First 5K?

natskedat Posts: 570 Member
Did you run your first 5K this summer? Are you planning on running your first?

Are you excited for race day?/How nervous were you on race day?
Did you like running before you started?
Did you use C25K?
How did it feel to cross the finish line?
Are you planning on running more races?
Do you think running is something anybody can do?
How do you feel after a great run?
Has your definition of "tough" or "success" changed?


  • Bubs05
    Bubs05 Posts: 182 Member
    Did you run your first 5K this summer? Yes, I ran my first 2, the last 2 weekends
    How nervous were you on race day? Not very, it was a small one.
    Did you like running before you started? No, I still don't love it.
    Did you use C25K? Yes, it took me 12 weeks
    How did it feel to cross the finish line? Great! And who puts the finish line on an uphill anyway?
    Are you planning on running more races? Yes
    Do you think running is something anybody can do? Yes, to some degree.
    How do you feel after a great run? Proud
    Has your definition of "tough" or "success" changed? Not really.
  • KasandraKristine
    KasandraKristine Posts: 124 Member
    Did you run your first 5K this summer? I am running my first 5K on July 30.

    Are you excited for race day? I'm excited and super nervous! This will be my first race.
    Did you like running before you started? No, I have never been a runner in my life until 7 weeks ago when I started c25k.
    Did you use C25K? Yes, best thing ever!
    Do you think running is something anybody can do? Yes, but it might take more training and hard work for some. I have physically induced asthma so I have always been afraid to run, but I took it slow and enjoy it now.
    How do you feel after a great run? Like I have accomplished something awesome.
    Has your definition of "tough" or "success" changed? Yes, success doesn't neccessarily mean being the fastest but completing the goal!
  • terrysgirl0829
    terrysgirl0829 Posts: 21 Member
    Ran my first 5k last month. I started "training" about the end of Dec. I say started "training" because I am quite heavy, lol. I started out running just a few min at a time, and have worked my way up to running 20 min at a time. It was an exciting day for me- although I was also a little nervous! Throughout the process I dropped 50 pounds! (I was also doing some strength training one day a week as well.) So for me it was a celebration of having lost 50 pounds, and just being able to run/walk a race. It felt absolutely amazing to cross the finish line!! I was the kid in gradeschool who absolutely dreaded the mile run. (Which I did not ever actually run!) Now I run a mile with ease, and I still have about 90 pounds to lose! Last week I had a moment on the treadmill where I said to myself, "I am a runner!" I was so shocked I almost fell off! lol I believe anyone can be a runner-if I can, who can't? Absolutely my definition of tough has changed each week as I am able to run more. At first tough was a few min, now it's 2 miles. I can say that I don't always sing after I'm done running, but I do have a sense of accomplishment and a greater self-esteem just knowing that I can, and that I, yes I, did. Next 5k is in Sept and I hope to beat my time by at least 5 min!
  • terrysgirl0829
    terrysgirl0829 Posts: 21 Member
    Forgot to say, I'm not sure what c25k is.
  • terrysgirl0829
    terrysgirl0829 Posts: 21 Member
    A friend printed up a sheet for me that basically increased running time over several weeks to 30 min.
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    C25K is Couch to 5K. It's a great program for people looking to start running.
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