Rough Time

So the last month or so has been so rough for me. I have been in and out of the hospital with so many issues. It has been rough on me emotionally as well as physically and it has really been hard on my weight gain journey.

My start weight around April 20th was 93 pounds. I began using Apetamin and it really helped me so much. I was finally taking in the calories that I needed to gain and got up to 102 pounds in two weeks. Then I got sick and I lost a lot and was back down to 97 pounds. Then I got better and went up to 112 pounds! I was getting so happy with how I looked and was so much closer to my goal of 125-130. But then again I got sick and last week I had to get surgery. I am now 99 pounds and I hate how I lost all of my progress.

So now I'm practically back to square one and nowhere near my goal weight. It's been so rough and feels like I'll never get there.


  • YJB15
    YJB15 Posts: 1 Member
    You'll get set backs sometimes and it probably doesn't just feel like you're walking round in circles getting nowhere but just try and focus on being healthy and getting better and stronger emotional and physically, especially being in and out of hospital and having surgery, and the rest should follow.
    On the plus side you know that apetamin works so when you're feeling fine then you at least know you have somewhere to go to get your goals.
    Don't worry it will all work out for you as long asyou stay consistent and happy ^_^
  • Longevity100
    Longevity100 Posts: 84 Member
    So the last month or so has been so rough for me. I have been in and out of the hospital with so many issues. It has been rough on me emotionally as well as physically and it has really been hard on my weight gain journey.

    My start weight around April 20th was 93 pounds. I began using Apetamin and it really helped me so much. I was finally taking in the calories that I needed to gain and got up to 102 pounds in two weeks. Then I got sick and I lost a lot and was back down to 97 pounds. Then I got better and went up to 112 pounds! I was getting so happy with how I looked and was so much closer to my goal of 125-130. But then again I got sick and last week I had to get surgery. I am now 99 pounds and I hate how I lost all of my progress.

    So now I'm practically back to square one and nowhere near my goal weight. It's been so rough and feels like I'll never get there.

    Logically it my seem like your practically back at square one, however you've built a process that took you from 93lbs to 112lbs. Once you recover from your surgery and sickness that same process will take you back to 112 and eventually to your goal weight of 125-130lbs. I also find it helpful to track progress in quarters to give yourself a enough time to actually make changes. I break the down the year for my Clients as follows


    April- May- June


    October-November- December

    This way you have a specific period of time to focus on and it'll help reduce the stress of the normal life fluctuations that come with the this process.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I know it can be frustrating to feel like you're moving backwards, but it seems like you've been through something serious. If you know you are doing what you, then try your best to let go of the rest of it. You can do this!
  • stowns30
    stowns30 Posts: 197 Member
    So I'm not sure if you already do this or not, but try drinking some Ensure plus along with the apetamin. You are not in this weight gain struggle alone. Things happen in life to throw us off track but don't give up. U can do it!
  • VividDawn
    VividDawn Posts: 111 Member
    I've never been above 90. After a rough year in 2015, I'm now down to 73, and my doctor would like me to get back to original weight.
    Everybody says they wish they could eat all the stuff I do (both quality (I do quite a but of junk food) and quantity), but it's actually kind of annoying. I would love to just eat fruits and veggies without drowning them in dips, dressings, and sauces to meet my calorie goals!