trying for one week - no results....

So I have been dedicated for this whole week to eating right and getting exercise every day, and feel so much better, and am feeling motivated, but havent lost any pounds yet.... I want to lose about 50 pounds and I know that will take time. my mini-goal is to lose 12 pounds by august 1st, in 5 weeks.
I have been eating alot better than I have in along time, and I am working out for 30-60 minutes a day, and trying to walk for about 30 minutes on my lunch break. which is alot more than I have been doing. I sit all day at work, and I used to be a total couch potato. I live in Seattle, so most of the year is gloomy and rainy, so that was an excuse to not get outside. Now it is beautiful out. I have two kids and when they dont want to go to the gym, I have been taking them to the park and jog and do an excerise routine at the park while they play; and sometimes join me.
My goal is to eat around 1200 calories a day, but I still get these cravings!!! I think about eating so much, it is frustrating. I weigh 198 lbs, and am 5'7. I used to pretty slim, and packed on the lbs after having kids and never lost it.
Any advice? I need some encouragment. I know it has just been a week, but I was hoping to see atleast one pound lost.
Is the first week ussually hard to see results???
Atleast I feel better, and wont give up!


  • annamariemourin
    The first week is always the hardest! Also, the first two weeks when you start working out you can actually gain muscle mass, but thats a good thing! :) Keep it up, I guarantee you'll see results! :)
  • DanaKinzer
    DanaKinzer Posts: 72
    Hi Vanmarie,

    I've been at this whole "weight loss" routine for nearly a month now and have lost just barely over 1 pound. I think initially, our mostly sedentary bodies have to get used to actually getting some movement in. I did join a challenge today in the hopes that it'll help get the ball rolling. :) Maybe you would like to try that?
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    It is normal to not lose your first week if you've introduced more exercise, as you might be gaining muscle which won't show a big loss on the scale. However, if you're feeling good, something is working! Sometimes feeling better and feeling smaller is better than a number on a scale.

    Keep with it! You can do this! :glasses:
  • twinkietigress
    twinkietigress Posts: 109 Member
    "So I have been dedicated for this whole week to eating right and getting exercise every day, and feel so much better, and am feeling motivated"

    Sounds to me like you are already having results, they just aren't yet the results you were looking for. I think realizing this in itself will help. We often get tunnel vision, especially at the beginning as to the results we want on a scale when the most amazing results, in our self esteem, motivation and quality of life goes unnoticed. Hang in there the scale will budge with time. Try and jot down all the other non scale victories you have along the way so you can realize the benefits you are already seeing!

  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member
    Just remind yourself that, while it would be silly to say vanity doesn't play a part in anyone's weight loss, your primary goal is to be strong, happy and healthy. And, based on what you've said, you're already feeling better physically - so regardless of what the scale says - YOU ARE SUCCEEDING! Be patient and gentle with yourself. :flowerforyou:
  • Missy8856
    Missy8856 Posts: 29
    Don't give up!! The first week is hard. I still want to snack all the time, so i keep pickle slices, carrots and laughing cow cheese wedges at work. Keep working hard and you will see results!
  • Dornroschen
    Dornroschen Posts: 178 Member
    If you'd like, you can add me as a friend and I'll check out your food diary to see if there are any suggestions to be made.

    I'd definitely suggest setting your mini-goal a little lower. It's kind of like how if all of your friends tell you a movie is really awesome and then you go see it, and you're disappointed because all your friends built up your expectations about how the movie was going to be. The point I'm trying to make is that if you set yourself a smaller weekly goal and realize that even though the math says you'll lose 2 pounds per week if you eat 7000 calories less than you burn every week - our bodies are more complex than that - you may be able to stay encouraged because it will be easier to reach those goals.

    Without seeing your food diary. My questions are: how much water are you drinking? What is your sodium intake on a daily basis? Are you eating a balanced diet? Etc. Let's see the diary!!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Always keep in mind, when you first start working out, especially if you incorporate some strength training in, your muscles are weak if you've been sedentary for a long time. When you start working out, they start building up, as they are being used again. Muscle has a higher density than fat, so it's fairly common to actually see weight stay the same or even increase during the first few weeks. Don't despair though, as more muscle also means more calories burned, so you'll start to burn more calories around the clock, which will start to lead to the weight loss. For now, worry less about the number on the scale, and celebrate the fact that you are feeling great!
  • odie02
    odie02 Posts: 65 Member
    a week is such a short period of time. It will take a little time, and exercise will add muscle, which is you can be losing fat but not losing weight.

    Cravings: are you craving something particular or just still hungry? When you burn calories through exercise, you can eat more than if you do not exercise, and still be at or under your goal of calories for the day. If you burn 200 calories through exercise but only eat 1200 calories total, you are actually only getting 1000 calories per day...and you would probably still be hungry. Do you enter your calorie burn on MFP and see the resulting "calories left for the day"? Try "eating back" those burned calories and see if you feel better... because if you do not ingest enough calories for the day, your body will go into starvation mode and you will still not lose weight!

