Cruising soon...What to do? What to do?

So folks. The time of the cruise is nigh. I am not asking for what to or not eat, but was wondering if anyone have ever went on a cruise and not gained, or even lost weight(not including Rotavirus victims). I have challenged myself to do just that. I will be weighing myself on Monday AM before leaving and will post weight, then post weight on my return. My only anxiety I am having is being able to log in on MFP while I am gone, since the DEVIL known as AT&T wants me to sign over all equity in my home to them in order for me to use phone on ship, or while overseas.

Pray for a Brother, and for all the conch I will be partaking of.


  • JustMichelleB
    Went on a cruise many moons ago with my husband and neither of us gained weight (I think we both lost a pound or two). The food wasn't all that great. It was copious, for sure, but just ok. Just because the food is there doesn't mean you need to eat it (-:
  • Sharonbed4d
    Sharonbed4d Posts: 163
    I haven't cruised but recently spent 5 days at an all inclusive resort! I did the same, weighed before and after and gained about 7 lbs. Don't panic, 5 lbs was water weight from alcohol and of course sodium. In the end I gained 2 lbs but I had fun and enjoyed vacation so I have no regrets. I know that I will have to work hard to get rid of those 2 lbs but I made the choice to indulge. Not everyone would do the same so maybe there are others that can give better advice.
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    Yes, yes, yes! My hubby, my daughter and I always come back from a cruise (usually 7 to 8 days) lighter and darker! :) It so can be done. If you simply don't look at it as a food fest and instead embrace the healthful food that's there. My big helper is really the big "salad bar" style area that starts with tons of fresh fruits. When in my life do I ever have that kind of wide-ranging choice of fresh, already cleaned and prepped, fruit which typically includes the exotic yummy fruits that aren't always "in season" in Texas? I fill up on those and do the same on the salad bar (skipping dressing ... I'll go for good quality balsamic vinegar every time!).

    For cocktails, I bring my own crystal light packets to make drinks with. I buy one of the cruise line insulated cups for my cocktails and sodas and if I want a cocktail, I'll mix up some water and some crystal light and add a shot of coconut vodka. The bartenders are more than happy to just add a shot to your mixed up juice. Then my cocktail has only about 70 calories instead of 700 for the special of the day!

    Hubby and I are early risers and we like the feeling on the ship decks before EVERYONE gets up and about so we typically get up there and if there is a running track on the ship, which there usually us, we'll do a nice run in the cooler morning air. Of sometimes, we'll hit the gym EARLY before it gets crowded and use the treadmills facing out to sea. That balancing act makes running a little more interesting (and probably better for us too).

    In the fancy-pants dining room, we always order from the spa menu so that our meals are both yummy AND low calorie. And we basically walk a lot. We're not the types to lay in our room or sit at a bar all day long, so we're usually more active than usual. That combined with the abundance of fresh foods, we're usually at least a couple pounds lighter. And no, we aren't tracking on vacation. Just making the best of the yummy stuff there and staying busy.

    Good luck. And most of all, enjoy. If you are up a bit when you get back, it'll come off again. Such is life. Enjoy it!
  • makcarly
    makcarly Posts: 24 Member
    I went on a cruise in 2008. I wasn't dieting at the time so I never watched what I was eating but I actually lost a couple of pounds. I think it had to do with the insane amount of walking we did at the airports and on that giant ship and while we were in port. I am not sure what line you will be cruising on but we did Carnival and they have an internet cafe there or you can bring your own laptop and buy minutes. It's pricey and S-L-O-W but you could still log on here that way.
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    if you want vegetables with your meal ask or you will get non, most have free gyms and remember to enjoy your self!
  • jojopel
    jojopel Posts: 348 Member
    My family and I went on a cruise in January and I maintained my weight. I don't drink much, so that wasn't an issue and I allowed myself a few indulgences (i.e. chocolate melting cake). I also chose low cal options (i.e. the salmon without the high calorie sauce). We did tons of walking during the shore excursions and on the days at sea, I went to the gym. My next cruise is in September and I don't plan on gaining then either. Have a great trip! :smile:
  • scaatynj
    scaatynj Posts: 51 Member
    Walk everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I've always manage to maintain my weight on a cruise by avoiding the elevators as much as possible! Usually only take them late at night when I can't do that final 5 flight climb from the casino to my cabin!

    There is always lots of fresh fruit and salads for breakfast and lunch! Then enjoy your dinner and even a dessert or two!

