Could use some tips: all motivation has gone for some reason



  • tmn2016
    tmn2016 Posts: 159 Member
    edited June 2016
    Actually chatting here has helped me too!! I have the last 10 dreaded lbs to go and I slipped last weekend and gained 2 lbs because I was really bad! At least I recognize why the scale went the other way!! It's totally my fault. But I guess sometimes we need to just allow ourselves to be a little "bad" as long as we get right back on track! Add me as a friend of you like. We can do this together!
  • tmn2016
    tmn2016 Posts: 159 Member
    My goal for the week now is to have only healthy snacks, no bread (my downfall)!

    I took a pic of myself 2 weeks ago and I'm starting to see how good I look and i don't want to lose sight of that great feeling!! Gotta do it! We call ALL do it!!
  • Gretzmo
    Gretzmo Posts: 16 Member
    So glad I found this post! I could be the OP as it mirrors what I have been going thru. You guys are so supportive and helpful I am also feeling motivated to get back on track. Thank you all for taking the time to post, and OP for voicing the struggles of many, it does help more people than you know.
  • srecupid
    srecupid Posts: 660 Member
    I've gone through loss of motivation before and what I did was try and find a new approach to get some of it back. Part of the loss for motivation was starting to feel like it was more of a chore than anything else. But,if j switched it up it became fun again. Like one time instead of trying to eat at a specific deficit I set mfp to maintenance and tried to make the deficit as big as safely possible.
  • ldowdesw
    ldowdesw Posts: 222 Member
    I'm in a mega slump;(.. I feel like I've got a stinking cold coming and so I just want to eat. I can't talk myself into a happy mood or focus on food. I'm still logging, just very badly. The logical side of my brain is still counting calories, then I feel grumpy and say who cares!! I realise what a mess I've got myself into, I've just lost my motivation. I don't seem to be on my own which is reassuring, but know I need to stop sabotaging myself before the weights starts going back on. Thanks for reading, think I've just got the moody blues xx
  • StrawbC
    StrawbC Posts: 167 Member
    srecupid wrote: »
    I've gone through loss of motivation before and what I did was try and find a new approach to get some of it back. Part of the loss for motivation was starting to feel like it was more of a chore than anything else. But,if j switched it up it became fun again. Like one time instead of trying to eat at a specific deficit I set mfp to maintenance and tried to make the deficit as big as safely possible.

    I feel like this is right where I'm at. I started my MFP journey back in January 2015 and from there till about Sept 2015 lost 62 lbs. My goals was a 84lbs lost so I fell a little short and though I've put on about 5.5lbs between September and now I'm finding it oh so difficult to find my groove again. I still exercise at a decent level but I'm struggle with the food. It does feel like all a bit of a chore. I like your idea of setting MFP to maintenance and then having a challenge to stay under it. Have you any other ideas on how to freshen up this journey as I think that is my real problem. I'm a bit stale
  • dynelrthorpe
    dynelrthorpe Posts: 6 Member
    I have been there and done that and still does it and I have found nobody can pull you out of It but yourself and once you do, you jump right back into it because you then remember it sure does feel good when you get back in.
  • Neanbean13
    Neanbean13 Posts: 211 Member
    Hi. Do you have access to a gym or are you doing your own thing? Let me know and I'll give you a circuit challenge to do tomorrow! See how long it takes you and I'll do same and we can do twice a week and see if next week we get quicker! !