    Have you set up your MFP goals, current weight, etc so that the site gives you an appropriate calorie recommendation for each day?
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    Definately don't be discouraged. You may gain a couple of pounds just in water weight and sore muscles. Make sure you aren't eating too few calories, keeping in mind how many calories you burn when you exercise could drop you to too few calories, so eat a healthy snack to pump it up a little.

    After a week or two, you will fill up faster, it just takes some time for your body to adjust and your stomach (not your belly) to shrink down to normal size so it fills up on correct proportions.

    Also, keep in mind that it isn't 100% the scale you should be concerned about. Find some clothes that are snug and try them on every week or two. Especially if you are donig any type of weight training that could increase your muscles. You could end up at the same weight, but actually be a dress size smaller. Don't fret on that, because muscles burn calories w/o having to work out.

    Hope this helps, this program does work, you just gotta stick with it and be honest in your diary!
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    One week is nothing. I didnt see "real results" until 3 months of busting butt. weight doesnt just fall off just because you add a veggie ro take a walk. it requires hard work. keep at it you will start to see the weight come off
  • thompson000
    It took time to put on the weight, it will take time to take it off..I was like you and have been at this for 3 months....and I work out almost everyday. 12lbs. might be unrealistic for a months time....I focus on 10lbs. at a time, no time frame, I think time frame makes it just more frustrating and then it might discourage you to give up. It is a lifestyle change, one that was hard for me but after 3 months I got it down pat, it takes dedication and SUPPORT! Reach for the stars and never give up! Good Luck on your weight loss journey!
  • mrswellness
    mrswellness Posts: 66 Member
    Consistency is the key I'm seeing. I made changes too and it took a while to show up on the scale. Also, get a pair of snug fitting jeans etc. Use that for a gauge, I can tell my pants are much looser although I may not be able to go down a size just yet...but it's coming!
  • EdensMummy
    EdensMummy Posts: 106 Member

    I agree with what everyone else says, but I think you should look at your food diary as well...maybe you're eating certain things that are hindering your efforts? Are you being really strict with your portion sizes etc?

    See how it goes for a few weeks, but I'd say it's likely that if nothing has come off this week then in week 2 or 3 you'll see a big loss. You may also want to measure yourself (hips, waist, bust etc) and see if there are inches coming off, which seems likely with the amount of exercise you're doing! My sis in law has only lost a few lbs but inches off of her body and she looks amazing!!

    Keep up the good work! xx
  • SpectacuLaura
    SpectacuLaura Posts: 144 Member
    I personally think this is THE hardest part to sticking with any kind of lifestyle change. In a world where we can literally get anything we want in an instant (with our phones, our dining choices, our shopping options, you can change your hair color in an hour, etc- everything is now, now, now!) it's hard to stick with anything nowadays that doesn't provide instant results. I fully expect to wake up thinner when I bust my butt to be super diligent with my eating and exercising for a day lol. It's disheartening when you wake up to realize you're exactly the same (or worse- gained some weight!).

    As someone who's body just likes to hold onto weight (I used to run a minimum of 3 miles a day, 5 days a week and stuck to a strict Weight Watchers plan to lose weight when I was in college and still only lost 6 pounds over 4months!), I can tell you that focusing on how you feel and how much better (or looser!) your clothes will start fitting is much more motivational and encouraging than being focused on the scale alone. Losing the weight is important, but I'm a big fan of letting my own feelings about how I look a certain day or how strong I feel keep me motivated rather than jumping on the scale each morning. :smile:
  • Jleigh417
    Jleigh417 Posts: 40 Member
    Don't give up. Everyones bodies are different. Like everyone else has said, muscle weighs more than fat.
    As long as you feel energized and are running around with your kids, that's all that matters in the beginning. Good Luck!
  • vanmarie53
    That would be great, I need all the help I can get!!!!! I would appreciate it!
  • vanmarie53
    thanks every one! this is the first time I have ever posted anything, and the suport is great, thanks alot for the advise!
  • AbsolutHealth
    I totally agree with Photorific and I completely know how you feel. I went from being active and skinny to having a desk job and not being active. I gained nearly 80 lbs more than I wanted. When I started, I didn't lose anything for the first 3-4 weeks. But I kept at it and have finally begun to see a decline - slowly. You are already feeling better, and that is sucess in itself. Also, being a part of myfitnesspal has changed my life. This is such a great support system with those who 100% completely know how you feel. You seem to have a great start, so just keep at it and you will win this battle.:flowerforyou:
  • amazondan
    amazondan Posts: 35
    Welcome aboard. I too live in Seattle, so as you know, you can't predicate your commitment to this program on consistently good weather. To that end, I've placed a stationary bike underneath the cover of a protected outdoor deck. So even if I can't get out on my bike, I still have no excuse when it rains, blows or snows. It's important that you remove any backdoors to 100% commitment to this program. If you're only 99% committed, the 1% will bite you in the *kitten*. I've left myself no good excuses therefore for not exercising...which for me is a critical part of this program since I also like to eat. My commitment is to be below suggested calories EVERY day. So if I find myself over, I head out to the deck and burn the calories I need to. Good luck. I'm fond of saying this program works IF you work the program! BTW, I just came out of a two-week period where I did everything right and didn't lose an ounce. But on the third week, finally lost a pound. You just need to continue, even if you have a week that falls below expectations.