
Hey all. My name is Summer and I'm a food junkie. That feels so weird to admit that. I love food and I love eating. I'm horribly addicted to soda but have managed to get it down to where I drink 1 soda a week and the rest of the time, I'm drinking water with Crystal Light mixed into it (just now getting to where I can stand to drink regular water). I am 5'5 and my weight (as of this morning) is sitting at 247.9. When I started my weight loss journey this year, I was sitting at 275.5 on January 9th. Since that time, I managed to lose 30 lbs and then gained a little bit back due to stress and worries. My goals are set in 5 lb increments per month to make my journey more successful. I am taking supplements to help but I do not rely on those alone. I monitor what I eat/drink/exercise and I am determined to make this my year.
I've been overweight since I was 12 but hit my all-time high in January of this year. I was shocked and angry when I read that number on the scale because I'd always told myself that I wasn't going to get to the same size as my sister (at one point, she was pushing 350). I made the conscious decision that I was going to enjoy my 30s and not spend them overweight and miserable. Since I started this process, I can do 30 minutes on the elliptical (was up to 45 mins but life happened and got sidetracked so I've restarted); I can lift heavier weights on the weight machines; and I'm not so out of breath climbing the stairs in my house. I am trying to set a better example for my kids, especially my daughters since all of the females in my family are overweight; and I was to live to see them grow up, get married, have kids of their own. Without taking control of my weight, this dream will not happen. My asthma has gotten better and I use my inhaler before I go to the gym to help with the cardio aspect. If you have any questions, feel free to message me or even add me as a friend.
