my name is Miriam and I am new to the community I want to ask how do you lose weight on the weekend

mlizzy3301 Posts: 6 Member
I did the same thing so feel free to add me as a friend I need to be accountable for things that I eat and the exercise that I do so I need much help I gain back 70 pounds so please don't feel bad about yourself because I definitely need help too so I'm in I am the one put me in as your pal, my name is Miriam


  • pebble4321
    pebble4321 Posts: 1,132 Member
    Just the same as you do during the week.. by eating less calories that you are burning in total.
    If you know you are likely to eat more on the weekend, then you can schedule in a bit more activity or perhaps save up some cals during the week so you have some leeway on the weekend.
    Really though, I think it's about moderation - do the things you enjoy but don't go overboard.
  • doombee07
    doombee07 Posts: 4 Member
    I struggle on weekends too. I'm an emotional eater and this weekend has been tough. I try really hard to have my meals planned ahead of time and to make sure I have plenty of healthy snacks available but when I slip I don't beat myself up. I get right back on track. Something I'm finding useful is using my weekends to try new healthy foods. I have that sense of anticipation when trying a new food or recipe and that usually out weighs my cravings so I'm more likely to grab the new healthy snack rather than falling back into old habits.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Portion control is your friend.

    MFP posted a blog about this just the other day. I can't post the link from my phone but if you check your newsfeed it should be right there.