What do u think of a Gastic bypass?

Im a 26 year old married woman. I have been a big girl throughout my whole life except some of my teenage years but during that time i used to go to the gym and also dance regularly. Than at the age of 17 i started working and till the age of 23 i went up to 150kgs. With a lot of sagrifice i managed to go down to 124kgs but since then im always yoying around 130kgs. After i got married i developed a syndrome due to excessive weight but no matter what diet i try i never manage to loose that much weight. Then my hospital doctor referred me to a bariatric surgoen and im listed for the operation, a gastric by pass next month (date not set yet). But im afraid. I know no one who ever did it and all the knowledge i got.about it was through online articles. Apart from that my husband is not a supportive person. He eats daily junks and fried foods and never done a diet in his life and also doesnt.lent me a hand in household corus or errands and i also work two jobs so i always end up with no time for exercise or super exhausted. This time im willing to do it for my own health but im afraid of the complications of the operation. If someone went through it i will apreciate sharing. Thanks :)


  • gozothebest
    gozothebest Posts: 24 Member
    It wasnt totally my choice and its due to the condition i ended suffering from due to weight. I tried several diets and still im stuck with the same weight no matter the effort. Im not a person who eats a lot but its super hard for me to loose weight due to my pcos and hormone levels. I end up starving to see results and i learnt my mind accept my stomach grumbling in a positive way by saying to my self repetitivly "yes, its grumbling so the scale is going down." So i wont turn to food and suffocate myself with water. Because of the operation atm i am attending therapy and the surgeon sent me to a nutritionist to set up a diet. When i told the nutritionist what i eat the one thing he told me was you do not need me or my planning u are fully aware of what to eat and portions. The one thing he recommanded was exercise but as i said i m left with no time on my hand due to a tight schedule.
  • vczK2t
    vczK2t Posts: 309 Member
    I won't put myself through that surgery, or any other surgery that is not ABSOLUTELY required for me to live. I have heard too many stories about people getting lapband and such JUST because they won't put in the effort long term to get the weight off. I don't like the sound of "i learnt my mind accept my stomach grumbling in a positive way by saying to myself repeatitivly "yes, its grumbling so the scale is going down." IMHO, because it sounds too much like you aren't respecting your body and it's needs. i realize that you want to lose weight, but making your body suffer isn't going to help you in the long run.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I can't imagine where you can find time for exercise in your loaded schedule, but I'll pass on tips I give to busy single parents. There's lunch hour. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, either at home or at work. Get off the bus a few blocks earlier from home and walk the rest of the way. Those are the ideas I have. Personally, I'd use any spare moments to catch a nap.
  • treehugnmama
    treehugnmama Posts: 816 Member
    I have had pcos my entire life yes it is hard to loose, yes hormonal imbalances dont help but the surgery will not solve all pcos issues. As someone that has suffered for 20 years the key to pcos is diet. I was thin when diognosed. White flour and sugar are not good for someone with pcos.. check out the pcos diet book...exercise is also key helping with levels mood etc. I walk on my breaks at work because I know I will be too tired after work. You do what is right for you!!! It is just so permanent make sure it's the right choice

  • gozothebest
    gozothebest Posts: 24 Member
    It wasnt totally my choice and its due to the condition i ended suffering from due to weight. I tried several diets and still im stuck with the same weight no matter the effort. Im not a person who eats a lot but its super hard for me to loose weight due to my pcos and hormone levels. I end up starving to see results and i learnt my mind accept my stomach grumbling in a positive way by saying to my self repetitivly "yes, its grumbling so the scale is going down." So i wont turn to food and suffocate myself with water. Because of the operation atm i am attending therapy and the surgeon sent me to a nutritionist to set up a diet. When i told the nutritionist what i eat the one thing he told me was you do not need me or my planning u are fully aware of what to eat and portions. The one thing he recommanded was exercise but as i said i m left with no time on my hand due to a tight schedule.

    I've been diagnosed with PCOS for a few years now. PCOS is not the reason you are obese. Yes, many PCOS sufferers are overweight, but PCOS does not cause obesity. Everyone can lose weight by just eating less. If you can't manage to eat less now, what do you think will happen after gastric bypass?

    It won't make you any less hungry. Most people who are overweight don't feel a sense of hunger because their body needs to eat. They feel hungry out of habit. All gastric bypass does it make your stomach too small to handle large volumes of food at one time. If you eat too much, you will stretch your stomach and waste the surgery. If you have the discipline to eat less after gastric bypass, why not just eat less now?

    All my opinion, though. I've lost over 50 lbs by just eating less calories. And then I gained it back. Not because I have PCOS, but because I ate too many calories.

    Not everybody who have PCOS suffer the same symptoms!!!!! In my case my period never missed. I have a 28day regular normal cycle since i was 9 and it never skipped a day. I was diagnosed with pcos when i was 14. And i wasnt tested for it because i was super huge cos at that time i was not big, i used to dance and was super active, my period as i said never skipped, i suffered no extra facial hair ect. My syptoms were simply that i couldnt contol myself and they took a test for the hormone levels and they were a total mess!!!!! In my case PCOS turns me in a monster if its not controlled by pills. Skippin treatment for 2 days can make me a total different person. It makes me super moody, grumpy, lonely, and my craving level spikes high up that i never manage to control it. Apart from that it works also differently for me in terms of weight. If a normal person loose 4kgs with an amount of calories for me with that same amount i will loose only 1kg. And if with an amount of calories a person gain 1kg i gain 4kgs. This doesnt help at all. So yes that is the reson i thought my mind to shut to grumble and hunger. And i also lost weight from 150kg to 131kg where i an at the moment and it wasnt an easy journey. As everyone i had on and offs but i always did manage to get back on track.
  • gozothebest
    gozothebest Posts: 24 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    I can't imagine where you can find time for exercise in your loaded schedule, but I'll pass on tips I give to busy single parents. There's lunch hour. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, either at home or at work. Get off the bus a few blocks earlier from home and walk the rest of the way. Those are the ideas I have. Personally, I'd use any spare moments to catch a nap.

