What are the causes of stomach bloating?

Okay, I'm sticking to my calorie intake without going over or under, I'm not going over on my sugars sodium or fat allowances, and I've been exercising and doing pilates, yet when I look in the mirror, I've noticed that my stomach looks puffed out and bloated. According to my BMI, I'm 1 pound underweight and I've slowly been trying to get to a healthier weight, so I don't understand why my stomach and abdomen area looks that way. Does anyone know different things that may be the cause of this? I'd really appreciate any insight and advice. Thanks.


  • EBurnham
    Okay, I'm sticking to my calorie intake without going over or under, I'm not going over on my sugars sodium or fat allowances, and I've been exercising and doing pilates, yet when I look in the mirror, I've noticed that my stomach looks puffed out and bloated. According to my BMI, I'm 1 pound underweight and I've slowly been trying to get to a healthier weight, so I don't understand why my stomach and abdomen area looks that way. Does anyone know different things that may be the cause of this? I'd really appreciate any insight and advice. Thanks.
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Too much fiber, gas, TOM, inhaling while doing crunches instead of exhaling? Not really sure, but I bet there could be a million causes.
  • MisoSoup79
    If you've suddenly increased your fiber intake, that can cause bloating. If you're not used to drinking a lot of water and you have just started drinking your daily 8 cups, it can cause bloating initially. If either of these are the case, time will allow your body to adapt and the bloating should go away. Food intolerances can cause bloating, too... have you drastically changed your diet?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    I can think of a few med problems. How do you feel otherwise? Any pain or fever? Tenderness in the tummy when you push on it? Nausea? Have you missed periods? (sorry guys) PM me if you want......
  • breakinfree
    you might be lactose intolerant and not realize it. If you're making smoothies with milk - try switching to soymilk (Silk is my favorite). It made all the difference in the world to me, because I drink protien smoothies every day.
  • EBurnham
    I drink soymilk all the time (the Silk vanilla is my favorite >^.^<) It's not my TOM, no tenderness or medical problems, now that I think of it, I have increased my fiber intake and my water intake too. That may just be it, at least, I hope that's all it is. lol, ty for the help.