New Here

Hi Everyone!
I'm new here and have 123lbs to lose. I'm not good at keeping track of all this, but trying to make a better effort.

I had a vertical mesh put in that I was told was reversible. So not the case. Due to the damage 15 years later, I now have to have the Gastric Bypass done.

I have to lose weight to have the procedure done. I'm not thrilled, but I have to do something. The pains from the initial procedure & continuous weight gain will kill me if I don't rectify this and change my life.

Like many, I am tired of being overweight, in pain and limited in life because of my weight.

I keep to myself and am not into groups. But I figure it's time to change that as well. So feel free to add me as a friend.

"Namaste & One Love"


  • UltimateTrashBae
    UltimateTrashBae Posts: 175 Member
    I'm sorry to hear of your health problems and wish you the best of luck in losing the weight you need.
  • cfborgwardt
    cfborgwardt Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new to the site. I recently bought a recumbent bicycle, the first exercise that doesn't hurt my hip implant. Determined to change my status, I tried and failed with diet alone....

    I have been gaining muscle so the weight loss hasn't shown up yet.
  • tlovesb6969
    tlovesb6969 Posts: 11 Member
    Change is good esp when it comes to your health! Add me... AND GOOD LUCK WITH THIS JOURNEY!!