    My schedule is loaded because i work 2 jobs, 1 as a learning support assistant in primary schools and 2 a health attendant in hospital (those two jobs r completly diff for the fact that at school i only move to the playground in breaktime and at hospital i walk a lot because i run in wards to take test for the all new admition patienties which quiet a lot) but rest im a house wife and my husband never help out so i have to do all errands and shopping and cleaning and cooking by myself. Im a hyper active person moving all the time in fact im nicknamed as roadrunner in the hospital because i do walk super fast. But as time dedicated to full training or a long walk i have no.time at hand. The heart needs to raise in heartbeat for the exersice to really work rest of moverment are all strains
  • treehugnmama
    treehugnmama Posts: 816 Member
    I can say from my experience the best thing I did to control hormonal and mood issues was cut out sugar and white flour and exercise..even 15 minutes a day. I hat amd but get up at 5:30 to have a 15 minute walk before getting everyone ready for school amd walk on my breaks...moods are better as is energy...I always said I had no time and I couldn't do it do to pcos it was to hard etc... but I didn't have my priorities straight... now I do.

    I don't see gb as an easy way out I personally wouldn't want that especially at your young age. I would make sure I have HONESTLY tried everything else first....just research research research and talk to Atlas 10 people who have had it to make sure it is right for you..best of luck
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    I have never heard anything good come from those surgeries.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    @Chef_Barbell, now you've heard one. Mine is a success story. I credit the surgery for getting my life back.

    I meant personally. But congratulations. :)
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    I can't imagine where you can find time for exercise in your loaded schedule, but I'll pass on tips I give to busy single parents. There's lunch hour. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, either at home or at work. Get off the bus a few blocks earlier from home and walk the rest of the way. Those are the ideas I have. Personally, I'd use any spare moments to catch a nap.

    My schedule is loaded because i work 2 jobs, 1 as a learning support assistant in primary schools and 2 a health attendant in hospital (those two jobs r completly diff for the fact that at school i only move to the playground in breaktime and at hospital i walk a lot because i run in wards to take test for the all new admition patienties which quiet a lot) but rest im a house wife and my husband never help out so i have to do all errands and shopping and cleaning and cooking by myself. Im a hyper active person moving all the time in fact im nicknamed as roadrunner in the hospital because i do walk super fast. But as time dedicated to full training or a long walk i have no.time at hand. The heart needs to raise in heartbeat for the exersice to really work rest of moverment are all strains

    I understand. That's why frankly I don't see where you can get the time in your current schedule. Something has to give.

    All your activity is keeping you strong and flexible, even if you aren't getting your heart rate up. And it's all burning calories.

    It can't be good for your unsupportive partner (or for you) to be taking advantage of your natural energy level, leaving you with all household chores and errands. If you do decide to go for surgery, you are going to need extra help in the first few weeks. Who will do that for you?
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    The day the women went on strike.

  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    IWhat do u think of a Gastic bypass an elective surgery to remove a large portion of my stomach and parts of my small intestines?

    I think it's a poor life decision to be honest.
  • gozothebest
    gozothebest Posts: 24 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    jgnatca wrote: »
    I can't imagine where you can find time for exercise in your loaded schedule, but I'll pass on tips I give to busy single parents. There's lunch hour. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, either at home or at work. Get off the bus a few blocks earlier from home and walk the rest of the way. Those are the ideas I have. Personally, I'd use any spare moments to catch a nap.

    My schedule is loaded because i work 2 jobs, 1 as a learning support assistant in primary schools and 2 a health attendant in hospital (those two jobs r completly diff for the fact that at school i only move to the playground in breaktime and at hospital i walk a lot because i run in wards to take test for the all new admition patienties which quiet a lot) but rest im a house wife and my husband never help out so i have to do all errands and shopping and cleaning and cooking by myself. Im a hyper active person moving all the time in fact im nicknamed as roadrunner in the hospital because i do walk super fast. But as time dedicated to full training or a long walk i have no.time at hand. The heart needs to raise in heartbeat for the exersice to really work rest of moverment are all strains

    I understand. That's why frankly I don't see where you can get the time in your current schedule. Something has to give.

    All your activity is keeping you strong and flexible, even if you aren't getting your heart rate up. And it's all burning calories.

    It can't be good for your unsupportive partner (or for you) to be taking advantage of your natural energy level, leaving you with all household chores and errands. If you do decide to go for surgery, you are going to need extra help in the first few weeks. Who will do that for you?

    Guess no one :/ my mother is dead and i live far away frm my family so i got no help at all
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    edited June 2016
    Well, I am all for any way that any of us can become healthier.
    I feel it is wrong to judge what is right or wrong for anyone else.
    Many different things factor in to our decisions and how we can achieve our goals.
    The bottom line is to make the commitment and to do whatever it takes.
    There are no easy solutions to weight loss. It takes dedication and commitment, no matter how you accomplish it.

    and btw, there are no guarantees that you will keep the weight off, no matter how the weight is lost. Successfully keeping the weight off takes commitment as well.
  • ashleyandniles16
    ashleyandniles16 Posts: 79 Member
    I had gastric bypass lost 134 lb n od do it again!