    Have a great time!!!!
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    I just got back from a cruise on June 12th. While it was wonderful, I did gain 3.8 pounds :grumble: ! But, I think it was all water because 3 days after being home--it was gone again. My only advice is to have fun, stay away from the breads, and drink as much water as possible!
  • MsMadmagic
    MsMadmagic Posts: 66
    We cruise each year and I'm yet to put on when I'm cruising, I seem to get a weight gain when I come home, but I think that's due to boredom at work!!!
    Make use of the salad barsas previously mentioned and dependant on which cruise line you are going with, some offer healthy option choices. I think the majority of the people who do put on weight when cruising, eat for eatings sake and because it's free. I've seen plenty of people in the buffet bars piling their plates high like they're gonna miss out on something if they don't.
    If you are walking about sightseeing that soon builds up spare calories also, so I wouldn't worry. Plus it's usually a trek from one end of the ship to the other and there's thousands of stairs if you want give the lift a miss.
    Just enjoy yourself and have a fantastic holiday.
  • gettinfitmama
    gettinfitmama Posts: 164 Member
    I don't have time to read everyone else's responses right now...but can I suggest writing down all of your exercise and food? That might help keep you on track.
    Or just stay conscious of everything that goes into your mouth, enjoy yourself and know you'll have to work a little harder when you get home.

    Enjoy and stay safe!
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    I just did a two week cruise to Hawaii. I maintained. I worked out on the sea days, did relatively active excursions, and ate in moderation, although I did have dessert and ice cream every day!! ;). It can be done, especially if I can do it over 14 days! Good luck, and enjoy!
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    Oh, and if you have the MFP app on your phone, you can log you food without connecting! I logged everything on my iPad and it updated when I got back!!
  • mrsmichellewilson
    mrsmichellewilson Posts: 86 Member
    Have a great time !!!! Eat lots of salad and fruit. They will have plenty of seafood for you to choose from too. The amount of walking you will do will burn it off.....the ship is going to be HUGE. I'm jealous ....think it might be time to plan my next cruise :-)
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    Oh, and if you have the MFP app on your phone, you can log you food without connecting! I logged everything on my iPad and it updated when I got back!!
    Cool...Iphone will be used. Thanks.
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    Have a great vacation!

    About logging - you can keep track of things in a notebook and then enter the days retroactively. You may also be able to purchase minutes on board to use the ship's interwebs.

    About exercising - I worked out in the fitness center on the ship. I had to get there extremely early or around when other activities were planned in order to be able to do so though. Also, we didn't do many of the planned excursions. Instead we walked all over the towns. We met a really nice lady in Cornerbrook who told us about a trail which was free to explore.
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    Oh, and if you have the MFP app on your phone, you can log you food without connecting! I logged everything on my iPad and it updated when I got back!!
    Cool...Iphone will be used. Thanks.

    Then you are all seta, enjoy!!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Bump!! I will reply to this later but yes I have went on a cruise and maintianed.
  • JoRebecca
    JoRebecca Posts: 10 Member
    I'm sure this has been said already, but WALK on that deck! I had the exact same fear when we cruised last July. Two weeks after I got back I had to be in my sisters wedding and fit into my already altered dress! Major stress!! So, I used the fitness room which was so great! They set up all the machines facing the windows so as you exercise your view is breathtaking and you don't miss all the sights cause you're held up in an exercise room. Every sunrise and sunset I walked laps around the ship and that was really fun. There is so much to see and watch while you make your way around, both on and off the ship!

    As for the food, it WILL be everywhere and grossly so, but go to the salad bar first, eat fruit, and drink water first and THEN, have something if you are still hungry that's not too damaging. I tried to focus on the experience of the trip rather than the food -- eat but then get out of there and go do something fun! Have a great time!
  • suthernbelle
    suthernbelle Posts: 566 Member
    I'm cruising in 1 week!!! But in the past when I cruised I did manage to lose or maintain, never gained. For one, the food is okay, not the gourmet cuisine you may be thinking of. And like everyone else has mentioned, there is so much opportunity for walking amongst other activities, that you will burn more calories than usual anyway. As far as drinking water, it's expensive and not my preferred brand on the ships so I always bring a case with me and my cruise line allows me to bring one case, you can check with your cruise lines rules. Stay hydrated, bring sun protection and have a blast!!!!!!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,427 Member
    I've maintained on cruises every time. I agree with all the other suggestions already posted but wanted to add two more. 1. Ignore the elevators. Pretend they don't exist and take the stairs (except for when you are arriving and leaving if you have a ton of bags -like me!-to schlep). 2. try new things when you eat but if it isn't delicious, stop eating it! Don't eat anything that isn't truly wonderful and frankly cruise ship food is rarely that great. Enjoy yourself!