How can I stay focus with weight loss when I have been dealing with the death of love ones?



  • redrdghood40
    redrdghood40 Posts: 13 Member
    It's hard. I lost my mother to a very aggressive cancer 5 yrs ago. It was only 2 months from diagnosis to death. We were all in shock. I had lost 70 lbs up to then. Being an emotional eater, I started eating more carbs, sweets and eating too frequently. In 3 yrs, I had gained 45 lbs. 2 yrs ago I started working on it very diligently and as of today, I have lost the 45. When I said I had lost that weight, an emotional tug made me feel like I had lost my mother all over again. I had to remind myself that that weight was not my mother and holding onto it would not bring her back. My mom would want me to lose this weight and be healthy.

    I'm sorry to hear your story. I am a cancer survivor. Remember that they want you to be healthy and strong.

    Be well.
  • akamran1
    akamran1 Posts: 78 Member
    My condolences, to OP and others -- I also know what it's like to lose multiple people in a short time span. I agree with the advice to log and exercise. Logging keeps you in touch with yourself, even when you feel like things are spiraling out of control. And exercise keeps you sane; HIIT cardio for depression is what I found most helpful. (I found yoga and other contemplative things impossible at that time -- too much time in my head, which was a bad place to be then.)
  • 9999anna
    9999anna Posts: 5 Member
    I can't even imagine what you're through, but I've just lost my mother after a devastating long illness. Her conditions begun to deteriorate 10 months ago and my immediate reaction was: one hour exercise a day (indoor cycling and calisthenics at home, early morning or late evening!!) and regaining my healthy weight. I was compelled to do it, I needed to be strong for my family and for myself. Pure survival istinct. It gives you a tiny tiny reason to be happy everyday and how much you need it!!! My best wishes for everything