Weight loss help - calorie deficit

So I always hear the last 10-15 lbs are the hardest to lose. Well I have just a little bit of weight to lose and my understanding is that it is a calorie deficit that causes you to lose weight. Burning more calories than consumed. Diet = calorie deficit. Exercise = calorie deficit.

I have been sticking at the same weight but still maintaining my calorie deficit.

Let me start off by saying I have a physically active job. So I included that in my weight goal.

I eat 1400 calories a day. Resulting in a deficit of 700 calories or so.

If I burn 200 calories exercising then I'm allowed 1600, resulting in a deficit of 700 calories or so.

So really there is no difference. My other option is to not eat exercise calories (which is not a problem because I haven't been exercising).

I have been so tired from work that I haven't been exercising, just watching what I eat and counting calories. I've lost a little weight but it's as if my body refuses to go any further. The scales stay at about 132 and will not allow me to see the 120s. The weight will go back on with 1 weekend of moderate indulgence. Then will come off fairly easily. But then I find myself once again looking down at the illumated "132." I just wanted to pick some brains and get some input here.

Educate me, I beg you!

Many thanks,



  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Your target deficit is too large for the amount of weight you have to lose. The less you have to lose, the smaller your safe deficit range is.


    Better than I could say it.
  • brookeaarnold
    brookeaarnold Posts: 14 Member
    I looked at your food diary and some days were pretty good, I would say to eat more protein and less carbs. I watched calories up and down for so long and honestly, the calories didn't make a big difference for me. I started watching my carbs and fat, no more than 140 grams of carbs a day and no more than 40 grams of fat a day and lost 21 lbs so far. That was told to me by a personal trainer.
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    Regarding the exercise versus no exercise, it effects what weight you lose. If you dont exercise (or even if you dont do any strength training but just do cardio), then you are more likely to lose some muscle weight, as well as fat weight. And fat weight is what you want to be losing. So you my end up thin, but not necessarily fit, or healthily thin. As well as that, muscle takes more energy to maintain than fat, so without even trying, a person with more muscle, is using up more calories than someone with less muscle, which obviously aids weight loss as well.

    But of course you could be active enough at work for this not to apply.
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    *double post*
  • Kaecklund
    Kaecklund Posts: 191 Member
    Thanks everyone for the help! I got my Jillian Michaels DVD today. Ready to give it a whirl!