


  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    flcl2121 wrote: »
    Breakfast IS the most important meal of the day...why? because your system just got out of "hibernation" and looks to your body to take nutrients in order to kick start the organs and start the day. So if you don't eat, your system will steal needed proteins from muscles thus making you weaker. Should have 1 serving of carbs, 1 serving of meat/protein, 1 serving of veggies. If you can't handle that, start small and build up.....EAT SOMETHING for breakfast, or your working against yourself.

    1 organic egg, 2 normal egg whites, organic shredded potatoes (sprouts), add bell peppers & chives. breakfast done.

    oh yeah, it helps your metabolism too

    Nice round up of all the myths around eating breakfast.
  • violval11
    violval11 Posts: 7 Member
    My absolutely favorite meal of the day - two eggs, fried. 1/3 cups of frozen peas and 1/3 cup of frozen corn - fried. Plus two slices of turkey bacon or 1oz of salmon plus cup of coffee with two teaspoons of sugar. These all food is around 300 cal. Sometimes I add cherry tomatoes, seaweed salad or 1/4 of avocado. I use pam for all the frying. I do not like eating oatmeal or cereal or anything like this for breakfast since I am hungry an hour later. The breakfast I eat keep me satisfied until lunch time.
  • wellsjc
    wellsjc Posts: 23 Member
    I only eat between 12pm and 8 pm, stay within my daily calories and I have absolutely no issues with energy. I go to a 9:30am spin class, then minimum 1 hour walk to loosen up the legs and have yet to feel sluggish.
  • Leesa_Michelle
    Leesa_Michelle Posts: 23 Member
    I used to not be big on breakfast, but that's because I liked to sleep in. Haha. I'm hungry though from the moment I get up!

    Now that I wake up early, i eat something. It takes me about 5 minutes to cook my entire breakfast for the week. The best part is I just have to beat it up in the morning.

    I take 6 eggs, 6 ounces of meat (pork sausage usually), 2 cups of frozen onion & 3 pepper blend, half a pint of grape tomatoes halved, 4 ounces of button mushrooms chopped, and jalapeños (optional). I layer the meat and veggies into a crock pot and then whisk then eggs and pour over the layers. You can add spices to the eggs if you want. Pepper, paprika and chives are a good blend. Cook on low for about 5 hours. :) low in calories, not huge, but filling!
  • Protein bar if you need something quick. Scrambled eggs with cheese if you need something a little less quick. Basically I like to keep it simple and you can to.
  • JonnyJonny5555
    JonnyJonny5555 Posts: 21 Member
    I try not to eat at all unless/until I feel hungry. I believe that eating at certain times just because of a routine, or tradition has done me no good at all. If I do feel hungry and don't have much time then 2 Weetabix and 200ml semi-skimmed milk is 234 calories. It is surprising how many hours I can carry on after that, which still leaves me 1400 calories for the rest of the day (but only if I need them).
  • bladebiker
    bladebiker Posts: 133 Member
    This whole breakfast being the most important meal of the day stuff is an absolute myth to me, I'll knock back a natural whey protein shake and that's about it, if I have anything else I'm starving by 11 and I start craving.
  • Ian_Davies
    Ian_Davies Posts: 122 Member
    I start with a grapefruit, then shower and then have 3-4 scrambled eggs with tomatoes and cheese
  • loobe1066
    loobe1066 Posts: 206 Member
    Breakfast or break fast is the name we give the first meal of the day. Surely it is more important to eat when we are hungry than to eat for the sake of it just because society says it is breakfast time or lunch time etc. So if you don't want to eat breakfast when you first get up eat it later in the day there is no set time to break fast.