Uncomfortably Thin

I pulled out an old pair of size 24 jeans and held them up to my new pair of size 8 jeans (purchased yesterday) and was amazed at the difference about 95 pounds makes. Sometimes I catch a glimpse of my reflection and surprise myself. Like, "Who is that?!? Holy Moly, that's MEEE." I'm very thankful I'm here, truly I am. But sometimes I still feel "uncomfortably thin." Like, I'm not used to my body yet. I look in the mirror and can see the changes, and the scale reflects them, but my brain needs more time to adjust. Does that even make sense? Has anybody else out there experienced the same phenomena? I had gotten comfortable being the fat one in every crowd. When will I feel like my brain image fits my body again?

I do hope it's not a sign I'm gonna gain it back. I've worked so hard, and I really am afraid of that. Please, if you've been here... share your experience.


  • cjs3001
    cjs3001 Posts: 273 Member
    I can't really say as I'm no way near my goal weight yet but I can only say that I hope it feels better soon and you can see yourself for the pretty slim lady you are. It's bound to take a long time to get used to it but I'm sure you'll get there and your dedication for losing 90lbs (!!!!!) should surely keep you from gaining it all back again. Take care of you :)
  • mags1983
    mags1983 Posts: 21
    Wow congratulations! Good on you. You should be so proud of yourself, what an achievement!! :)
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    It's been 5 years... and my brain still hasn't caught up with the reality. Wish I knew the answer to this one....
  • mum2littledove
    mum2littledove Posts: 53 Member
    That makes total sense, and I feel that way too even though I've only lost 26 pounds . I have a hypnosis CD by Glenn Harrold and he makes the point that for weight loss to be successful, it has to be slow, because it takes the mind a while to accept your new body image. He advises you to give yourself time and space to lose weight, and I guess that's one of the reasons why all those fad diets never work, and most people put it all back on again.

    Congratulations by the way on your AMAZING weight loss!
  • maryd4love
    maryd4love Posts: 164 Member
    It's been 5 years... and my brain still hasn't caught up with the reality. Wish I knew the answer to this one....

    You've lost 261lbs!!! I am so happy for you and impressed. You are a wonderful role model for all of us who need to lose weight. Thank you!
  • tonlynn
    tonlynn Posts: 23
    for me it was the opposite- I was fairly slender before I had kids- and every time I caught a glimpse of myself I was shocked with the fact that I didn't fit my mental image (or my jeans) now that I am losing the weight it is a return to my mental image of myself- you WILL get used to what you look like- just give it time... you have worked really hard!
  • ltowne
    ltowne Posts: 129 Member
    I think I know what you are talking about. I have lost about 25 pounds and sometimes when I look in the mirror it is really noticable and I think wow.....I am actually beginning to look like I want to look. I can only imagine the "shock" that you experience when you look into the mirror at such a great weight loss amount. All I can say is that your body must be so much healthier. Image is one thing but your overall health is entirely something else. Give yourself time and continue to tell yourself that you are a healthier, happier individual and that you are a total SUCCESS! Keep up the good work!
  • KaylatheChristian
    I understand where you're coming from. I have lost 46lbs and still automatically buy 2x shirts and 26pants, even though I now wear xl shirts and 18pants. I wonder when my brain will catch up...
  • Rikki444
    Rikki444 Posts: 326 Member
    Sounds like a good problem to have!
  • CallMeMamaBoo
    Oh GOSH! You sound like me. I still have days that I think of myself as the fat girl. I still have days that I look in the mirror and tell myself that I am too fat to wear this or that...even after I get blasted with compliments. When I go to shop for clothes I grab bigger sizes and get in the dressing room and realize that everything I grabbed doesn't fit because they are too big. At some point I know that this mental block will go away and everyday I wait for it to happen. I think we actually have to work hard at the mental stuff just like we do with the exercise and eating healthy. You are not alone in this battle. I find myself being more critical of my body now than when I was 'bigger'. Seems like the small the clothes we have to buy, the more we have to reveal which doesn't make this change any easier. I sometimes wish I could back to wearing 'tents' ....ugh. G'luck to you! Your accomplishment is amazing!
  • anna_lisa
    anna_lisa Posts: 486 Member
    I know exactly what you are talking about. I had the same issue. I lost over 125 lbs over 8 years ago. A very specific portion of your brain that is responsible for spacial location is adjusting. It takes time. I remeber after losing weight going to buy clothes and I wouldn't try on and get home and be way to big. Or going somewhere and there being a spot on a bench or a chair, and I would calculate the space I would need to sit and always would overestimate how much space I would take up. I also remeber seeing a picture of myself (after losing the weight) and had to have a double take because I didn't realize the thin person in the pictrue as myself.... Just give it time. It doesn't mean you will gain it back. Think about the time and dedication it took to lose the 90+ lbs, You made a lifestyle change and I am sure you are now used to better habits.

    I gained some of the weight I lost back after 8 years from my second pregnancy.

    It is a good problem to have. Congratulation on all the hard work
  • kraszco1
    kraszco1 Posts: 13 Member
    My biggest weight loss was in 1982, went from 172 lbs to 118 lbs. The sad part was that I didn't realize I was thin. I never saw it. 2 years later I got pregnant with my daughter and gained a lot of weight. I've been battling it ever since. This is the first time in my life that I feel in control.
    To help my brain "remember" where I currently am, I use mirrors now, never used to. I go shopping and try on a lot of clothes even if I'm not buying. I weigh myself at the same time every day. I don't really care what the scales say, it's the imprint on my brain everyday telling it that I'm now a Medium, not Extra Large! Aklso, if I'm up 2 lbs, I modify my diet and exersice for a week and take it back off. That will prevent the creeping pounds.
    I've been doing things like this for about a year, it's working. I bought a swimsuit last week, first time in 10 years, and I'm going to wear it on vacation this week! I am excited! I'm still heavy, but I look great where I am and I am going to enjoy it!
    You are such a beautiful lady and have done such a great job transforming your health! I hope some of these ideas will help you!