt that I wanted or makeup that I don't "need" but want. I like rewards. :)
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Eating healthy balanced meals helped me a lot. Fill up on protein and fiber. If you have room in your plan for a square of chocolate, at about 70 calories, it makes a good dessert once a day.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I can eat my entire day of calories in snacks, chips, cookies, candy and still do from time to time.

    If you want to stop it then eat your meals first and leave no room for them. If you want you can add xxx calories and pre log it.

    Otherwise this is like anything else, you just STOP IT!