5K Training

kevinsanmiguel Posts: 8
edited 7:31AM in Fitness and Exercise
I'm wondering if anyone else here is training for a 5K. I'm training for one right now. My race day is July 23rd, 2011. I'm getting super excited for it, just looking for encouragement and was wondering how your training is going?


  • maghedo
    maghedo Posts: 17 Member
    I am currently training for a 10K but i will tell you that you can do this run man. I ran a 5k 3 weeks ago and it was great and I felt great. So dont hesitate on your push. My first 5k I was 295 lbs last september and I am now 204 and working on 10k so baby steps.
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    which race are you doing?? I am not actually training but am doing c25k and think I am close to a 5K.... I actually finished running 5K for the 1st time the other day--not to fast of course but for an old lady it was ok. I live sorta close to you.

    good luck on your run!!!
  • igora_soma
    igora_soma Posts: 486
    I'm training for a 5K, no specific race in mind, but I'll figure that out. It's going well! I'm starting to get over the mental roadblocks slowly. It always makes me want to push harder when I can run longer on my first run set in the C25K program. How is your training going? How are you feeling about the race?
  • kcsmalley
    kcsmalley Posts: 32 Member
    That awesome you are training for a 5k. I am training for one. It is 1 week from tomrrow on the 9th. I am super excited and totally ready for it. I never thought I could do it but I have gotten up to 7.5 miles so I am going to start training for a 10k in Sept. You will do great.!!!!!!
  • grahamckas88
    grahamckas88 Posts: 129 Member
    I'm training for a 5K. My race day is July 30th. I'm doing the c25k training program. I'm currently in week 6. I have two goals on race day...

    1.) to actually be able to run the whole way
    2.) to finish in under 37 min.

    When I started training I could barley run for 90 seconds straight! I now can run 20 min. straight! It feels great. I'm still worried about race day (especially in the Texas heat), but I have a great support group that will be doing it with me so I'm confident I'll make it!

    Best of luck to you! You can do it! :)
  • which race are you doing?? I am not actually training but am doing c25k and think I am close to a 5K.... I actually finished running 5K for the 1st time the other day--not to fast of course but for an old lady it was ok. I live sorta close to you.

    good luck on your run!!!

    I'm running the Greg Black Race in Hereford, if that goes well I will also be running the Hot-Blooded race the following Saturday in Amarillo. There's tons of races posted on www.lonestarrunnersclub.net/ absolutely love it! About 10 years ago my father-in-law dropped about 100+ lbs by running, so he's a pretty big inspiration to me! If you are running one anytime soon you should definitely let me know!
  • cangi1
    cangi1 Posts: 50
    I am doing Couch to 5k as well! I blog about it on my blog at http://sweetandsaltysurrender.blogspot.com.

    I can't believe that I am actually running now! :)
  • maghedo
    maghedo Posts: 17 Member
    I am currently training for the orthocarolina classic.

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